Polysiphonia ceramiaeformis, also called banded siphon weed,[1] is a small red algae (Rhodophyta), in the genus Polysiphonia. Individuals are irregularly branched with the branches extending up to 5.5cm (02.2inches) from a central node and ending in dense tufts of fibres.[2]
This small red algae lacks a clearly to be seen main axis. Each branch is formed of axial cells with 10 - 12 periaxial cells of equal length, with forcipate incurved tips.[3] It is densely branched and attached by tangled prostrate axes. All axes are ecorticate. The rhizoids are numerous[2]
The plants are dioecious. The alga bears spermatangial branches on a cylindrical axis. Cystocarps are oval with a narrow ostiole. The tetraspores cells divide to forms cells in fours, these occur in a spiral series.[2]
In pools at low water in sheltered sites.[2]
Very rare on the British Isles.[4] Recorded from a few sites in Dorset,[5] [2] also recorded from north west France and the Mediterranean.[2]