DEx12 expressway explained

Maint:Compania Națională de Autostrăzi și Drumuri Naționale din România
Map:Romania Motorway A12.svg
Length Km:109.3
Length Notes: under construction
Terminus A: near Pitești
Terminus B: near Craiova (planned)
Counties:Argeș, Olt, Dolj
Previous Type:A
Previous Route:11
Next Type:A
Next Route:13

The DEx12 expressway (ro|Drumul expres DEx12), also known as the Pitești–Craiova Expressway (ro|Drumul expres Pitești–Craiova), is a partially built expressway in the south-western part of Romania, previously labelled as A12, when it was considered as a future motorway.[1] It will connect the cities of Pitești (branching off the A1 motorway), Slatina and Craiova (where it is planned to merge with the also planned A6 motorway), being 121 km long, with an estimated total cost of 1.66 billion euro.[2]

As of 29 November 2024, the Craiova - Albota segment is in service, totaling .


While planned as a motorway, the construction was tendered as a concession contract in March 2013,[3] that should have been awarded until December 2013.[2] It was also yet to be decided whether it would be built as a motorway or an expressway.[4]

In April 2017, it was suggested for the first time that this road will be an express road and not a motorway.[5] Despite receiving criticism in the media for this switch,[6] the road was tendered in November 2017.[7]

It is split into four sections. The contracts for the sections 1 and 2 were awarded in October 2018 to the Italian company Tirrena Scavi and the Romanian company Spedition UMB, respectively,[8] while those for the sections 3 and 4 had been signed in September 2020 with the Romanian joint-venture SA&PE Construct-Spedition UMB-Tehnostrade, without waiting for the decisions of the Bucharest Court of Appeal, the bids being challenged by several other participants.[9] Initially, the first tenders for the sections 3 and 4, launched during 2017,[10] had been canceled in August 2018 due to other participants challenging them,[11] being launched again during 2019.[12]

Works on section 3 were allowed to begin in May 2021,[13] but the contract for section 4 was terminated by the Bucharest Court of Appeal, who obliged the CNAIR to review the bids of the Chinese company China Railway, of the Turkish company Nurol, and of the Italian company Rizzani, all who challenged the winning bid for the said section.[14] In August 2021, the contract for section 4 was signed again with the same Romanian joint-venture with which the first contract was signed.[15]

Among companies asking for the expressway works to begin as soon as possible was the automaker Ford, who has a car plant in Craiova. Due to this, the expressway is sometimes referred to as the Autostrada Ford (Ford motorway).[16] In May 2021, the CNAIR submitted a request for the financing of a feasibility study and technical project for what could be a new connecting road between National Road 6 near the Ford Craiova plant and the DEx12 expressway.[17]

In March 2022, construction works for section 4 began.[18] However, on the 21st December, the contract for section 1, with Tirrena Scavi, was cancelled. The progress for the execution of the section currently sits at 58.26%.[19]

Openings timeline

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Archived copy . 2014-12-09 . 2014-10-06 . . live .
  2. Web site: Şova: Tronsoanele de autostradă Comarnic-Braşov, Craiova-Piteşti şi centura de sud a Capitalei, gata până la alegerile din 2016. Mediafax. 12 May 2013. 4 June 2013. 7 June 2013. live.
  3. Web site: Contract de concesiune de lucrari publice privind proiectarea, constructia, finantarea, operarea si întretinerea Drumului Expres / Autostrada Craiova – Pitesti*, km 0+000 – km 121+185. CNADNR. 11 March 2013. dead. 24 December 2013.
  4. Web site: Craiova – Pitești, drum expres sau autostradă?. Gazeta de Sud. 31 March 2013. 2013-06-04. 2014-04-09. live.
  5. ( Pitesti-Craiova will be express road, not highway – Transport Minister says:
  6. Web site: Deputat USR: În loc de autostrada Craiova – Piteşti, "vor să construiască un drum de nivelul anilor '50–'60". 14 April 2017. 2018-12-31. 2019-01-01.,-vor-sa-construiasca-un-drum-de-nivelul-anilor-50-60/. live.
  7. Web site: Au fost deschise ofertele la licitaţia pentru drumul expres Craiova-Piteşti -. 23 November 2017. 31 December 2018. 20 September 2020. live.
  8. Web site: HARTĂ INTERACTIVĂ Au fost desemnați constructorii pentru jumătate din Drumul expres Pitești – Craiova: 385 de milioane de euro pentru circa 60 de km. Vezi cine sunt câștigătorii și pe unde va trece viitoarea șosea – Infrastructura – October 2018. 2018-12-31. 2019-01-01. live.
  9. Web site: Drumul Expres DX12 Craiova – Pitești: Ultimele două tronsoane, contractate cu UMB / Decizia CNAIR care grăbește implementarea proiectului . 2021-08-03 . . 16 September 2020 . ro . 2021-08-03 . . live .
  10. Web site: HARTĂ INTERACTIVĂ Drumul expres Craiova - Pitești: UMB câștigă contractul și pentru execuția Tronsonului 4. Constructorul român, pe trei din patru loturi .
  11. Web site: Drumul Expres DX12 Craiova - Pitești: Ultimele două tronsoane, contractate cu UMB / Decizia CNAIR care grăbește implementarea proiectului .
  12. Web site: HARTĂ INTERACTIVĂ Drumul expres Craiova - Pitești: Interes mare din partea constructorilor din Turcia și din China pentru tronsoanele 3 și 4 / 400 de mil. Euro pentru 64 de km .
  13. Web site: VIDEO Imagini din dronă, în premieră, cu începutul lucrărilor la lotul 3 al drumului expres Craiova-Pitești . 2021-08-03 . . 4 May 2021 . ro . 2021-08-03 . . live .
  14. Web site: "Autostrada Ford". Instanța obligă CNAIR să reevalueze ofertele pentru tronsonul 4, după ce a semnat deja contract cu Umbrărescu . 2021-08-03 . . 17 November 2020 . ro . 2021-08-03 . . live .
  15. Web site: Drumul Expres DX12 Craiova – Pitești: A fost semnat contractul pe ultimul tronson cu românii de la UMB, același constructor care anul acesta ar urma sa finalizeze circa 40 de km din proiect . . 17 August 2021 . 26 February 2022 . 26 August 2021 . . live .
  16. Web site: VIDEO Drumul expres Craiova-Pitești / Decizie inedită a CNAIR: semnează cu firmele lui Dorinel Umbrărescu contractele pentru construcția tronsoanelor 3 și 4, deși sunt contestații pe rol la Curtea de Apel . 2021-08-03 . G4Media . 16 September 2020 . ro . 2021-08-03 . . live .
  17. Web site: CNAIR construieşte un drum de legătură între Uzina Ford Craiova şi Drumul Expres Craiova – Piteşti. Cum va fi finanţat . 2021-08-03 . Adevărul . ro . 2021-08-03 . . live .
  18. Web site: Marta . Elena . 2022-03-22 . Pro Infrastructură: Lucrări incipiente pe Tronsonul 4 al DEx12 Craiova-Pitești . 2022-03-24 . ro-RO.
  19. Web site: 2022-12-21 . E oficial: CNAIR reziliază contractele cu Tirrena Scavi . 2022-12-30 . . ro.
  20. Web site: VIDEO Primul tronson de drum expres din România se deschide azi: Cum arată DEx12 de lângă Balș cu câteva ore înainte de inaugurare . 2022-04-21 . . ro.
  21. Web site: S-a deschis Centura Slatina, pe Drumul Expres Craiova - Pitești. Cum se circulă pe cei 21 de km de drum de mare viteză . 2022-07-28 . . ro.
  22. Web site: VIDEO Se deschide circulația pe Drumul Expres 12: Încă un lot construit de UMB, gata de inaugurare / Cum arată . 2023-12-23 . . ro.
  23. Web site: VIDEO Dublă inaugurare pe Drumul Expres Craiova – Pitești. S-a deschis circulația parțial pe tronsonul 4, urmează vineri o altă inaugurare pe primul tronson / Cum arată din dronă – UPDATE . 2024-11-28 . . ro.
  24. Web site: Video Se circulă pe 109 kilometri din Drumul Expres Craiova-Piteşti. A fost deschis și tronsonul 1 . 2023-12-23 . . ro.