Phycocharax Explained

Phycocharax rasbora is a small species of freshwater fish in the family Characidae and the only member in the genus Phycocharax.[1] It is endemic to the Brazilian Amazon, where only known from the upper Braço Norte River (Serra do Cachimbo region), a blackwater tributary in the Teles Pires basin, itself a part of the Tapajós basin.[1] A dam has been built on the Braço Norte River and while the species is uncommon downstream, it is very abundant in the reservoir above.[1] Its species name refers to the similarity in color and pattern to Trigonostigma rasboras, an unrelated but well-known Asian fish. The mainly reddish males reach up to about 3.4cm (01.3inches) in standard length, while the duller yellowish females reach up to about 3.1cm (01.2inches).

Notes and References

  1. Ohara, W.M., Mirande, J.M. & Lima, F.C.T.d. (2017): Phycocharax rasbora, a new genus and species of Brazilian tetra (Characiformes: Characidae) from Serra do Cachimbo, rio Tapajós basin. PLoS ONE, 12 (2): e0170648.