Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal explained

Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal
Editor:Paul Ernest
Discipline:Mathematics education
Abbreviation:Philos. Math. Educ. J.
Publisher:Paul Ernest
Country:United Kingdom

The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal is a peer-reviewed open-access academic journal published and edited by Paul Ernest (University of Exeter). It publishes articles relevant to the philosophy of mathematics education, a subfield of mathematics education that often draws in issues from the philosophy of mathematics. The journal includes articles by internationally recognized and beginning researchers, graduate student assignments, theses, and other pertinent resources.

The journal aims to foster awareness of philosophical aspects of mathematics education and mathematics, understood broadly to include most kinds of theoretical reflection and research; to freely disseminate new thinking and to encourage informal communication, dialogue and international co-operation between teachers, scholars and researchers in mathematics, philosophy and education.

Recent authors have included: Brian Greer, David W. Jardine, David W. Stinson, Christopher H. Dubbs, Kathleen Nolan, Margaret Walshaw, Nicolas Balacheff, Ole Skovsmose, Paul Ernest, Tony Brown, Roberto Baldino and Tânia Cabral, Roy Wagner, Sal Restivo, Steven Khan, Ubiratan D’Ambrosio, Yasmine Abtahi.

Special issues of the journal have focussed on

See also