Phantom island explained

A phantom island is a purported island which was included on maps for a period of time, but was later found not to exist. They usually originate from the reports of early sailors exploring new regions, and are commonly the result of navigational errors, mistaken observations, unverified misinformation, or deliberate fabrication. Some have remained on maps for centuries before being "un-discovered".

Unlike lost lands, which are claimed (or known) to have once existed but to have been swallowed by the sea or otherwise destroyed, a phantom island is one that is claimed to exist contemporaneously, but later found not to have existed in the first place (or found not to be an island, as with the Island of California).


Some may have been purely mythical, such as the Isle of Demons near Newfoundland, which may have been based on local legends of a haunted island. The far-northern island of Thule was reported to exist by the 4th-century BC Greek explorer Pytheas, but information about its purported location was lost; explorers and geographers since have speculated that it was the Shetland Islands, Iceland, Scandinavia, or possibly nonexistent. The island of Hy-Brasil was sometimes depicted on maps west of Ireland, but all accounts of it have been fanciful.

Some phantom islands arose through the faulty positioning of actual islands, or other geographical errors. Pepys Island was a misidentification of the Falkland Islands. The Baja California Peninsula and the Banks Peninsula in New Zealand each appear as islands on some early maps, but were later discovered to be attached to their mainlands. Isle Phelipeaux, an apparent duplication of Isle Royale in Lake Superior,[1] appeared on explorers' maps for many years, and even served as a landmark for the border between the United States and the territory that would become Canada, before subsequent exploration by surveyors determined that it did not exist.

Sandy Island appeared on maps of the Coral Sea beginning in the late 19th century. Purportedly, it existed between the Chesterfield Islands and Nereus Reef near New Caledonia; however, it was "undiscovered" in the 1970s. Nonetheless, it continued to be included in mapping data sets into the early 21st century, until its non-existence was re-confirmed in 2012.[2] [3] [4]

Other phantom islands are misidentifications of breakers, icebergs, fog banks, pumice rafts from underwater volcanoes, or optical illusions. Observed in the Weddell Sea in 1823 but never again seen, New South Greenland may have been the result of a superior mirage. Some such as Thompson Island or Bermeja may have been actual islands subsequently destroyed by volcanic explosions, earthquakes, submarine landslides, or low-lying lands such as sand banks that are no longer above water. Pactolus Bank, visited by Sir Francis Drake in 1578, may fit into this former sand bank category.

In some cases, cartographers intentionally include invented geographic features in their maps, either for fraudulent purposes or to catch plagiarists.[5] [6]

List of phantom islands

width=150Namewidth=150Date of
Anaa-tiUnknownLocation given as 22° 15′ S, 137° 30′ W, in the Tuamotus. Believed to be a mistaken sighting of a nearby island.
The island, like the more popular Atlantis, is a fictional island in the Atlantic originating from an Iberian legend.
Antonio d'Ulloa IslandUnknownDiscovered by the Spanish captain Antonio de Ulloa at 37° 02′ S, 78° 20′ W. Noted as doubtful in 1875.
Arthur IslandUnknownLocation given by Arrowsmith as 3° 30′ S, 176° W. Noted to be needing confirmation of existence and position in 1851; not seen on modern maps.
Ancient Greek legend described by Plato, later hypothesized to be real, and depicted on a 1664 map by Athanasius Kircher.
1762 Discovered by Spanish merchant ship Aurora, currently thought to be just Shag Rocks.
1472 Gaspar Frutuoso noted its discovery by João Vaz Corte-Real in 1472 in Saudades da Terra.
Bale of Cotton1767A rock in the mouth of the Bay of Bengal, located at 5° 22′ N "100 leagues east from Pointe de Galle." A passenger on the boat that saw the rock claimed to have physically gone onto it. Doubtful by 1817 and not seen on modern maps.
1539 Discovered in the early 16th century by Spain, but mysteriously vanished sometime during the 17th century. While no dominant theory holds, it is possible that the island submerged due to tectonic movements, supported by the existence of a seamount at 22.646°N -141.3°W and the nearby Scorpion Reef.
Bonetta RocksUnknownLocation given as 16° 32′ N, 20° 57′ W, between Cape Verde and Mauritania. Could not be found in 1838.
1909 A mass of land named by Frederick Cook which he claimed to have seen between (84.3333°N -102°W) and (85.1833°N -102°W) during a 1909 expedition.
Brasil or Hy-Brasil1325 Said to lie in the Atlantic Ocean west of Ireland. Irish myths described it as cloaked in mist except for one day every seven years, when it became visible but still could not be reached. Several 16th century maps showing the island of Brasil also showed an island labelled Demar further south-west.
Claimed to have been first visited in 512 by the monk St. Brendan and 14 others, along with later reports up to 1772.
Britomart Island1822Discoverer unknown; location given as 19° 52' S, 145° 50' W. Noted to be doubtful in 1851; not seen on modern maps.[7]
1578 Found in the waters near Greenland, in which Martin Frobisher, the leader of the island-finding expedition, probably made a mistake in dead reckoning and mistook optical effects near Greenland for a new island.
1510 A misconception about the Baja California Peninsula being an island due to an assumption that the Gulf of California was instead a strait separating California from the rest of the Americas.
Ancient source of Phoenician tin. Exact location unknown but thought to have possibly referred to now silt-connected islands within the marshes of Brière.
Clark's ReefUnknownDiscoverer unknown, location given as 8° 18′ S, 139° 50′ (or 52′) W. Admiral Du Petit Thouars could not find the reef, sounding 200 fathoms.
Cloate's Island UnknownLocation given as 21° 30′ S, 92° 42′ E, west of Australia. Removed from charts by 1856 or earlier.
1906 A hoax invented by Arctic explorer Robert E. Peary to gain more financial aid from George Crocker, one of his financial backers.
1687 Supposedly sighted by the pirate Edward Davis in the Pacific along the southern latitude of 27 to 28 degrees, which was on the same latitude as the Spanish-controlled gold mines of Copiago. At the time, it was believed that gold could be found elsewhere along the latitude so several navigators were instructed to seek it out on their voyages. Never found, it was also believed by William Dampier to be the coast of Terra Australis Incognita.[8]
1508 Probably a relocated version of the island of Satanazes (see island below).
Denia/DaviaUnknownLocation given as 41° or 42° S, 20° E, in close vicinity of Marzeveen/Maarseveen. Not seen on modern maps.
Diego AlvarezUnknownLocation given as 39° 10′ S, 11° 15′ W, between Tristan da Cunha and Gough. Not seen on modern maps.
1841 Because it is near Antarctica, it is likely that the discoverer, Captain Dougherty, and future explorers who confirmed it, saw fog banks and icebergs conveniently situated in the right place and time.
Dragon Island1869Reported by Capt. Andrew of the bark Dragon at 24° 30′ N, 136° 36′ W. Found nonexistent in 1875.
Dunkin's Reef1824Discovered by Dunkin; location given as 9° 50′ N, 154° 10′ E. Described as an extensive shoal. Noted as doubtful and possibly a mistaken sighting in 1851; not seen on modern maps.
1578 Described by Francis Drake, who reported harbouring there during his circumnavigation. Not found by subsequent explorers; in 1939 Felix Riesenberg suggested Pactolus Bank as a possible remnant, though recent surveys suggest the Bank may itself be a phantom feature.
1821 Probably fog banks and icebergs (see Dougherty Island above); the abyssal plain below it was named Emerald Plain, however, in recognition of the nonexistent island.
Emily Rock1869Sighted at 25° 38' S, 87° 25' W by the bark Emily. Reportedly measured to be 15' tall and 120' long. 2 other sightings were reported in 1873, now described as being 3/4th mile long and 20 feet at its tallest point, made of sandy volcanic stone. Several vessels passed through the area but did not see it.[9]
1902 A reef supposedly found by the captain of the French ship, Ernest Legouvé, which is near the exact location of the fictional Lincoln Island, the main setting for Jules Verne's book The Mysterious Island, also appearing in In Search of the Castaways.
1558 An island appearing on the Zeno map at the current location of Labrador.
Faith IslandUnknownLocation given as 21° 10′ S, 138° 52′ W, in the Tuamotus. Believed to be a mistaken sighting of a nearby island.
1907 J.P. Koch, together with Aage Bertelsen, was reported to have first seen Fata Morgana Land (da|Fata Morgana Landet) lying in the Arctic Ocean around 80°00´N 10°00´W between NE Greenland and Svalbard. This elusive land was allegedly seen as well by Lauge Koch from the air in 1933.[10]
1886 This reef, part of the Line Islands, was first seen by the ship Filippo and was seen again in 1926 when both ships saw breakers in the same area, suggesting a depth of 0.6to. Current observations show the reported location to have a depth of 3.3abbr=offNaNabbr=off, and the nearest shallow seamount is about 2.9abbr=offNaNabbr=off deep, disproving the existence of the island.
1544 An island sighted east of Barbados.
1558 Another island on the Zeno map, possibly a renamed Iceland.
A nonexistent island off the coast of Japan to the southwest of the Shatsky Rise.
Isle Grande1675Discovered by Antonio de la Roche. Roche only passed the island on its eastern side. Various locations given, all at 45° 15′ S, but otherwise differing at 38° 15′ W (per la Roche), 45° 30′ W, and 35° 30′ W; considered uncertain by 1808. Possibly a mistaken sighting of a projecting headland from South America, as la Roche never saw the other side.
1569 An island to the west of Greenland, perhaps a misreading of the island's name, or Baffin Island.
Humphrey Island1822Discoverer unknown; location given as 16° 52' S, 140° 30' W. Krusenstern doubted its existence and was noted as doubtful in 1851; not seen on modern maps.
HyperboreaAntiquity to 17th centuryHypothetic land of a mythical people living in the far north of the known world, depicted as the mirror continent of Antarctica on the Mercator map
1500 A supposed 'island' found by Portuguese explorers, which turned out not to be an island but rather what is currently known as Brazil.
An island just to the east of the Flemish Cap; it was believed to exist into the 19th century, during which cartographers discussed it as a possible midway point for the Transatlantic telegraph cable.
Reported on maps as being southeast of Madagascar.
1878 Nonexistent reef in the Line Islands (in fact Line Islands are more than 2000abbr=offNaNabbr=off away), to the south of the also nonexistent Ernest Legouve Reef (see above).
1884 Found in 1884 by Johan Otto Polter, who, in four later expeditions through 1909, disproved the island's existence.
Keenan Land1870sLarge landmass reportedly discovered in the Arctic north of Alaska; numerous searches failed to relocate it.
Kentzell's Island1856Reported by Capt. Kentzell of San Francisco at approx. 40° N, 150° 30′ W. The island, 20 miles long and "very low," was said to have a large seal and sea elephant population, and therefore was kept secret by seal hunters. Searches failed to find it while sightings still came in through the 1860s, including one by the Kanrin Maru in 1859. Finally disproven by a survey in 1867.[11]
Kettendyk's DroogteUnknownLocation given as 33° S, 4° 25′ E, northeast of Tristan da Cunha and west of South Africa. Unsuccessfully searched for, and not seen on modern maps.
Kianida Island
or Cianeis Insula
1467 Supposedly known in Antiquity, a large island the size of Thassos but situated off the Black Sea coast of Thrace in the present Bulgaria-Turkey border area. Depicted on the 1467 map Nona Europae Tabula by Nicolaus Germanus based on Claudius Ptolemy's Geography.[12] According to Bulgarian geomorphologist Dinyo Kanev, probably destroyed by sea in the Middle Ages.[13]
Krusenstern Rock1804Reported as a breaker at 22° 15' N, 175° 37' W. Capt. R. Suffern of the Craigerne reported that he was at these exact coordinated in 1897 but there was no sign of the rock.[14]
L'Enfants Perdu Islands1768Discovered by Bougainville, variously placed at 14° 16′ S, 177° 23′ W or 14° 20′ S, 176° 40′ W. Found doubtful in 1875 after searches found no land in the area. Possibly a mistaken sighting of the Horne Islands.
1528 A pair of phantom islands to the east of the Marshall Islands.
Jane IslandUnknownLocation given as 16° 10′ N, 173° 15′ W. Could not be found in 1841, and the island being a mistaken sighting of Johnston Atoll was ruled out due to latitude. Not seen on modern maps.
Jesus Island1567Reported by Mendaña at 6° 45′ S, 171° 30′ E. Krusenstern doubted its existence and it was noted as doubtful in 1851; not seen on modern maps.
Marzeveen/MaarseveenUnknownLocation given as 41° or 42° S, 20° E, in close vicinity of Denia/Davia. Not seen on modern maps.
María de Lajara or Maria Laxar Usually located northeast from Hawaii, but perhaps originally one of the Bonin Islands.
Maria Theresa Reef (aka Tabor Island or Tabor Reef) 1843 Another nonexistent reef in the Line Islands (in fact Line Islands are more than 2000abbr=offNaNabbr=off away), slightly to the southwest-west of the phantom island, Jupiter Reef. It is a setting for Jules Verne's book In Search of the Castaways.
Maria RockUnknownLocation given as 19° 45′ N, 20° 50′ W, off of Mauritania. Could not be found in 1838.
Maury IslandUnknownLocation given as 27° S, 95° 06′ W. Not seen on modern maps, but could not be located on any historical maps either.
Mayda or Isle of Mam1367 A crescent-shaped island in the North Atlantic that does not appear to exist; however, there is a crescent-shaped group of seamounts 120abbr=offNaNabbr=off deep near its described location.
Merrill Island1832Reported by Captain Harding Merrill of the Comboy at 16′ 38° S, 141′ W. Reportedly inhabited by people resembling Hawaiians. Noted doubtful in 1851; not seen on modern maps.
Minnehaha Rock1879Sighted by Capt. Beckwith of the Victoria at 25° 50' S, 106° 20' W. No subsequent sightings have been made.
MokupāpapaUnknownKnown to the Native Hawaiians as a 'flat island' (translated literally from its name) to the southwest of the island of Niihau, past Kaʻula, described variously as 'a five-hour sail' from the latter and 'halfway to Tahiti' and actively being traveled to in James Cook's time, but a search by the voyage's men could not find it.[15]
Nameless IslandUnknownDiscoverer unknown; location given as 2° 50′ S, 170° 18′ E. Noted as doubtful in 1851; not seen on modern maps.
New York and Nexsen Islands1798Reported by a Mr. Fanning on the Betsy at 8° 9′ S, 141° 30.5′ W based on location seven hours after sighting. Smoke noted, suggesting inhabitants. Observed from four to six leagues away and not approached. Suspected in 1851 to be a mistaken sighting of two nearby islands; not seen on modern maps.
St. Elmo1606Reported by Quiros, location 21° 20' S, 143° 50' W. Said to be low, surrounded by coral reefs, with a 30 Spanish leagues circumference. Noted as doubtful in 1851; not seen on modern maps.
1516 An island near the coast of Africa, roughly 1000km (1,000miles) east-northeast of Ascension Island and possibly confused with the same latitude Annobón Island.
Antiquity An island thirty-thousand leagues to the east off the coast of Shandong. Associated with numerous East Asian myths and legends.
Nachtegal Rock1861Seen by at 40° 20′ S, 52° 55′ E. Last seen in charts in 1878.
New BadalgoUnknownLocation given as 18° 15′ N, 143° 40′ W. Not seen on modern maps.
1823 Unknown odd island near Antarctica, which captain Benjamin Morrell of the ship Wasp saw while traveling north from Antarctica. He thought it to be the Antarctic Peninsula (then called New South Greenland), but his reported location during the voyage, while perfectly copying the expected path for traveling up the peninsula, was over 310abbr=offNaNabbr=off to the east and 60abbr=offNaNabbr=off to the north of the actual position of the Antarctic Peninsula, suggesting either a huge miscalculation in location or sightings of icebergs and fog, typical of phantom islands in the Antarctic Circle.
1828 A group of islands between Emerald Island and Dougherty Island, both of which are nonexistent. Probably a group of icebergs together.
1885 An oceanic bank 400abbr=offNaNabbr=off deep off the west coast of Cape Horn, suggested as the remains of Elizabeth Island. A 1956 search of the area turned up no shallow areas in the reported location.
Passion/Paxarus IslandUnknownLocation given as 25° 48′ N, 136° 36′ W or 26° 12′ N, 136° W. No sign of the island could be find in 1873.
1683 In 1683, Ambrose Cowley reported an unknown island where he thought the Falklands were, but his location was 4 degrees to the north of the Falkland Islands. While it is possible that he made a mistake in seeing a nonexistent island, it is more likely he saw one of the Falkland Islands and made a 4-degree error in his location.
Petermannland North of Franz Josef Land, named after August Heinrich Petermann.
1744 A nonexistent island in Lake Superior referenced in the 1783 Treaty of Paris.
1879 An island 1390km (860miles) to the west of El Quisco, Chile, that was discovered to be fake in 1935 and promptly removed. Other phantom islands were also found in the vicinity in 1912 and 1858 (see Sarah Ann Island).
Polvaro Island1505Usually placed at or near 9° 20′ S, 89° E. Reportedly discovered after a Portuguese ship withdrawing from Malacca to Cape Comorin was lost nearby. Sometimes called Apaluria; sighted into the 18th century. Said to be low, woody, eight to 10 miles long. Absence noted in 1866; allegedly "exploded."
Recreation IslandUnknownLocation given as 15° 35′ S, 150° W, north of Tahiti. Position passed over with no sign of land, removed in 1864.
Reed/Redfield Rocks1850First sighting reported by Capt. Reed of the brig Emma at 37° 24′ N, 137° 22′ W in the Shipping Gazette. Mores sightings were made in varying locations in 1851, 1856, and 1866. They were said to be two rocks, 600–900 feet long and 50–40 feet across, under 3–5 fathoms of water and breakers in rough weather. Four surveys from 1871 to 1875 could not find them, but another sighting in 1889 said they were now four feet above the water. Another survey in 1902 disproved their existence, but were still marked on maps as doubtful.
1842 A shoal in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Ilha dos RomeirosUnknownLocation given as 28° 40′ S, 74° E, between Madagascar and Australia. Removed from charts by 1856 or earlier.
Roque Piz1649First seen in a chart by João Teixeora, located at 6° S, 60° E. Seen on maps as late as 1865, described as being three flat islands. Likely a mistaken sighting of the Seychelles or Chagos.
A fictional island widely believed during the 19th century to be to the southwest of Tasmania. While not found by numerous expeditions in 1840, 1889, 1902, 1909, and 1912, the island was not officially removed from nautical charts until 1904.
1424 A small island to the west of the mythical Antillia (see Antillia above).
A magnetic, black island at the exact Magnetic North Pole, invented as an explanation for why all compasses point north.
1774 Another phantom, small island to the west of New Caledonia that was recorded on many maps until 2012, when a surveying ship passed by and disproved its existence. The current leading explanation is that the island was a raft of buoyant pumice from a recent nearby seamount eruption.
1809 An island near the De Long Islands, north of Russia, that probably did exist but was destroyed due to coastal erosion.
1858 A phantom island near Easter Island, similar to Podesta island. See Operational Navigation Chart of the United States Department of Defense.
1424 This island was originally noted on maps in 1424, originating from popular legend of devils and demons attacking ships that went into the area, but the island was subsequently removed because it obviously did not exist. The island, often drawn to the north of the mythical Antillia, was purportedly full of evil demons but was sometimes called Salvaga to avoid using the profanity "devil".
1670 An odd island midway between South America and Africa that numerous captains reported seeing in 1804, 1809, and 1816. While most had conflicting reports, all of them found the island in the same location; however, none of them actually made landfall. It is possible the island was volcanic and later erupted and destroyed itself. It is also possible that they were looking at Tristan de Cunha island.
1868 To the west of the Hawaiian Islands, Schjetman Reef was originally found in 1868 to be an island 1.5abbr=offNaNabbr=off long and 0.5abbr=offNaNabbr=off wide. Later searches in 1880, 1923, and 1924 could not find the island.
Sefton Reef 1808 Approx. 83°W, 37°S (southwest of Robinson Crusoe Island), noted as "position doubtful" in Operational Navigation Chart[16] of the United States Department of Defense.
1961 Thought to lie off Oates Coast, East Antarctica.
1825 An island in the south Atlantic Ocean discovered by the whaling ship captain George Norris; it has not been seen since 1893.
A mythical island in the far north, possibly at or above the Arctic Circle, mentioned in many works from the Roman and Medieval period. Sources in antiquity placed Thule several days travel north of Great Britain[17] visible from Orkney;[18] or north of Scythia.[19] More modern scholars have suggested Thule may have been Ireland;[20] the Estonian island of Saaremaa;[21] or the Norwegian island of Smøla.[22]
TiburonesUnknownCaptain D'Urville asked the residents of Uapoa about this island in August 1838. They claimed it existed, reporting it had high land, one sandy beach which could be approached in good weather, and a single male inhabitant (the others having fled). Location given as 11° S, 143° W; noted doubtful in 1851 and not seen on modern maps.
1693 A mythical island near Ambon in the Indonesia purportedly destroyed by a volcanic eruption.
A possible reef in Southern Palau. While this reef probably exists, some maps do not list it as an actual location, and, although the reef doesn't have any land, the native name of the island, Pieraurou, means 'Sandy Navigation Point', implying a sandy island or sand bar.
Truls Island1962Reported by the tanker Truls at 56° S, 23° 15′ E. Marked on USHO Chart 5188B in October 1969 as "ED" (existence doubtful).
1842 A vanished group of islets in the Cook Islands at which a sailor allegedly spent 6 days, but a ship traveling in the waters two years later found no island.
Turnbull IslandUnknownLocation given as 19° 52′ S, 143° 32′ W. Noted as doubtful in 1864 and removed from charts after 1875.
Two Brothers Reef1823Reportedly struck by a whaling ship in 1823, location listed as 24° 14' N, 168° 28′ W. Existence doubtful by 1912 due to lack of sightings; not seen on modern maps.
1899 A nonexistent reef in the Line Islands – in fact Line Islands are more than 2000abbr=offNaNabbr=off away – along with Ernest Legouve Reef, Jupiter Reef, and Maria Theresa Reef. This reef, the largest of the three, was thought to be 30- deep. None of these reefs are currently believed to have actually existed.
Yosemite Rock 1903 Approx. 83°W, 32°S (northwest of Robinson Crusoe Island), noted as "Existence doubtful" in Operational Navigation Chart of the United States Department of Defense.
(unnamed bank)Before 1901Shown on historical charts at 30° 55' N, 177° 30' E and 42 fathoms deep. Soundings of this area in 1901 and 1902 failed to locate the bottom at 100 fathoms, and it is not seen on modern maps.
(unnamed rock)1869Sighted by the steamer Great Pacific at 25° 40' S, 85° 0' W. The Sumbawa passed through the area in 1904 but did not see it.
(unnamed breakers)1901Reported at 21° 55' N, 176° 05' W. There is no indication of these breakers on modern maps.

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Book: [{{GBurl|id=8LqC9MHAl54C|q=Michipicoten+pontchartrain|pg=PA837}} Canada and its Provinces]. 1914. en.
  2. Web site: 22 November 2012. South Pacific Sandy Island 'proven not to exist'. 22 November 2012. BBC News.
  3. Web site: 22 November 2012. The Pacific island that never was. 22 November 2012. The Guardian.
  4. Seton. Maria . Williams, Simon . Zahirovic, Sabin. Obituary: Sandy Island (1876–2012). Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 9 April 2013. 94. 15. 141–148. 2324-9250. 10.1002/2013eo150001. 2013EOSTr..94..141S . free.
  5. Antarctica
  6. Exploring Polar Frontiers
  7. Book: Findlay, Alexander George . A Directory for the Navigation of the Pacific Ocean: The islands, etc., of the Pacific Ocean . 1851 . R.H. Laurie . en.
  8. Book: Dunmore . John . Chasing a Dream: The Exploration of the Imaginary Pacific . 2016 . Upstart Press . Auckland . 978-1-927262-79-5 . 81–82.
  9. Book: Office, United States Hydrographic . H.O. Pub . 1920 . en.
  10. Web site: Catalogue of place names in northern East Greenland . Geological Survey of Denmark . 21 April 2016 . 13 May 2020 . . dead .
  11. Book: Stommel, Henry M. . Lost islands : the story of islands that have vanished from nautical charts . 1984 . Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press . Internet Archive . 978-0-7748-0210-9.
  12. .
  13. Dikov, Ivan. Roman Era Map Shows Large Now-Sunken Island Off Black Sea Coast. Brewminate, 23 June 2018.
  14. Book: Survey, U. S. Coast and Geodetic . Coast Pilot Notes on Hawaiian Islands: February 21, 1912 . 1912 . U.S. Government Printing Office . en.
  15. News: Hitt . Christine . The search for Hawaii's missing island . 20 October 2024 . SFGate . 18 October 2024.
  16. Web site: Photographic image of Relief Portrayal : ONC R-22 . JPG . . 2016-10-01.
  17. [Pliny the Elder]
  18. [Tacitus]
  19. [Pomponius Mela]
  20. [Charles Vallancey]
  21. Book: Lennart Meri . 1976 . Hõbevalge (Silverwhite) . Eesti Raamat . . Silverwhite . Lennart Meri .
  22. Andreas Kleineberg, Christian Marx, Eberhard Knobloch und Dieter Lelgemann: Germania und die Insel Thule. Die Entschlüsselung von Ptolemaios' "Atlas der Oikumene". Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2010.