Parsley (disambiguation) explained
Parsley or garden parsley most often refers to the widely cultivated culinary herb Petroselinum crispum
Parsley or wild parsley may also refer to:
- Apiaceae, the parsley family:
- under Anthriscus, the chervil genus:
- Anthriscus cerefolium (chervil), an herb also known as "French parsley" or "beaked parsley"
- Anthriscus sylvestris, sometimes known as "cow parsley" or "wild beaked parsley"
- under Petroselinum, the parsley genus:
- Petroselinum segetum, also known as "corn parsley", the closest relative of garden parsley
- Musineon, the wild parsley genus
- in other genera:
In other botanical families:
- Anogramma ascensionis (family Pteridaceae), also known as "Ascension Island parsley fern"
- Aphanes (family Rosaceae), the parsley-piert genus
- Crataegus marshallii (family Rosaceae), also called "parsley haw" or "parsley-leaved hawthorn"
- Cryptogramma crispa (family Pteridaceae), also known as "parsley fern"
- Wild parsley, a generic term used for many plants with leaves resembling parsley
Other uses