The P versus NP problem is a major unsolved problem in theoretical computer science. Informally, it asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified can also be quickly solved.
Here, "quickly" means an algorithm that solves the task and runs in polynomial time (as opposed to, say, exponential time) exists, meaning the task completion time is bounded above by a polynomial function on the size of the input to the algorithm. The general class of questions that some algorithm can answer in polynomial time is "P" or "class P". For some questions, there is no known way to find an answer quickly, but if provided with an answer, it can be verified quickly. The class of questions where an answer can be verified in polynomial time is "NP", standing for "nondeterministic polynomial time".[1]
An answer to the P versus NP question would determine whether problems that can be verified in polynomial time can also be solved in polynomial time. If P ≠ NP, which is widely believed, it would mean that there are problems in NP that are harder to compute than to verify: they could not be solved in polynomial time, but the answer could be verified in polynomial time.
The problem has been called the most important open problem in computer science.[2] Aside from being an important problem in computational theory, a proof either way would have profound implications for mathematics, cryptography, algorithm research, artificial intelligence, game theory, multimedia processing, philosophy, economics and many other fields.[3]
It is one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems selected by the Clay Mathematics Institute, each of which carries a US$ 1,000,000 prize for the first correct solution.
Consider the following yes/no problem: given an incomplete Sudoku grid of size
n2 x n2
n x n
The precise statement of the P versus NP problem was introduced in 1971 by Stephen Cook in his seminal paper "The complexity of theorem proving procedures"[4] (and independently by Leonid Levin in 1973[5]).
Although the P versus NP problem was formally defined in 1971, there were previous inklings of the problems involved, the difficulty of proof, and the potential consequences. In 1955, mathematician John Nash wrote a letter to the NSA, speculating that cracking a sufficiently complex code would require time exponential in the length of the key.[6] If proved (and Nash was suitably skeptical), this would imply what is now called P ≠ NP, since a proposed key can be verified in polynomial time. Another mention of the underlying problem occurred in a 1956 letter written by Kurt Gödel to John von Neumann. Gödel asked whether theorem-proving (now known to be co-NP-complete) could be solved in quadratic or linear time,[7] and pointed out one of the most important consequences - that if so, then the discovery of mathematical proofs could be automated.
The relation between the complexity classes P and NP is studied in computational complexity theory, the part of the theory of computation dealing with the resources required during computation to solve a given problem. The most common resources are time (how many steps it takes to solve a problem) and space (how much memory it takes to solve a problem).
In such analysis, a model of the computer for which time must be analyzed is required. Typically such models assume that the computer is deterministic (given the computer's present state and any inputs, there is only one possible action that the computer might take) and sequential (it performs actions one after the other).
In this theory, the class P consists of all decision problems (defined below) solvable on a deterministic sequential machine in a duration polynomial in the size of the input; the class NP consists of all decision problems whose positive solutions are verifiable in polynomial time given the right information, or equivalently, whose solution can be found in polynomial time on a non-deterministic machine.[8] Clearly, P ⊆ NP. Arguably, the biggest open question in theoretical computer science concerns the relationship between those two classes:
Is P equal to NP?
Since 2002, William Gasarch has conducted three polls of researchers concerning this and related questions.[9] [10] [11] Confidence that P ≠ NP has been increasing – in 2019, 88% believed P ≠ NP, as opposed to 83% in 2012 and 61% in 2002. When restricted to experts, the 2019 answers became 99% believed P ≠ NP. These polls do not imply whether P = NP, Gasarch himself stated: "This does not bring us any closer to solving P=?NP or to knowing when it will be solved, but it attempts to be an objective report on the subjective opinion of this era."
See main article: article and NP-completeness. To attack the P = NP question, the concept of NP-completeness is very useful. NP-complete problems are problems that any other NP problem is reducible to in polynomial time and whose solution is still verifiable in polynomial time. That is, any NP problem can be transformed into any NP-complete problem. Informally, an NP-complete problem is an NP problem that is at least as "tough" as any other problem in NP.
NP-hard problems are those at least as hard as NP problems; i.e., all NP problems can be reduced (in polynomial time) to them. NP-hard problems need not be in NP; i.e., they need not have solutions verifiable in polynomial time.
For instance, the Boolean satisfiability problem is NP-complete by the Cook–Levin theorem, so any instance of any problem in NP can be transformed mechanically into a Boolean satisfiability problem in polynomial time. The Boolean satisfiability problem is one of many NP-complete problems. If any NP-complete problem is in P, then it would follow that P = NP. However, many important problems are NP-complete, and no fast algorithm for any of them is known.
From the definition alone it is unintuitive that NP-complete problems exist; however, a trivial NP-complete problem can be formulated as follows: given a Turing machine M guaranteed to halt in polynomial time, does a polynomial-size input that M will accept exist?[12] It is in NP because (given an input) it is simple to check whether M accepts the input by simulating M; it is NP-complete because the verifier for any particular instance of a problem in NP can be encoded as a polynomial-time machine M that takes the solution to be verified as input. Then the question of whether the instance is a yes or no instance is determined by whether a valid input exists.
The first natural problem proven to be NP-complete was the Boolean satisfiability problem, also known as SAT. As noted above, this is the Cook–Levin theorem; its proof that satisfiability is NP-complete contains technical details about Turing machines as they relate to the definition of NP. However, after this problem was proved to be NP-complete, proof by reduction provided a simpler way to show that many other problems are also NP-complete, including the game Sudoku discussed earlier. In this case, the proof shows that a solution of Sudoku in polynomial time could also be used to complete Latin squares in polynomial time.[13] This in turn gives a solution to the problem of partitioning tri-partite graphs into triangles,[14] which could then be used to find solutions for the special case of SAT known as 3-SAT,[15] which then provides a solution for general Boolean satisfiability. So a polynomial-time solution to Sudoku leads, by a series of mechanical transformations, to a polynomial time solution of satisfiability, which in turn can be used to solve any other NP-problem in polynomial time. Using transformations like this, a vast class of seemingly unrelated problems are all reducible to one another, and are in a sense "the same problem".
See also: Complexity class.
Although it is unknown whether P = NP, problems outside of P are known. Just as the class P is defined in terms of polynomial running time, the class EXPTIME is the set of all decision problems that have exponential running time. In other words, any problem in EXPTIME is solvable by a deterministic Turing machine in O(2p(n)) time, where p(n) is a polynomial function of n. A decision problem is EXPTIME-complete if it is in EXPTIME, and every problem in EXPTIME has a polynomial-time many-one reduction to it. A number of problems are known to be EXPTIME-complete. Because it can be shown that P ≠ EXPTIME, these problems are outside P, and so require more than polynomial time. In fact, by the time hierarchy theorem, they cannot be solved in significantly less than exponential time. Examples include finding a perfect strategy for chess positions on an N × N board[16] and similar problems for other board games.[17]
The problem of deciding the truth of a statement in Presburger arithmetic requires even more time. Fischer and Rabin proved in 1974[18] that every algorithm that decides the truth of Presburger statements of length n has a runtime of at least
2cn | |
2 |
It is also possible to consider questions other than decision problems. One such class, consisting of counting problems, is called
See main article: NP-intermediate and NP-intermediate. In 1975, Richard E. Ladner showed that if P ≠ NP, then there exist problems in NP that are neither in P nor NP-complete. Such problems are called NP-intermediate problems. The graph isomorphism problem, the discrete logarithm problem, and the integer factorization problem are examples of problems believed to be NP-intermediate. They are some of the very few NP problems not known to be in P or to be NP-complete.
The graph isomorphism problem is the computational problem of determining whether two finite graphs are isomorphic. An important unsolved problem in complexity theory is whether the graph isomorphism problem is in P, NP-complete, or NP-intermediate. The answer is not known, but it is believed that the problem is at least not NP-complete.[20] If graph isomorphism is NP-complete, the polynomial time hierarchy collapses to its second level.[21] Since it is widely believed that the polynomial hierarchy does not collapse to any finite level, it is believed that graph isomorphism is not NP-complete. The best algorithm for this problem, due to László Babai, runs in quasi-polynomial time.[22]
The integer factorization problem is the computational problem of determining the prime factorization of a given integer. Phrased as a decision problem, it is the problem of deciding whether the input has a factor less than k. No efficient integer factorization algorithm is known, and this fact forms the basis of several modern cryptographic systems, such as the RSA algorithm. The integer factorization problem is in NP and in co-NP (and even in UP and co-UP[23]). If the problem is NP-complete, the polynomial time hierarchy will collapse to its first level (i.e., NP = co-NP). The most efficient known algorithm for integer factorization is the general number field sieve, which takes expected time
| ||||
) |
| ||||
) |
to factor an n-bit integer. The best known quantum algorithm for this problem, Shor's algorithm, runs in polynomial time, although this does not indicate where the problem lies with respect to non-quantum complexity classes.
All of the above discussion has assumed that P means "easy" and "not in P" means "difficult", an assumption known as Cobham's thesis. It is a common assumption in complexity theory; but there are caveats.
First, it can be false in practice. A theoretical polynomial algorithm may have extremely large constant factors or exponents, rendering it impractical. For example, the problem of deciding whether a graph G contains H as a minor, where H is fixed, can be solved in a running time of O(n2),[24] where n is the number of vertices in G. However, the big O notation hides a constant that depends superexponentially on H. The constant is greater than
On the other hand, even if a problem is shown to be NP-complete, and even if P ≠ NP, there may still be effective approaches to the problem in practice. There are algorithms for many NP-complete problems, such as the knapsack problem, the traveling salesman problem, and the Boolean satisfiability problem, that can solve to optimality many real-world instances in reasonable time. The empirical average-case complexity (time vs. problem size) of such algorithms can be surprisingly low. An example is the simplex algorithm in linear programming, which works surprisingly well in practice; despite having exponential worst-case time complexity, it runs on par with the best known polynomial-time algorithms.[26]
Finally, there are types of computations which do not conform to the Turing machine model on which P and NP are defined, such as quantum computation and randomized algorithms.
Cook provides a restatement of the problem in The P Versus NP Problem as "Does P = NP?" According to polls,[9] [27] most computer scientists believe that P ≠ NP. A key reason for this belief is that after decades of studying these problems no one has been able to find a polynomial-time algorithm for any of more than 3,000 important known NP-complete problems (see List of NP-complete problems). These algorithms were sought long before the concept of NP-completeness was even defined (Karp's 21 NP-complete problems, among the first found, were all well-known existing problems at the time they were shown to be NP-complete). Furthermore, the result P = NP would imply many other startling results that are currently believed to be false, such as NP = co-NP and P = PH.
It is also intuitively argued that the existence of problems that are hard to solve but whose solutions are easy to verify matches real-world experience.[28]