The Oxford Book of Modern Verse 1892–1935 is a poetry anthology edited by W. B. Yeats and published in 1936 by Oxford University Press. A long introductory essay starts from the proposition that the poets included should be all the "good" ones (implicitly the field is Anglo-Irish poetry, though notably a few Indian poets are there) active since the death of Tennyson. In fact, the selection of poets is idiosyncratic: late Victorians are strongly represented, while the war poets of the First World War are not. The modernist tendency does not predominate, though it is not ignored; Georgian poetry is covered quite thoroughly; and Oliver St. John Gogarty is given space and praised in the introduction as a great poet.
Yeats was influenced by his personal feelings, including poems by friends (e.g. Gogarty, Shri Purohit Swami), as well as Margot Ruddock, with whom he was having a relationship. He notes that Rudyard Kipling and Ezra Pound are under-represented because paying their royalties would have cost too much, though he did not say which of their poems he would have included.