Ovoferrin was a dietary supplement originally produced in the United States by A.C. Barnes Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and later by Zonite Products Corporation, which acquired A.C. Barnes Company in 1929.[1] The product grossed approximately $400,000 annually in 1929.[2] Both Ovoferrin and Argyrol continued to be exclusively manufactured by A.C. Barnes Company, which became a subsidiary of Zonite Products Corporation. On January 2, 1946 Ovoferrin and Argyrol were assigned to Erwin, Wasey & Company, a New York based advertising agency.[3]
Ovoferrin was advertised as a supplement for iron and Vitamin B.[4]
Ovoferrin's manufacturer described its makeup as being neutral in reaction. A tablespoon was stated to be equivalent to a single grain of elementary iron. When potassium ferrocyanide is added to Ovorferrin no change is observed. However the addition of hydrochloric acid to Ovoferrin produces a well-known color and precipitate of Prussian blue. This indicates that hydrochloric acid changes Ovoferrin, producing an inorganic iron.[5]