The Roosevelt elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti), also known commonly as the Olympic elk and Roosevelt's wapiti, is the largest of the four surviving subspecies of elk (Cervus canadensis) in North America by body mass. Mature bulls weigh from . with very rare large bulls weighing more.[1] Its geographic range includes temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest including parts of northern California. It was introduced to Alaska's Afognak, Kodiak, and Raspberry Islands in 1928[2] [3] [4] and reintroduced to British Columbia's Sunshine Coast from Vancouver Island in 1986.
In December 1897, mammalogist C. Hart Merriam named the subspecies after his friend Theodore Roosevelt, then Assistant Secretary of the US Navy.[5] The desire to protect the Roosevelt elk was one of the primary forces behind the establishment of the Mount Olympus National Monument in 1909 by President Theodore Roosevelt. Later in 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt visited the region and saw the elk named after his relative.[6] The following year he created Olympic National Park.
The Roosevelt elk grows to around in length and stands [7] tall at the withers.[4] Roosevelt elk bulls generally weigh between 700lb1100lb, while cows weigh . Some mature bulls from Raspberry Island in Alaska have weighed nearly .[8]
Although the largest elk subspecies by body mass, by antler size both the Boone and Crockett (rifle)[9] and Pope and Young (bow)[10] records have Rocky Mountain elk being larger; none of the top 10 Roosevelt elk would score in the top 20 of Pope and Young's Rocky Mountain elk.
From late spring to early fall, the Roosevelt elk feeds upon herbaceous plants, such as grasses and sedges.[4] During winter months, it feeds on woody plants, including highbush cranberry, elderberry, devil's club, and newly planted seedlings (Douglas fir and western redcedar).[4] The Roosevelt elk is also known to eat ferns, blueberries, mushrooms, lichens, and salmonberries.[4]
In the wild, the Roosevelt elk rarely lives beyond 12 to 15 years, but in captivity it has been known to live over 25 years.[4] In 2018, the New York State Zoo had a Roosevelt elk named Rosie die in August of that year at the age of 26, which means it was one of the oldest at that time.
This elk subspecies, Cervus canadensis roosevelti, was reintroduced to British Columbia's Sunshine Coast from Vancouver Island in 1986.