Olga Uskova Explained

Olga Uskova (born February 26, 1964) is a Russian tech entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist. She is a founder and president of Cognitive Technologies,[1] one of the leading software development companies in Russia and Eastern Europe. Since 2012 she is head of the Department of Engineering Cybernetics at National University of Science and Technology MISiS.


Uskova was born in Moscow into a family of programmers. Her father, Anatoly Uskov, a Russian computer scientist, was head of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, developer of the first world champion chess program Kaissa. [2] Her mother was chief engineer at the Russian Railways automation projects in 1980s. Both graduated from Moscow State University.

In 1989, Uskova graduated with honour from MISIS National University of Science and Technology in Moscow. In 1991, she became a PhD in Science, majoring in AI research.

In 1992, she founded the Cognitive Technologies group of companies. A year later, the company signed a $1 million contract with Corel Corp for the supply of Cuneiform OCR system. Two years later, all Hewlett-Packard scanners in Russia came with Cognitive Technologies software. It was the first contract with HP for an Eastern European company.[3] [4] [5]

, Cognitive Technologies was the second largest IT developer in Russia with 8 offices and over 1200 employees. [6]

Under the guidance of Olga Uskova, Cognitive Technologies has been cooperating with IT companies since early 1990s. Cognitive Technologies signed OEM contracts and business agreements with several IT-companies, including IBM, Canon, Corel, Samsung, Xerox, Brother, Epson, and Olivetti.[7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

In 1998 Cognitive Technologies became the first company in Eastern Europe to get the Oracle Complementary Software Provider status.[13] [14]

Among the most prominent projects under Olga Uskova are:

In 2006, Uskova became head of the non-profit “National Association for Innovations and Development of Information Technologies”, a unique project in Russia to help young promising teams to get public grants from different Russian institutions. [28] More than 1200 startups went through the program and were financed.

In 2012, she became Head of Engineering in the Cybernetics Department at MISIS National University of Science and Technology in Moscow.[29] She introduced an innovative approach to teaching computer science, providing deep and interactive students’ involvement into real projects and challenging tasks. Under her supervision and sponsorship MISIS team for competitive programming made it to the worldwide finals at the ASM ICPC in 2014-2015[30] and semi-finals in 2016-2017.

In 2013, she founded the Russian Abstract Art Foundation, an NGO aimed at supporting academic and historical understanding of Russian abstract art in the global context.[31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] The Foundation has more than 600 unique works and its own gallery space in Moscow. Activities include support for young painters, art-therapy for disabled children, community support for feminist artists. In 2014-2016, Uskova joined the steering committee of a non-profit think-tank appointed by the State Russian Duma to elaborate new legislation on AI and robotics.[37] [38]

Notes and References

  1. http://www.forbes.ru/person/230332-uskova-olga Olga Uskova
  2. http://www.computer-museum.ru/calendar/8.htm History of the computers in the USSR and abroad.: 1960 г. - 1969 г.
  3. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/88467 "Legitimate" HP scanners learn to read in Russian
  4. http://ko.ru/articles/2902 Made in Russia
  5. http://www.algonet.ru/?ID=30778 Hewlett-Packard presents new products in Moscow
  6. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2954390 Rating
  7. https://www.pcweek.ru/themes/detail.php?ID=77261 Samsung chose Cognitive Technologies’ OCR for its multifunction devices
  8. https://www.pcweek.ru/themes/detail.php?ID=47066 Canon Multifunction devices have gained a new quality
  9. https://www.pcweek.ru/themes/detail.php?ID=48558 Cognitive Technologies and OKI accelerate
  10. https://www.pcweek.ru/business/article/detail.php?ID=53531 Canon - Cognitive Technologies alliance is successful
  11. http://www.osp.ru/cw/1996/46/15794/ A fantastic day at Cognitive Technologies
  12. https://www.pcweek.ru/themes/detail.php?ID=79812 Cognitive Technologies second step towards huge projects
  13. http://www.osp.ru/cw/1995/11/1795/ LVS, Oracle, Cognitive and HP start working on archiving
  14. https://www.pcweek.ru/themes/detail.php?ID=78929 Oracle and Cognitive Technologies contract
  15. https://www.pcweek.ru/industrial/article/detail.php?ID=60559 The contribution to the development of speech technologies in Russia “Russian speech” by Intel
  16. http://www.osp.ru/cw/2001/46/47096/ Russia “Russian speech” by Intel
  17. http://old-info.cap.ru/sitemap.aspx?id=108835 IT park in Chernogolovka is a role model
  18. https://digital.gov.ru/ru/events/9997/ The federal agency supporting the export of information technology will be in Russia
  19. https://www.crn.ru/news/detail.php?ID=35667 Cognitive Technologies and NVIDIA : strategic cooperation
  20. http://www.cnews.ru/news/line/cognitive_technologies_i_nvidia_sotrudnichayut Cognitive Technologies and Nvidia cooperate within document and image processing
  21. https://www.computerweekly.com/news/450429078/Russian-organisations-harness-artificial-intelligence Russian organisations harness artificial intelligence
  22. http://earth-chronicles.com/science/in-russia-an-unmanned-harvester.html In Russia, an unmanned harvester
  23. https://fr.rbth.com/tech/2017/08/21/cette-chef-dentreprise-qui-a-booste-lindustrie-des-vehicules-autonomes-russe_826006 Cette chef d’entreprise qui a boosté l’industrie des véhicules autonomes russe
  24. https://tass.ru/ekonomika/3559866 The Russian company plans to take 3-5% of the market of autonomous driving systems by 2022
  25. https://www.ntv.ru/video/1316143/ TV presenter of NTV tested a self-driving car
  26. https://www.thedrive.com/tech/17320/moscow-is-not-the-ideal-place-to-develop-self-driving-cars-russian-firms-say?iid=sr-link1 Moscow Is Not the Ideal Place to Develop Self-Driving Cars, Russian Firms Say
  27. https://newatlas.com/pc-transport-cognitive-technologies-autonomous-tram/58445/ IAutonomous tram to start closed testing ahead of Moscow street debut
  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU-FkpgzJgM Olga Uskov (NAIR) and Dmitry Medvedev about innovation
  29. http://biz.cnews.ru/news/line/prezident_cognitive_technologies_vozglavila President of Cognitive Technologies headed the department NUST MISIS
  30. http://misis.ru/university/news/misc/2014-06/1922/ "MISIS" team participated in the final "ACM ICPC 2014"
  31. https://snob.ru/selected/entry/72922 In search of a new reality: Belutin school. Part one
  32. https://snob.ru/selected/entry/73165 In search of a new reality: Belutin school
  33. https://snob.ru/selected/entry/76536 We can again take place in the world of art Kandinsky
  34. http://tvkultura.ru/article/show/article_id/118942 Beyond objectivity in Russian art of the second half of the XX century". The exhibition at the Russian Museum
  35. https://republic.ru/posts/l/1161196 The genius - the ability to build strong relationships between RAM and a deep subconscious
  36. https://life.ru/t/%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0/889787/tvorchiestvo_pobiezhdaiushchieie_boliezn_dieti_s_dtsp_risuiut_abstraktsii Creativity, conquering the disease. Children with cerebral palsy paint abstraction
  37. https://ria.ru/20131107/975352063.html State Duma has created a commission on strategic information systems
  38. https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/08/10/2014/54354831cbb20f14c07adfa5 Duma Commission approved the tightening of public procurement to foreign software