OMB Circular A-130 explained

OMB Circular A-130, titled Managing Information as a Strategic Resource, is one of many Government circulars produced by the United States Federal Government to establish policy for executive branch departments and agencies.

Circular A-130 was first issued in December 1985 to meet information resource management requirements that were included in the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1980. Specifically, the PRA assigned responsibility to the OMB Director to develop and maintain a comprehensive set of information resources management policies for use across the Federal government, and to promote the application of information technology to improve the use and dissemination of information in the operation of Federal programs.[1] The initial release of the Circular provided a policy framework for information resources management (IRM) across the Federal government.

Since the time of the Circular's first release in 1985, Congress has enacted several additional laws and OMB issued several guidance documents that related to information technology management in federal agencies. To account for these new laws and guidance, OMB has revised the Circular three times, in 1994,[2] 1996,[3] and 2000.[4] A complete rewrite of the Circular to both update and to correct for known deficiencies has been considered since at least 2005,[5] but as of October 2014, this rewrite has not yet occurred. A revised version was released on July 27, 2016.[6]

As expressed in the US Federal CIO Council's Architecture Alignment and Assessment Guide (2000), Circular A-130 can be thought of as a "one-stop shopping document for OMB policy and guidance on information technology management".[7]

Specific Guidance

A-130 includes specific guidelines that require

Federal DAA Involvement

The Federal Designated Approving Authority has specific requirements and responsibilities provided by this circular. It is required that this individual should be a management official, knowledgeable in the information and processes supported by the system. The individual should also know the management, personnel, operational, and technical controls used in the protection of this system.

The Federal DAA is also responsible for the security of this system as well as the use of the security products and techniques used therein.


A-130 establishes official OMB policy and guidance on information technology management for federal executive agencies based on the following laws, Executive Orders, and prior OMB guidance documents:


Executive Orders:

Other OMB circulars:

Prior OMB guidance documents:(All below have been rescinded after incorporation of guidance content into A-130):[8]

Any information that the information system uses that is classified automatically requires the system to have National security emergency preparedness guidelines that conform to Executive Order 12472.

External links

Notes and References

  1. (See "Background" section of Circular's Transmittal Memorandum No. 2 for brief historical information)
  2. 1994 (Transmittal No. 2)
  3. 1996 (Transmittal No. 3)
  4. 2000 (Transmittal No. 4)
  5. "OMB considers A-130 rewrite", FCW March 2005
  6. Managing Federal Information as a Strategic Resource
  7. Architecture Alignment and Assessment Guide, p.5
  8. Architecture Alignment and Assessment Guide