November 1920 Explained

November 1, 1920 (Monday)

November 2, 1920 (Tuesday)

November 3, 1920 (Wednesday)

November 4, 1920 (Thursday)

November 5, 1920 (Friday)

November 6, 1920 (Saturday)

November 7, 1920 (Sunday)

November 8, 1920 (Monday)

November 9, 1920 (Tuesday)

November 10, 1920 (Wednesday)

November 11, 1920 (Thursday)

November 12, 1920 (Friday)

November 13, 1920 (Saturday)

November 14, 1920 (Sunday)

November 15, 1920 (Monday)

November 16, 1920 (Tuesday)

November 17, 1920 (Wednesday)

November 18, 1920 (Thursday)

November 19, 1920 (Friday)

November 20, 1920 (Saturday)

November 21, 1920 (Sunday)

November 22, 1920 (Monday)

November 23, 1920 (Tuesday)

November 24, 1920 (Wednesday)

November 25, 1920 (Thursday)

November 26, 1920 (Friday)

November 27, 1920 (Saturday)

November 28, 1920 (Sunday)

November 29, 1920 (Monday)

November 30, 1920 (Tuesday)



Notes and References

  1. "Dr Zayas Elected President of Cuba", Boston Daily Globe, November 4, 1920, p12
  2. "Record of Current Events", The American Review of Reviews Volume 62 (December, 1920), pp585-589
  3. "Dr Harding Goes on the Warpath— Accepts Judge's Denial of 'Negro Blood' Story", Boston Daily Globe, November 2, 1920, p1
  4. "Hunt for Radium Valued at $13,000— Woman at Utica Hospital Threw It Away", Boston Daily Globe, November 2, 1920, p9
  5. "Looking for Radium in a Hospital Sewer!", La Crosse (WI) Tribune and Leader-Press, November 17, 1920, p16
  6. "News Items", New York Medical Journal, April 6, 1921, p546
  7. "British Execute Boy, 18, For Sinn Fein Slaying", Washington Times, November 1, 1920, p1
  8. "Kill 6, Wound 8 in Fourteen Raids by Sinn Feiners— Kevin Barry Dies in Dublin Jail, While Thousands Recite Prayers in the Countryside", The New York Times, November 2, 1920, p1
  9. "10 IRA men reburied 80 years on"
  10. "Harding Wins; Million Lead Here; Big Republican Gains in Congress", The New York Times, November 3, 1920, p1
  11. "Harding Victory Keeps Growing; Senate Majority 22, House 150— His Electoral Vote 404", Boston Daily Globe, November 5, 1920, p1
  12. "Cox Paper Concedes Landslide to Harding; Defeated Owner Mum", Pittsburgh Gazette Times, November 3, 1920, p1
  13. Mitchell Stephens, Beyond News: The Future of Journalism (Columbia University Press, 2014) p56
  14. "Radio Phones to Flash Election Vote in Danville", Washington Herald, November 2, 1920, p12
  15. Ed Salamon, Pittsburgh's Golden Age of Radio (Arcadia Publishing, 2010) p7
  16. "Will Use Wireless— Election Returns to be Sent Out From Pittsburgh", South Bend (IN) Tribune, November 2, 1920, p5
  17. Steve J. Wurtzler, Electric Sounds: Technological Change and the Rise of Corporate Mass Media (Columbia University Press, 2007) p24
  18. "Woman Elected to Congress by Oklahoma", Boston Daily Globe, November 4, 1920, p1
  19. "Scotland Goes Wet in Ratio of 36 to 10", Boston Daily Globe, November 4, 1920, p20
  20. "Burn Five Negroes and Hang Another— Florida Mob Inflicts Severe Reprisals in Raid", Boston Daily Globe, November 4, 1920, p3
  21. "We must pardon Private Daly, the last man shot for mutiny"
  22. David F. Krugler, 1919, The Year of Racial Violence: How African Americans Fought Back (Cambridge University Press, 2014) p300
  23. "Samoan Governor Commits Suicide— Was to Face an Inquiry", The New York Times, November 6, 1920, p1
  24. "Storm Wrecked Sailor Is Eaten By Big Sharks"
  25. "Shark Attacks Wreck Victims— Survivor Tells How 64 Persons Struggled in Sea as Typhoon Raged", Washington Post, November 12, 1920, p1
  26. "Deutsche Bank Forges Ahead", Vancouver Daily Province, November 4, 1920, p7
  27. "Gov Clement Gives Graham Full Pardon— Vermont Ex-Governor Freed Two Hours After Being Sentenced to From Five to Eight Years", Boston Daily Globe, November 5, 1920, p1
  28. "Carpentier Signs to Meet Dempsey", The New York Times, November 6, 1920, p1
  29. "Harvard, in Last Ditch Pull-up, Battles Princeton to 14-14 Tie", Boston Sunday Globe, November 7, 1920, p1
  30. Stephen Kotkin, Stalin: Paradoxes of Power, 1878-1928 (Penguin, 2014) p379
  31. Birgit Beumers, Pop Culture Russia!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle (ABC-CLIO, 2005) p1
  32. Richard Stites, Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution (Oxford University Press, 1991)
  33. "At a Meeting to Depose Ban Johnson as the American League President a New 12-team National League Is Proposed"
  34. "League Baseball Ripped Wide Open— New National Circuit Formed by 11 Clubs Including Both in Boston— One More to be Admitted", Boston Daily Globe, November 9, 1920, p1
  35. "American League Plans Boston Club", Boston Daily Globe, November 9, 1920, p7
  36. Mark I. West, A Children's Literature Tour of Great Britain (Scarecrow Press, 2003) p121
  37. "Orders Liquor Agent to Act— Owners May Take Their Liquor Home", Boston Daily Globe, November 9, 1920, p1
  38. Raphael Lemkin, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress (The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 2008) p155
  39. "Member of Parliament Arrested As Red in Dublin", Pittsburgh Gazette-Times, November 11, 1920, p1
  40. "Parliament Man Held for Sedition— Lieut. Col. L'Estrange Accused of Expressing Hope for Coming of 'British Revolution.'", Barre (VT) Daily Times, November 12, 1920, p1
  41. Laurence V. Moyer, Victory Must be Ours: Germany in the Great War, 1914–1918 (Pen and Sword, 1995)
  42. Brian Joseph Martin, Napoleonic Friendship: Military Fraternity, Intimacy, and Sexuality in Nineteenth-century France (University Press of New England, 2011) p271
  43. "The day that Ted helped Unknown Warrior to his rest"
  44. "11/11/18: The significance of the Unknown Soldier"
  45. "Commemorating France’s Unknown Soldier"
  46. "Irish Home Rule Bill Is Adopted— Motion to Reject Lost by Vote of 183 to 52", Boston Daily Globe, November 12, 1920, p1
  47. "Cork Hunger Strikers Fed— All Likely to Recover, Say Physicians— Strike Called Off by Decision of Arthur Griffith", Boston Daily Globe, November 13, 1920, p1
  48. "Judge Landis Accepts to Save Game for Kids", Boston Daily Globe, November 13, 1920, p1
  49. "Italy and Serbia Sign Adriatic Pact", Boston Daily Globe, November 13, 1920, p1
  50. "Austria Applies to Enter League", Boston Daily Globe, November 13, 1920, p8
  51. "Divorce Reform in California: The Governor's Commission on the Family and Beyond"
  52. "Charley Chaplin's Wife Gets Divorce— Mildred Harris Accused Him of Cruelty", Boston Daily Globe, November 13, 1920, p1
  53. "Wilson Refuses to Let Spy be Shot", Boston Daily Globe, November 14, 1920, p1
  54. "Train Robbers Get $1,000,000— Record Looting of Fast Mail in Iowa", Boston Post, November 15, 1920, p1
  55. "Train Robbers Get $3,500,000— Amount First Reported Lost Trebled", Boston Post, November 17, 1920, p4
  56. "How 3 Boys Accomplished the World's Biggest Robbery"
  57. "Greek Throne Is the Real Prize In Elections to Be Held Today", Washington Post, November 14, 1920, p1
  58. "Reds Wipe Out Wrangel's Army— Beaten Generla Refugee on French Warship", Boston Daily Globe, November 15, 1920, p1
  59. "Red Victory Admitted by Wrangel's Premier", Boston Daily Globe, November 15, 1920, p8
  60. "Hungary Ratifies Treaty Amid Silence— Mourning Flag to Fly for Duration of Pact", Boston Daily Globe, November 15, 1920, p8
  61. "Six Children Die in Needless Panic", Boston Daily Globe, November 15, 1920, p1
  62. "League Assembly Opens, Hails Wilson", by Edwin L. James, The New York Times, November 16, 1920, p1
  63. "Hymans League Head— Belgian is Elected Permanent President at Geneva", Washington Post, November 16, 1920, p1
  64. "Victory Claimed by Venizelos in Greek Election", Ottawa Citizen, November 15, 1920, p1
  65. "Constantine Party Wins in Greece Over Venizelos", The New York Times, November 16, 1920, p1
  66. "Death Rate in 1919 Lowest on Record", Boston Daily Globe, November 16, 1920, p4
  67. Richard N. Piland, Images of America: Sugar Creek (Arcadia Publishing, 2010)
  68. "Our History"
  69. "Flashback Friday: 94 Years of Qantas"
  70. "#114 Pitney-Bowes Model M Postage Meter"
  71. "W. U. Declines to Trust State Dept— Company Refuses to Handle Any But Prepaid Messages", Boston Daily Globe, November 17, 1920, p2
  72. "Record of Current Events", The American Review of Reviews Volume 63 (January, 1921), pp24-28
  73. "Shipping Board Telegram Charged— Western Union Quickly Changes Order", Boston Daily Globe, November 19, 1920, p24
  74. Sul Ross website
  75. "Queen Mother Olga to Be Greek Regent— Rhallis Takes Oath as Premier", Boston Daily Globe, November 19, 1920, p21
  76. Didik Pradjoko, Atlas Pelabuhan-Pelabuhan Bersejarah di Indonesia (Historical Atlas of Indonesia), (Indonesian Directorate of History and Culture, 2013) p161
  77. "Abortion in the Soviet Union: why it is so widely practiced", by Shalvia Ben-Barak, in The Soviet Union: Party and Society, ed. by Peter J. Potichnyj (Cambridge University Press, 1988) p201
  78. Henry P. David, From Abortion to Contraception: A Resource to Public Policies and Reproductive Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe from 1917 to the Present (Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999) p7
  79. "Sixteen Drown in Maine Lake— Motor Boat Carrying 33 Woodsmen Burns", Boston Daily Globe, November 20, 1920, p1
  80. "1,000 Words on the Four Generations of ROCOR"
  81. "Ukase No. 362"
  82. "Nov 21, 1920 CE: Bloody Sunday"
  83. "How Michael Collins tracked down a deadly informer after Bloody Sunday"
  84. "Dublin Raiders Murder 14; Police at Game Kill Many", Boston Daily Globe, November 22, 1920, p1
  85. "Headstones erected at unmarked graves of 1920 Bloody Sunday victims"
  86. "DuPont Relieves Durant of $40,000,000 in Stock— Transfer of 3,000,000 Shares of General Motors Followed by Sharp Recovery in Wall St", Boston Daily Globe, November 23, 1920, p1
  87. Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise (Beard Books, 2003) p114
  88. "A Guide to the United States’ History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: Armenia"
  89. "The Arbitral Award on Turkish-Armenian Boundary by Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States of America"
  90. "Meteor at Kingwood Puts Town in Panic— Occupants of Auto Stunned as Astral Body Crashes to Earth"
  91. "Meteor Falls in Village— Howesville, W. Va., Is Thrown in Panic as it Explodes With Terrific Blast", The New York Times, November 23, 1920, p3
  92. "Meteor Plunges to Town Street in West Virginia", Chicago Tribune, November 23, 1920, p1
  93. "Large Meteor Falls in West Virginia Town", San Francisco Examiner, November 23, 1920, p1
  94. "Pardons 16 Raiders on Columbus, N M— Governor Ends Life Terms of Old Villa Followers", Boston Daily Globe, November 23, 1920, p12
  95. Anchorage Chaber of Commerce— Timeline
  96. "Anchorage History"
  97. "Ohio State Chosen for Pasadena Game", Boston Daily Globe, November 25, 1920, p7
  98. "Chevrolet, Jolls Killed; O'Donnell Is Hurt", Los Angeles Times, November 26, 1920, p1
  99. "Chevrolet, Though Dead, Is Speedway Champion", Los Angeles Times, November 26, 1920, pS-1
  100. "Gaston Chevrolet Killed in Race", The New York Times, November 26, 1920
  101. "Gobble up a Rare Thanksgiving Full Moon"
  102. "Death toll in Albania earthquake rises to 35", Business Standard, November 28, 2019
  103.,26,13,12&nd=display "National Centers for Environmental Information"
  104. "Queen Mother Olga to Be Greek Regent", Boston Daily Globe, November 19, 1920, p21
  105. "Disclosures"
  106. The Mark of Zorro 1920
  107. "In Picture Theaters", in New York Tribune, November 28, 1920, pIII-2; in announcing the public premiere for Sunday, the Tribune reported that the film "comes to the big theater for the second time since its opening."
  108. John C. Tibbetts and James M. Welsh, Douglas Fairbanks and the American Century (University Press of Mississippi, 2014)
  109. "Big Liverpool Fires Laid to Sinn Fein— Torch Put to Cotton Warehouses in Dock Area", Boston Daily Globe, November 29, 1920, p1
  110. "Italy Approves Adriatic Treaty", Boston Sunday Globe, November 28, 1920, p17
  111. "Sinn Feiners Kill 16 Police Cadets; New Reprisals Near Scent of Attack; England and Scotland Under Guard", The New York Times, November 30, 1920, p1
  112. Peter Cottrell, The Anglo-Irish War: The Troubles of 1913–1922 (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014)
  113. "Today in Irish History, November 28 1920 – The Kilmichael ambush"
  114. John R. Lampe, Yugoslavia as History: Twice There Was a Country (Cambridge University Press, 2000) p121
  115. F.I.D.A.C. (Fédération Interalliée des Anciens Combattants) – Historique. Statuts. Règlement intérieur. Carte d’Identité FIDAC. La Médaille Scolaire FIDAC | History. Constitution. By-Laws. FIDAC Identity Card. FIDAC Educational Medal; Paris, 1933, p. 2-3
  116. Amir D. Aczel, Finding Zero: A Mathematician's Odyssey to Uncover the Origins of Numbers (St. Martin's Press, 2015) p96
  117. Edmond Y. Azadian, History on the Move: Views, Interviews and Essays on Armenian Issues (Wayne State University Press, 1999) pp108-109
  118. "Notre Dame Star Back Ill with Pneumonia", Boston Globe, November 29, 1920, p7
  119. "France Makes Up With Vatican", Boston Daily Globe, December 1, 1920, p1
  120. "Ponzi Gets Five Years— To Serve Sentence in Plymouth Jail", Boston Daily Globe, December 1, 1920, p1
  121. "Du Pont Chosen Head of General Motors", Boston Daily Globe, December 1, 1920, p1
  122. "War Promised for Control of Golf", Boston Daily Globe, December 1, 1920, p9