Nawada Fatehpur is a mid-sized village located in the district of Gurgaon in the state of Haryana in India. It has a population of about 4590 persons in around 812 households.
Nawada is a village on the NH-8 through Gurgaon. Nearby sectors include 86, 82, 81 and 87. It is also a major industrial hub, home to companies such as Minda Industries and Mindarika Pvt Ltd. Shishu Kalyan High School is also located in Nawada. Holiday inn mall situated around 1 km and sphire 83 are just 3 km and Reliance supermarket are 2 km away . Dwarka expressway are just 3.5 Km, IGI airport are just 25 km . Upcoming RRTS project are near . Metro project are under making. Sliver streak Hospital in 500m and arvy hospital are just 3Km and Gurugram University are 1.5 km from Nawada .