NGC 213 | |
Epoch: | J2000 |
Ra: | [1] |
Constellation Name: | Pisces |
Z: | 0.018166 |
Dist Ly: | NaNMpc |
Type: | SB(rs)a |
Appmag V: | 14.23 |
Size V: | 1.7' × 1.4' |
NGC 213 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Pisces. It was discovered on October 14, 1784, by William Herschel.[2]
According to the SIMBAD database, NGC 213 is an Active Galaxy Nucleus Candidate, i.e. it has a compact region at the center of a galaxy that emits a significant amount of energy across the electromagnetic spectrum, with characteristics indicating that this luminosity is not produced by the stars.[3]
One supernova has been observed in NGC 213: SN2020bqm (typeIa, mag. 18.4).[4]