ND812 | |
Developer: | Nuclear Data, Inc. |
Type: | Minicomputer |
Price: | $10,000, |
The 12-bit ND812, produced by Nuclear Data, Inc., was a commercial minicomputer developed for the scientific computing market.Nuclear Data introduced it in 1970 at a price under $10,000[1] .
The architecture has a simple programmed I/O bus, plus a DMA channel.The programmed I/O bus typically runs low to medium-speed peripherals, such as printers,teletypes, paper tape punches and readers, while DMA is used for cathode ray tubescreens with a light pen, analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters,tape drives, disk drives.
The word size, 12 bits, is large enough to handle unsigned integers from 0 to 4095 –wide enough for controlling simple machinery. This is also enough to handle signed numbers from -2048 to +2047.This is higher precision than a slide rule or most analog computers. Twelve bits could also store twosix-bit characters (note, six-bit isn't enough for two cases, unlike "fuller" ASCIIcharacter set). "ND Code" was one such 6-bit character encoding that included upper-case alphabetic, digit,a subset of punctuation and a few control characters.[2] The ND812's basic configuration has a main memory of 4,096 twelve-bit wordswith a 2 microsecond cycle time. Memory is expandable to 16K words in 4K word increments. Bits within the wordare numbered from most significant bit (bit 11) toleast significant bit (bit 0).
The programming model consists of four accumulator registers: two main accumulators, J and K,and two sub accumulators, R and S. A rich set of arithmetic and logical operations are provided for themain accumulators and instructions are provided to exchange data between the main and sub accumulators.Conditional execution is provided through "skip" instructions. A condition is tested and the subsequentinstruction is either executed or skipped depending on the result of the test. The subsequent instructionis usually a jump instruction when more than one instruction is needed for the case where the test fails.
The I/O facilities include programmable interrupts with 4-levels of priority that can trap to any location inthe first 4K words of memory. I/O can transmit 12 or 24 bits, receive 12 or 24 bits, or transmit and receive12 bits in a cycle. I/O instructions include 4 bits for creating pulses for peripheral control. I/O peripheralscan be attached via 76 signal connector that allows for direct memory access by peripherals.DMA is accomplished by "cycle stealing" from the CPU to store words directly intothe core memory system.
Nuclear Data provided interfaces to the following peripherals:
The ND812 did not have an operating system, just a front panel and run and halt switches.The I/O facility allowed for peripherals to directly load programs into memory while the computerwas halted and not executing instructions. Another option was to enter a short loader programthat would be used to bootstrap the desired program from a peripheral such as a teletype orpaper tape reader. Since core memory is non-volatile, shutting off the computer did not resultin data or program loss.
A number of system programs were made available by Nuclear Data for use with the ND812: BASC-12assembler, symbolic text editor, NUTRAN interpreter, and disk-based symbolic text editor,
An assembler called BASC-12 was provided. BASC-12 was a two-pass assembler,with an optional third pass. Pass one generates a symbol table, pass two produces abinary output tape and pass three provides a listing of the program.
A sample of the assembler from the Principles of Programming the ND812 Computer manualis shown below:
/Input two unequal numbers "A" and "B", compare the two numbers /and determine which is larger, and output a literal statement /"A > B", or "B > A" as applicable. / /Input and store values for A & B *200 Start, TIF /Clear TTY flag JPS Input /Get value for A STJ A JPS Input /Get value for B STJ B / /Determine which of the two values is larger LDJ A SBJ B /Subtract B from A SIP J /Test for A positive JMP BRAN /No! B > A LDJ ABCST /Yes! A > B SKIP /Skip next instruction BRAN, LDJ BACST / /Set up and output expression / JPS OUT STOP JMP START / /Working or data storage area / A, 0 /Constant A B, 0 /Constant B ABCST, AB /Address of A > B literal BACST, BA /Address of B > A literal C260, 260 /ASCII zone constant / /Input routine + ASCII zone strip / Input, 0 /Entry point TIS JMP .-1 TRF TCP /Echo input at teletype TOS JMP .-1 SBJ C260 JMP@ INPUT / /Output routine - Output ASCII expression / Out, 0 /Entry point STJ LOOP+1 LDJ C5 /Set number of character constant STJ CTR / /Output data loop / Loop, TWLDJ 0 TCP TOS JMP .-1 ISZ LOOP+1 DSZ CTR /Test for all characters out JMP LOOP /No JMP@ Out /Return C5, 5 CTR, 0 / /Output messages / AB, 215 212 301 /A 276 /> 302 /B BA, 215 212 302 /B 276 /> 301 /A $ /End character
NUTRAN, a conversational, FORTRAN-like language, was provided. NUTRAN was intended forgeneral scientific programming. A sample of NUTRAN is shown below:
An example of the conversational nature of NUTRAN is shown below. >
is the command promptand :
is the input prompt.
>1.G INPUT VALUES FOR X AND Y :3 :2 X+Y= .5000000E 1 >
The instruction set consists of single and double word instructions.Operands can be immediate, direct or indirect. Immediate operands areencoded directly in the instruction as a literal value. Direct operandsare encoded as the address of the operand. Indirect operands encode theaddress of the word containing a pointer to the operand.
0 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 11 | |||||||
Operation | D/I | +/- | Displacement |
The displacement and sign bit allow single word instructions to address locations between-63 and +63 of the location of the instruction. Bit 4 of the instruction allows for achoice between indirect and direct addressing. When the displacement is used as anindirect address, the contents of the location which is +/-63 locations from the instructionlocation is used as a pointer to the actual operand.
Many single word instructions do not reference memory and use bits 4 and 5 as part of thespecification of the operation.
0 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 11 | |||||||
Operation | Instruction | Literal |
0 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 11 | |||||||
0010 | K | J | Shift Rotate | Shift Count |
Group 1 instructions perform arithmetic, logical, exchange and shifting functionson the accumulator registers. This includes hardware multiply and divide instructions.Bit 4 is set if the K register is affected. Bit 5 is set if the J register is affected.Both bits are set of both registers are affected.
0 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | ||||
0011 | K | J | OV | Comp Set | Comp Clear | 0 1 | >= 0 < 0 | = 0 != 0 |
Group 2 format instructions test for internal conditions of the J and Kaccumulator registers, manipulate the overflow and flag status bits andprovide complement, increment and negation operations on the J and K accumulatorregisters. Bits 9, 10 and 11 select the condition to be tested.
0 | 2 | 3 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | ||||
Operation | Instruction | Ind | KJ Acc. | Change Fields | MF1 | MF2 | ||||||
Absolute 12-bit Address |
Bit 9, Change Fields, inhibits the absolute address from referencing a different field thanthe one containing the instruction. When bit 8 is 1, the upper accumulator K is used withthe instruction, otherwise the lower accumulator J is used. When bit 7 is 1, indirectaddressing is used, otherwise direct addressing is used.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
Flag | Overflow | JPS | Int | IONL | IONA | IONB | IONH | Current Execution | ||||
MF0 | MF1 | MF1 | MF2 | MF1 | MF2 |
The status register doest not exist as a distinct register. It is the contentsof several groups of indicators that are all stored in the J register whendesired. The JPS and Int bits hold the current field contents that wouldbe used during a JPS instruction or interrupt. The flag and overflow bitscan be set explicitly from the J register contents with the RFOV instruction,but the other bits must be set by distinct instructions.
The ND812 processor provides a simple stack for operands, butdoesn't use this mechanism for storing subroutine return addresses. Instead, the returnaddress is stored in the target of the JPS
instruction and then the PC
register is updated to point to the location following the stored return address. Toreturn from the subroutine, an indirect jump through the initial location of thesubroutine restores the program counter to the instruction following the JPS
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
ANDF | 2000 | AND with J, Forward | J | |
LDJ | 5000 | Load J | J | |
TWLDJ | 0500 | Load J | J | |
STJ | 5400 | Store J | Memory | |
TWSTJ | 0540 | Store J | Memory | |
TWLDK | 0510 | Load K | K | |
TWSTK | 0550 | Store K | Memory | |
ADJ | 4400 | Add to J | J, OV | |
TWADJ | 0440 | Add to J | J, OV | |
SBJ | 4000 | Subtract from J | J, OV | |
TWSBJ | 0400 | Subtract from J | J, OV | |
TWADK | 0450 | Add to K | K, OV | |
TWSBK | 0410 | Subtract from K | K, OV | |
ISZ | 3400 | Increment memory and skip if zero | Memory, PC | |
TWISZ | 0340 | Increment memory and skip if zero | Memory, PC | |
DSZ | 3000 | Decrement memory and skip if zero | Memory, PC | |
TWDSZ | 0300 | Decrement memory and skip if zero | Memory, PC | |
SMJ | 2400 | Skip if memory not equal to J | PC | |
TWSMJ | 0240 | Skip if memory not equal to J | PC | |
TWSMK | 0250 | Skip if memory not equal to K | PC | |
JMP | 6000 | Unconditional jump | PC | |
TWJMP | 0600 | Unconditional jump | PC | |
JPS | 6400 | Jump to subroutine | Memory, PC | |
TWJPS | 0640 | Jump to subroutine | Memory, PC | |
XCT | 7000 | Execute instruction |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
AND J | 1100 | Logical AND J,K into J | J | |
AND K | 1200 | Logical AND J,K into K | K | |
AND JK | 1300 | Logical AND J,K into J,K | J, K |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
AJK J | 1120 | (J + K) to J | J, OV | |
NAJK J | 1130 | -(J + K) to J | J, OV | |
SJK J | 1121 | (J - K) to J | J, OV | |
NSJK J | 1131 | -(J - K) to J | J, OV | |
ADR J | 1122 | (R + J) to J | J, OV | |
NADR J | 1132 | -(R + J) to J | J, OV | |
ADS J | 1124 | (S + J) to J | J, OV | |
NADS J | 1134 | -(S + J) to J | J, OV | |
SBR J | 1123 | (R - J) to J | J, OV | |
NSBR J | 1133 | -(R - J) to J | J, OV | |
SBS J | 1125 | (S - J) to J | J, OV | |
NSBS J | 1135 | -(S - J) to J | J, OV | |
AJK K | 1220 | (J + K) to K | K, OV | |
NAJK K | 1230 | -(J + K) to K | K, OV | |
SJK K | 1221 | (J - K) to K | K, OV | |
NSJK K | 1231 | -(J - K) to K | K, OV | |
ADR K | 1222 | (R + K) to K | K, OV | |
NADR K | 1232 | -(R + K) to K | K, OV | |
ADS K | 1224 | (S + K) to K | K, OV | |
NADS K | 1234 | -(S + K) to K | K, OV | |
SBR K | 1223 | (R - K) to K | K, OV | |
NSBR K | 1233 | -(R - K) to K | K, OV | |
SBS K | 1225 | (S - K) to K | K, OV | |
NSBS K | 1235 | -(S - K) to K | K, OV | |
AJK JK | 1320 | (J + K) to J,K | J, K, OV | |
NAJK JK | 1330 | (J + K) to J,K | J, K, OV | |
SJK JK | 1321 | (J - K) to J,K | J, K, OV | |
NSJK JK | 1331 | -(J - K) to J,K | J, K, OV | |
MPY | 1000 | Multiply J by K into R, S | J, K, R, S, OV | |
DIV | 1001 | Divide J,K by R into J, K | J, K, R, S, OV |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
SFTZ J | 1140 | Shift J left N | J | |
SFTZ K | 1240 | Shift K left N | K | |
SFTZ JK | 1340 | Shift J,K left N | J, K | |
ROTD J | 1160 | Rotate J left N | J | |
ROTD K | 1260 | Rotate K left N | K | |
ROTD JK | 1360 | Rotate J,K left N | J,K |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
LJSW | 1010 | Load J from switch register | J | |
LRF J | 1101 | Load R from J | R | |
LJFR | 1102 | Load J from R | J | |
EXJR | 1103 | Exchange J and R | J, R | |
LSFK | 1201 | Load S from K | S | |
LKFS | 1202 | Load K from S | K | |
EXKS | 1203 | Exchange K and S | K, S | |
LKFJ | 1204 | Load K from J | K | |
EXJK | 1374 | Exchange J and K | J, K | |
LRSFJK | 1301 | Load R, S from J, K | R, S | |
LJKFRS | 1302 | Load J, K from R, S | J, K | |
EXJRKS | 1303 | Exchange J, K and R, S | J, K, R, S | |
LJST | 1011 | Load status register into J | J | |
RFOV | 1002 | Read Flag, OV from J | J |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
SIZ J | 1505 | Skip if J equals zero | PC | |
SIZ K | 1605 | Skip if K equals zero | PC | |
SIZ JK | 1705 | Skip if both J and K equals zero | PC | |
SNZ J | 1501 | Skip if J not equal zero | PC | |
SNZ K | 1601 | Skip if K not equal zero | PC | |
SNZ JK | 1701 | Skip if J or K not equal zero | PC | |
SIP J | 1501 | Skip if J positive | PC | |
SIP K | 1602 | Skip if K positive | PC | |
SIP JK | 1702 | Skip if both J and K positive | PC | |
SIN J | 1506 | Skip if J negative | PC | |
SIN K | 1606 | Skip if J negative | PC | |
SIN JK | 1706 | Skip if both J and K negative | PC |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
CLR J | 1510 | Clear J | J | |
CLR K | 1610 | Clear K | K | |
CLR JK | 1710 | Clear J, K | J, K | |
CMP J | 1520 | Complement J | J | |
CMP K | 1620 | Complement K | K | |
CMP JK | 1720 | Complement J, K | J, K | |
SET J | 1530 | Set J to -1 | J | |
SET K | 1630 | Set K to -1 | K | |
SET JK | 1730 | Set J, K to -1 | J, K |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
SIZ O | 1445 | Skip if overflow zero | PC | |
SNZ O | 1441 | Skip if overflow set | PC | |
CLR O | 1450 | Clear overflow | OV | |
CMP O | 1460 | Complement overflow | OV | |
SET O | 1470 | Set overflow | OV |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
SIZ | 1405 | Skip if flag zero | PC | |
SNZ | 1401 | Skip if flag set | PC | |
CLR | 1410 | Clear flag | F | |
CMP | 1420 | Complement flag | F | |
SET | 1430 | Set flag | F |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
INC J | 1504 | Increment J | J | |
INC K | 1604 | Increment K | K | |
INC JK | 1704 | Increment J, K | J, K | |
NEG J | 1524 | Negate J | J | |
NEG K | 1624 | Negate K | K | |
NEG JK | 1724 | Negate J, K | J, K |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
IONH | 1004 | Enable interrupt level H | ||
IONA | 1006 | Enable interrupt level A, H | ||
IONB | 1005 | Enable interrupt level B, H | ||
IONN | 1007 | Enable all interrupt levels | ||
IOFF | 1003 | Disable all interrupts |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
PION | 1500 | Powerfail on | ||
PIOF | 1600 | Powerfail off | ||
SKPL | 1440 | Skip on power low | PC |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
ANDL | 2100 | AND literal with J | J | |
ADDL | 2200 | Add literal to J | J | |
SUBL | 2300 | Subtract literal from J | J |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
LDREG | 7720 | Load JPS from J, INT from K | ||
LDJK | 7721 | Load JPS to J, INT to K | J, K | |
RJIB | 7722 | Set JPS and INT status |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
TIS | 7404 | Skip if keyboard ready | PC | |
TIR | 7402 | Load keyboard into J | J | |
TIF | 7401 | Keyboard-reader fetch | ||
TRF | 7403 | Keyboard read-fetch | J | |
TOS | 7414 | Skip if printer-punch ready | PC | |
TOC | 7411 | Clear flag | ||
TCP | 7413 | Clear flag, print-punch | ||
TOP | 7412 | Print-punch |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
HIS | 7424 | Skip HS reader ready | PC | |
HIR | 7422 | Clear flag; read HS buffer | J | |
HIF | 7421 | HS reader fetch | ||
HRF | 7423 | HS reader read-fetch | J | |
HOS | 7434 | Skip if HS punch ready | PC | |
HOL | 7432 | Clear flag; load buffer from J | ||
HOP | 7431 | Punch on HS punch | ||
HLP | 7433 | Load and punch HS punch |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
CSLCT1 | 7601 | Place cassette 1 on-line | ||
CSLCT2 | 7602 | Place cassette 2 on-line | ||
CSLCT3 | 7604 | Place cassette 3 on-line | ||
CSTR | 0740, 0124 | Selected TWIO skip if transport ready | PC | |
CSFM | 0740, 0104 | Skip on filemark | PC | |
CSET | 0740, 0110 | Skip if transport at end of tape | PC | |
CSNE | 0740, 0122 | Skip if no error | PC | |
CSBT | 0740, 0130 | Skip if transport at beginning of tape | PC | |
CCLF | 0740, 0141 | Clear all cassette control flags | ||
CWFM | 0740, 0151 | Write file mark | ||
CSWR | 0740, 0152 | Skip if write ready | PC | |
CWRT | 0740, 0154 | Write J into buffer | ||
CSRR | 0740, 0142 | Skip if ready | PC | |
CRDT | 0740, 0144 | Read buffer into J | J | |
CHSF | 0740, 0101 | High speed forward to EOT | ||
CSPF | 0740, 0102 | Space forward to filemark | ||
CHSR | 0740, 0121 | High-speed reverse to BOT |
Assembler Mnemonic | Octal Code | Description | Registers Affected | |
STOP | 0000 | Stop execution | ||
SKIP | 1442 | Unconditional skip | PC | |
IDLE | 1400 | One cycle delay | ||
TWIO | 0740 | Two-word I/O |