Munising Formation Explained

Munising Formation
Age:Cambrian-?Early Ordovician
Subunits:Miner's Castle Member, Chapel Rock Member, Basal Conglomerate, Eau Claire Formation
Underlies:Au Train Formation
Overlies:Jacobsville Sandstone

The Munising Group or Formation is a 1700feet thick, white to light grey Cambrian sedimentary unit that crops out in Michigan and (to a lesser extent) Ontario. At one end of its extent, it comprises a basal conglomerate overlain by the Chapel Rock Member and the Miners Castle Member; elsewhere, it comprises the Eau Claire, Galesville (=Dresbach), and Franconia Members. Anhydritic evaporite deposits are present in places.[1] The conglomerate was deposited by rivers in flood, with the Chapel Rock member, which contains deltaic deposits, representing transgression as the conglomerate cones became submerged; the Miners Castle member was deposited further from the shoreline, representing shelf deposits.[2] Its uppermost strata may be Early Ordovician in age, and contain conodonts, trilobites and phosphatic moulds of brachiopods, ostrocoderm fish and gastropods.[3]

The Munising lies unconformably above the Jacobsville Formation.[4]

Notes and References

  1. 57. 1973. 12. Cambrian Lithostratigraphy of Michigan Basin. Paul A. Catacosinos. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin . 2404–2418. 10.1306/83d9132b-16c7-11d7-8645000102c1865d.
  2. Charles a. Haddox . R. H. D. . Cambrian Shoreline Deposits in Northern Michigan . SEPM Journal of Sedimentary Research . 1990 . 10.1306/212F9250-2B24-11D7-8648000102C1865D.
  3. Miller . J. F. . Ethington . R. L. . Rose . R. . Stratigraphic Implications of Lower Ordovician Conodonts from the Munising and Au Train Formations at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Upper Peninsula of Michigan . PALAIOS . 21 . 3 . 227–237 . 2006 . 10.2110/palo.2004.p04-50.
  4. Web site: Pictured Rocks: Geologic Formations. US National Park Service. August 5, 2011.