Morinville-St. Albert | |
Province: | Alberta |
Prov-Rep: | Dale Nally |
Prov-Rep-Party: | UCP |
Prov-Status: | active |
Prov-Created: | 2017 |
Prov-Election-First: | 2019 |
Prov-Election-Last: | 2023 |
Demo-Pop: | 50225 |
Demo-Census-Date: | 2016 |
Demo-Pop-Ref: | [1] |
Demo-Area: | 1376 |
Demo-Csd: | Bon Accord, Gibbons, Legal, Morinville, St. Albert, Redwater |
Morinville-St. Albert is a provincial electoral district in Alberta, Canada. The district is one of the 87 districts mandated to return a single member (MLA) to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta using the first past the post method of voting. It was contested for the first time in the 2019 Alberta election.
The district lies to the north of Edmonton, covering the part of Sturgeon County east of Highway 2 and the part of the City of St. Albert northeast of Boudreau Road. It contains the communities of Morinville, Legal, Bon Accord, Gibbons, and Redwater. It also includes CFB Edmonton. The other major highway in the district is Highway 28.
Members for Morinville-St. Albert | ||||
Assembly | Years | Member | Party | |
See Athabasca-Sturgeon-Redwater 2012-2019 and Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock 2004-2019 | ||||
30th | 2019–2023 | Dale Nally | United Conservative | |
31st | 2023– |