Shortland Street is a New Zealand soap opera that has been broadcast on TV2 since 25 May 1992. The show centres on the title hospital and its staff and their families. The following characters currently appear in the soap opera. Characters who have been portrayed by more than one actor, are listed, with the most recent actor at the top of the list.
Actor | Character | Duration |
Michael Galvin | Chris Warner | 1992–1996, 2000– |
Sally Martin | Nicole Miller | 2009– |
2013– | ||
2015– | ||
2015– | ||
CJ Reinecke Awa Puna | Gia Te Atakura | 2017, 2022– |
Scott Smart | 2019– | |
Jess Sayer | Maeve Mullens | 2020– |
Courtenay Louise | Monique Strutter | 2020 - |
Marianne Infante | 2021– | |
Theo David | 2021– | |
Bella Kalolo | Selina To'a | 2023– |
Paul Waggott | Thaddeus Fleiss | 2023– |
Peter Burman | Sage Stewart | 2023– |
Jane Wills | Phil Grayson | 2024– |
Mo Nasir | Nazar Arshad | 2024– |
Actor | Character | Relation | Duration | Source |
Athens Koloi | Pele Kruse-Miller | Nicole Miller and Vinnie Kruse's son | 2014– | [1] [2] |
Louis Brunel-Morvan | Billy McCaskill | Intersex child of Drew McCaskill and Harper Whitley | 2018– | [3] |
Arlo Jackson | ||||
Hiwaiterangi Hiwa Dixon | Kiwa Adams | Esther and Eddie's son | 2020– | [4] |
James Allan | Marley Fraser | Adopted son of Harper Whitley and Drew McCaskill | 2020– | |
Valerie Maea | Pikitia Hannah | Daughter of Esther Samuels and Curtis Hannah | 2022– | |
Megg Alexander | Cassie Lloyd | Mother of Maeve & Nicole's grandson, Knox | 2022– | |
Stephen Lovatt | Dr. Emmett Whitman | ED Consultant at Shortland Street and former Head of Emergency at Central. | 2023– | |
Conan Hayes | Chip Hemara | Ambulance officer and love interest for Sage Stewart. | 2024– | |
Jade Daniels | Julian Jonas | Lead Shareholder in Shortland Street hospital | 2024– |