Modernization plans of French universities explained

During the 1990s and the 2000s, the French governments have launched the modernization plans of French universities (in French, plans de modernisation des universités françaises).[1]

Investments of the state had been important, especially for the development of new academic centers before and after May 1968. However, these two modernization plans have been more publicized.[2]

2000 University

This plan was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 23 May 1990. With initial funding of 32 billion of French francs over five years (1991-1995), it would increase the number of premises, while the number of students was increasing.[3] In 1994, operations were paid via the Contrat de projets État-région (Project contract state-region). The final funding was 40 billion francs (U2000 plan: 16.6; U2000 reported in CPER: 15.7, new operation in CPER: 8).[4]

This scheme has helped to build 3.5 million square meters of new buildings for higher education and research, including:

University of the 3rd millennium

U3M plan, which combines state and local authorities, is a large-scale plan of the order of 50 billion of French francs.[5] It is part of an overall approach, the schema utility of higher education and research. Like its predecessor, this plan has been largely funded through the CPER 2000-2006 (42 billion francs).[6] It was more than build new premises but to rehabilitate the existing. A special effort was made to student life, 25% of the funding went to libraries, restaurants and dormitories.[7] [8]

Campus Plan

The Campus Plan (in French, Plan campus), differs from the other two by at least two points:

Large loan

Of the 35 billion euros of large loan,[10] 22 are for higher education and research. In particular:


Notes and References

  1. Les bibliothèques universitaires profiteront du grand emprunt
  2. Le deuxième plan de modernisation et d'équipement et l'avenir de l'économie française
  3. Une évaluation du plan Université 2000 (1990-1995)
  4. Sénat, 2003, II. B. 5. a), Le bilan quantitatif du schéma Université 2000 (The quantitative assessment schema of University 2000)
  5. Quelle gouvernance pour les universités?
  6. Le Plan Universités du 3ème Millénaire - U 3M
  7. Sénat, 2003, II. B. 5. b) Le financement du plan U3M et des contrats de plan (Plan U3M and contracts plan funding).
  8. D’Université 2000 à U3M
  9. Cour des Comptes, 2009
  10. Le grand emprunt va "affaiblir" la notation de la France