Meanings of minor planet names: 234001–235000 explained


|-id=026| 234026 Unioneastrofili || || The Italian Amateur Astronomers Union (it|Unione Astrofili Italiani|link=no; UAI). It was founded in 1967, and counts over 1000 members and releases the peer-reviewed magazine Astronomia. The UAI has many research sections and undertakes scientific popularization and didactics, with the co-operation of the Ministry of Education and Universities. || |}


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|-id=292| 234292 Wolfganghansch || || Wolfgang Hansch (born 1954), a German geologist, editor and lecturer, who is the founder and managing director of the science center experimenta gGmbH in Heilbronn, Germany. || |-id=294| 234294 Pappsándor || || Sándor Papp (born 1949) is a Hungarian amateur astronomer, who has made more than 100,000 visual brightness estimation of variable stars. || |}


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|-id=750| 234750 Amymainzer || || Amy Mainzer (born 1974) is an American astronomer and member of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) team. She was the principal investigator of a project to enhance WISE's ability to find new minor planets. The name was suggested by H. Bill. || |-id=761| 234761 Rainerkracht || || Rainer Kracht (born 1948), is a German amateur astronomer who discovered more than two hundred comets on images taken by the SOHO spacecraft. The Kracht group comets are named after him. Kracht is also a discoverer of minor planets. The name was suggested by H. Bill. || |}


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|-id=923| 234923 Bonnell || || Jerry T. Bonnell (b. 1954), an American astrophysicist. || |}