Magic triangle (mathematics) explained

A magic triangle is a magic arrangement of the integers from 1 to to triangular figure.

Perimeter magic triangle

A magic triangle or perimeter magic triangle[1] is an arrangement of the integers from 1 to on the sides of a triangle with the same number of integers on each side, called the order of the triangle, so that the sum of integers on each side is a constant, the magic sum of the triangle.[2] [3] [4] Unlike magic squares, there are different magic sums for magic triangles of the same order. Any magic triangle has a complementary triangle obtained by replacing each integer in the triangle with .


Order-3 magic triangles are the simplest (except for trivial magic triangles of order 1).

Other magic triangles

Other magic triangles use Triangular number or square number of vertices to form magic figure. Matthew Wright and his students in St. Olaf College developed magic triangles with square numbers. In their magic triangles, the sum of the k-th row and the (n-k+1)-th row is same for all k.[5] Its one modification uses triangular numbers instead of square numbers. Another magic triangle form is magic triangles with triangular numbers with different summation. In this magic triangle, the sum of the k-th row and the (n-k)-th row is same for all k.

Another magic triangle form is magic triangles with square numbers with different summation. In this magic triangle, the sum of the 2x2 subtriangles are same for all subtriangles.

Magic Triangles have also been discovered, such that when its elements are squared, we obtain another magic triangle.

See also


  1. Web site: Perimeter Magic Triangles. 2016-12-27.
  2. Web site: Perimeter Maghic Polygons. 2016-12-27.
  3. Web site: Magic Triangle : 2016-12-27.
  4. Web site: P4W8: Magic Triangles and Other Figures. December 27, 2016.
  5. Magic Triangles