List of strawberry cultivars explained

The following is a partial list of strawberry cultivars. Strawberries come in a wide assortment of commercially available cultivars (cultivated varieties). Differences between cultivars may include the date the fruit ripens, disease resistance, freezing quality, firmness, berry size, berry shape, and flavor. Many different cultivars have been developed at the University of California (Davis campus), by Driscoll Strawberry Associates Inc. (Watsonville, California), the United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and East Malling Research Station in the UK.[1]

Almost all the strawberries listed below are cultivars of Fragaria × ananassa. Two cultivars listed here ('Frel' and 'Samba') are bigeneric hybrids, grown mainly for their flower colour rather than their fruit, using a closely related species (Potentilla palustris = Comarum palustre) to introduce pink or red colouration to the flowers.

The cultivar Fragaria × ananassa 'Variegata' is grown mainly for the decorative qualities of its variegated foliage.


This table includes a list of strawberry cultivars that are commercially available.[2] [3] [4] [5]

Cultivar names should be shown in single quotes. Names shown in are trade designations, or "selling names", used in certain countries (with the cultivar name shown alongside); the same cultivar may be sold under a different trade designation in other countries.

VarietyImageSeasonDeveloped byReleasedPedigreeNotes
Early SeasonNew Fruits s.a.s., Italy2002
[6] Day neutralUniversity of California2006Diamante × Cal 94.16-1The variety Albion is known for its large to very large fruit. Fruit is mostly conical, very firm and red in color. Its flavor is very good for a day-neutral and is sweet and pleasant. It is a high yielding cultivar with robust runners and stalks. It is resistant to verticillium wilt, phytophthora crown rot and has some resistance to anthracnose crown rot.
MidseasonEast Malling Research, UK1993
Day neutral
[7] MidseasonUSDA / University of Maryland1981US 4419 × MDVS 3184The variety Allstar, with an almost perfect strawberry shape, is a major variety during the late mid-season. The glossy firm fruit, which holds its size very well, is an excellent u-pick or home garden choice. Its orange/red color and delicate skin lessens its shipping potential. Allstar's vigor and resistance to red stele, verticillium wilt, moderate resistance to powdery mildew and leaf scorch, makes it suitable to almost any growing region and soil condition.
EverbearingFlevo Berry Holding B.V.2015The variety Altess is an everbearing variety which growers and consumers strongly appreciate. It is an easy growing variety which combines a good taste, yield and fruit size. It brings beautiful good tasting berries which maintain their gloss after storage. Plants are easy to grow and tolerate root and leaf diseases. In practice it is noticed the variety can stand flower thrips and botrytis relatively well. The variety can also stand some rain.
Late SeasonEast Malling Research, UK1998
Early SeasonAAFC, Nova Scotia1984K74-5 (Micmac x Raritan) x EarliglowAn early-season, productive cultivar introduced by Agriculture Canada, Kentville, Nova Scotia. The berries are large, firm, medium red and glossy with good flavor. Annapolis is good as a frozen pack. Plants runner freely and are vigorous, winter-hardy, susceptible to mildew but tolerant to red stele. The cultivar is recommended for limited early production for pick-your-own sales and the fresh market.
USDA, North Carolina1970N.C.1759 × N.C.1729
MidseasonCornell/NYSAES2016Very aromatic, delicious flavor; High yield; cold-hardy; Tolerant to root rots. Holds large fruit size through multiple harvests for 2–3 weeks. Maximum fruit size can be above (comparable to plum fruit). Suited for growers in New York, Michigan and Minnesota, and along the Mid-Atlantic from Maryland into the Northeast. The 43rd strawberry released by the NYSAES breeding program since its founding in 1880.
[8] Day neutralUniversity of California1994Cal 87.112-6 × Cal 88.270-1The variety Aromas is a day-neutral cultivar which has larger fruit and produces greater yields than Selva or Seascape. Aromas produces large quantities of late-season fruit. It also has a broader environmental tolerance and is more resistant to mildew than Selva, and is especially tolerant to spider mites. Flavor is very good. Fruit size and cull rate is superior to Selva.
Early MidseasonNew Fruits s.a.s., Italy2005
USDA, North Carolina1970NC 1759 x Albritton
[10] Late-midseasonUSDA-ARS, Oregon1975OSC 2414 × ValeThe variety Benton is a Junebearing cultivar, named after Benton County where Oregon State University is located in Corvallis, Oregon. Fruit is very bright, has excellent keeping quality, is conic in shape, and the fruit has good flavor. Fruit is medium to large in size and is recommended for all parts of the Pacific Northwest. Benton appears to have excellent winter hardiness and excellent fruit quality with vigorous growth. The upright habit makes Benton a good bet for home gardeners as well as the commercial grower. It is more drought resistant than Rainier. Virus tolerant. Also tolerant to red stele. Ripens late.
Netherlands1978(Climax x Deutsch Evern) x Tago Zb.53.116 x Tago
EverbearingEast Malling Research, UK1996Selva x LA 988 (complex pedigree involving Redgauntlet, Wiltguard, Gorella, Cardinal and Selva.)
USDA-ARS Corvallis OR1993Linn x Totem
Early MidseasonUSDA, Massachusetts1999Cavendish × 'Honeoye'
MidseasonAAFC, Nova Scotia1998(Elsanta × K79-5) × (ArKing × K7-40)
EverbearingEast Malling Research, UK1992Rapella × Selva
[11] Early-season short dayUniversity of California1994Douglas` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 4,487) x advanced selection Cal 85.218-605The variety Camarosa is an early-season short day cultivar. Fruit is larger and firmer than Chandler, very flat conic, productive, has good appearance, is very firm, has good flavor, and is widely adapted producing fruit over an extended period at low latitudes. Can be used for fresh-market and processing.
Early SeasonUniversity of Cambridge1947Fragaria Chiloensis × Blakemore
Camino Real[12] Short dayUniversity of CaliforniaCal 89.230-7 × Cal 90.253-3[13] Camino Real plants are smaller and more compact, open, and erect, but less vigorous than Camarosa. Fruit is larger and per-plant yields are somewhat greater than Camarosa, but fruiting begins somewhat later. External and internal fruit color for Camino Real is darker than Camarosa. Camino Real has very good flavor and is outstanding for both fresh market and processing. Moderately susceptible to common leaf spot and somewhat sensitive to powdery mildew, resistant to Verticillium wilt and Phytophthora crown rot, and relatively resistant to Anthracnose crown rot.
Late midseasonCornell/NYSAES1979NY1123 'Senga Sengana' × 'Midland') × Holiday
MidseasonEast Malling Research, UK1998
[14] MidseasonAAFC, Nova Scotia1990Glooscap × AnnapolisThe variety Cavendish is a high yielding cultivar with red stele and verticillium resistance and black root rot tolerance. It is very winter-hardy and produces very large, high-quality berries which are excellent for all uses. The flavor is sweet and less tart than Honeoye. Ripens mid-season.
[15] MidseasonAAFC/McGill University1982Sparkle × HoneoyeHigh-yield, June-bearing cross between Honeoye and Sparkle. Produced by Agriculture Canada and McGill University for specific conditions of southern Quebec, including high resilience to the region's traditionally extremely cold winters.
[16] University of California1983Douglas × Cal 72.361-105The variety Chandler is a high yielding variety, produces very large fruit, and appears to be well adapted to southern regions. It is adaptable to the eastern US, and in many different production systems including matted rows.
Late midseasonCornell/NYSAES1993MDUS4774 × MDUS5199
Early midseasonSociete Civile Darbonne, France1998Parker × 'Elsanta'
Early midseasonEast Malling Research, UK2007Honeoye × ITA 80-51-1
USDA, Illinois1974Albritton x MDUS 2650
USDA, Maryland1994Earliglow x Atlas
Day neutralUniversity of California1991Cal 87.112-6 × Cal 88.270-1
[17] USDA, North Carolina1964Albritton x MDUS 2101
[18] Early SeasonUSDA, Maryland1975MDUS 2359 (Fairland x Midland) x MDUS 2713 (Redglow x Surecrop)Earliglow is an early producing, medium-sized berry, with great flavor. The size decreases greatly as the season progresses, making it difficult for u-pick farms to sell the later fruit. The plant is vigorous, is resistant to red stele and moderately resistant to verticillium wilt.
Late seasonEast Malling Research, UK2009EM834 × EM1033
MidseasonInstitute for Horticultural Plant Breeding, Netherlands1975Gorella × Holiday
Netherlands(Gorella x Vola (Bowa x Empire)
Early seasonEast Malling Research, UK1995Honeoye × Gea
MidseasonEast Malling Research, U.K.1985Allstar × Elsanta
Early seasonAAFC, Nova Scotia1975(Honeoye × Veestar) × NYUS119
Edward Vinson Ltd., UKEvita × Irvine
Day neutralEdward Vinson Ltd., UK2006Everglade × J92D12
LateFlevo Berry Holding B.V.2014Faith is a late variety with beautiful, bright fruit and an excellent flavour.
EverbearingFlevo Berry Holding B.V.2013Favori is an everbearing variety with excellent characteristics. The quality and yield of Favori are very good. Favori is a fast grower, meaning that the variety comes into production early. The fruit are conical and elongated in shape and have the Elsanta colour, which, just as the shine, is also preserved during storage.
Late seasonEast Malling Research, UK2009EM931 × EM972
Late SeasonUSDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR1998ORUS 850-48 (Linn x ORUS 3727) x Totem
EarlyFlevo Berry Holding B.V.2008Flair is the variety with which many growers start the season, as it is early-cropping with good flavour, even under cold conditions.
EverbearerEast Malling Research, UK2002Evita x EMR77 (The male parent is from crosses involving Selva, Tioga, Gorella and Gento)
EarlyFlevo Berry Holding B.V.2013Fleurette is 7 days earlier than Elsanta and can be forced quite easily using a double covering. Fleurette combines earliness, productivity and excellent fruit quality
Late midseasonEast Malling Research, UK1997[Tioga × ('Redgauntlet' × (Wiltguard × Gorella))]× (Providence × self)
EverbearingFlevo Berry Holding B.V.2011Florentina is an everbearing variety with excellent characteristics. The fruit are firm in texture, conical in shape and Elsanta-red. The variety has no susceptibility to finger bruising and the fruit remain glossy even after storage.
EverbearingFlevo Berry Holding B.V.2010Florina is an everbearer with excellent characteristics. Florinas vigorous growth produces a high yield. It develops quickly and starts production early. In the right growing conditions, it is even possible to harvest from the winter flowers as early as May/June. The colour of the fruit is similar to that of Elsanta and will not darken during storage. The fruit are conical in shape and the brightness of the colour remains even after harvesting.
[19] USDA, Wyoming1973Geneva × S.65122 (Earlidawn × Chief Bemidji)Fort Laramie is extremely winter hardy, and does well in colder areas except Alaska (Alaska's long days inhibit fruit production). Also not recommended in the South. Large, bright scarlet fruit with dark pink to scarlet interior. Firm sweet flesh is exceptionally aromatic. Good for eating fresh, freezing and preserves. Vigorous; produces many runners and a very heavy crop. Somewhat susceptible to mildew.
Fragaria × Comarum hybrid involving Fragaria chiloensisPink flowers; few fruit
EverbearingFlevo Berry Holding B.V.2014Furore is an everbearing variety with excellent characteristics. The quality and yield of the Furore are very good and can be used in many forms of cultivation. Furore is a fast grower, which means that the variety comes into production early. The fruit are conical and elongated in shape and have a bright red colour, which, just as the shine, also remains well preserved during storage.
University of California1998Cal 87.112-6 × Cal 88.270-1
Early midseasonAAFC, Nova Scotia1983Mic Mac × Bounty
Late midseasonHRIO1985Guardian × Holiday
USDA, Maryland1969NC 1768 x Surecrop
1977Gorella × Souvenir de Charles MachirouxRaised in Belgium
[20] Day neutralUniversity of California1979CA 69.96-101 x CA 65.65-601 third backcross derivative from male collected in Wasatch Mountains near Salt Lake City, UtahHecker has commercial potential for fruit stands and Pick-Your-Own operations due to heavy production. It should perform well everywhere, including Alaska, as it is a day-neutral cultivar. Fruit is medium size with excellent flavor. Similar to Brighton, but more cold hardy.
[21] Early seasonHyogo Prefecture, Japan1960
[22] Early midseasonCornell/NYSAES1979Vibrant × HolidayHoneoye is an early season cultivar with moderately-sized, relatively firm, bright fruit with consistent size throughout the season. Very high yields. Somewhat sensitive to Sinbar. Susceptible to black root rot. It is widely adapted, but exhibits best flavor when grown on lighter soils or in raised beds.
[23] [24] MidseasonGeorge F. Waldo USDA-ARS/Oregon State1965OSC 2315 × Puget BeautyStandard for use in premium ice cream in the Pacific Northwest, US strawberry plant has large, bright, glossy red fruit turning dark when fully ripe. Fine, sweet flavor, excellent fruit quality. Excellent for preserves and jams, good for all other uses. Vigorous, very productive, erect plants make picking easy. Resistant to root rot and mildew; is susceptible to red stele but still performs better than Northwest on red stele-infested soil. Bears entire crop over a short period. Popular home market variety. Ripens in early June. Not particularly winter hardy.
Early midseasonUSDA/University of Minnesota2005Allstar × SenecaItasca is resistant to red-stele and its foliage is highly resistant to mildew.
[25] Late midseasonCornell/NYSAES1985('Senga Sengana' × NYE58) × HolidayJewel cultivar is good for u-pick, fresh shipping and longer season yields. Produces large, firm, wedge-shaped fruit of excellent color and quality. Its firmness and abrasive resistant skin makes it less susceptible to fruit rots and ideal for shipping.
Very late seasonEast Malling Research, UK2005
[26] MidseasonAAFC, Nova Scotia1981('Redgauntlet' × Tioga) × RaritanKent is a winter-hardy cultivar from Canada with high yield potential producing large, good quality berries. Excellent for all seasons and above average flavor. Kent has very good plant vigor, but has no resistance to red stele or verticillium wilt.
MidseasonCornell / NYSAES2003(MDUS5252 × Etna) × CavendishHeart shaped berries with bright red color and a fancy calyx, which makes them very attractive. Berries are bright red and firm but not hard, with excellent eating quality and flavor. The plants are vigorous and disease resistant and remain productive for many years. The fruit is larger than most early season varieties.
Little ScarletEngland, United KingdomCultivar grown since the sixteen hundreds
Late midseasonEast Malling Research, UK2009
[27] Early seasonUSDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD2024High yields, and relatively resistant to foliar diseases like anthracnose fruit rot.
Early midseasonEast Malling Research, UK2003Rosie × Marmolada
MarshallEarly midseasonMarshall F. Ewell, Massachusetts1890Marshall was found as a seedling just a short distance south of Boston, Mass., and introduced in 1893. Midseason. For over fifty years Marshall was the standard of flavor in the Pacific Northwest and even in 1962 it was the seventh most grown, but only in the Northwest. Its excellent flavor, large size, freezing quality and its drought resistance made it important. Limitations: it is not firm, and is being replaced because of its susceptibility to virus diseases and to leaf spot and its only moderate yields.
[28] MidseasonJacques Marionnet GFA, France2003
[29] MidseasonUniversity of Minnesota and the USDA-ARS1996Glooscap × MNUS 99Mesabi should be a mid-season winner for growers in northern areas, as it rarely shows winter damage in Minnesota, where it was developed. Mesabi produces large, firm berries that are red all the way through with excellent flavor. Plants are very winter hardy and show excellent disease and red stele root rot resistance.
USDA, Maryland1959Dixieland x Temple
MidseasonAAFC, Nova Scotia1996Scott × Honeoye
Early SeasonUSDA, Maryland1994MDUS 4587 × Earliglow
[30] Day neutralUniversity of California2009Albion × Cal 97.85-6Monterey is a moderate day-neutral cultivar. Vigorous plant, may require slightly more space than Albion with similar production pattern. Fruit is slightly larger than Albion, but less firm. Outstanding flavor. good disease resistance profile, although it is susceptible to powdery mildew
Early seasonUSDA, New Jersey1993MDUS 4380 x HolidayEarly-season, disease-resistant June bearing strawberry cultivar.
Early seasonUSDA1993Mdus 4380 × Holiday
EverbearingUSDA, Wyoming1956(Rockhill x Cheyenne 3) x (Midland x Cheyenne 2)Berries are soft, medium in size and dark red. Sweet, good flavor. Berries ripen early. Plants are vigorous, hardy during winter. Resistant to leaf spot and resistant to drought.
Early seasonLes Fraises de l'Île d'Orléans, Québec, Canada2001
Early season, short-dayUniversity of California1987Parker x (Tioga x Pajaro hybrid)Exceptionally high yield of very large fruit, firmness and particularly fine flavor.
EverbearingJ.B. Winn, Arkansas1955Red Rich × Twentieth CenturyDeveloped in Arkansas. One of the hardiest, most vigorous, heaviest-producing everbearing strawberries. Cold hardy. Ripens in early summer and continues to fruit until first frost. Self-pollinating.
University of California
Late seasonEast Malling Research, UK1988(Von Humboldt × Redstar) × 'Merton Dawn'
USDA, England, United Kingdom1990Redgauntlet x GorellaPegasus (formerly ES608) was raised in 1977 from the cross Redgauntlet x Gorella. It was released in the UK in 1990
Maryland, United States1996FL 82-1556P x LA 8311 (LA 2556 x LA 883)
Pineberry[31] [32] Pineberries are smaller than a common strawberry, measuring between . When ripe, they are almost completely white, but with red "seeds" (achenes). The plant is disease resistant and has small berry size and low yield.[33] [34] It is available in the spring and summer.
Pink Panda (see '')Fragaria × Comarum hybrid involving Fragaria chiloensisPink flowers; few fruit
Early mid-seasonUSDA-ARS, Oregon2002Laguna x ORUS 1267-250 (Redcrest x ORUS 869-13 (WSU 1623 x Redgem))Pinnacle is a high-yielding, large fruited, early midseason cultivar with very high fruit quality that is most suited to the fresh market but produces a satisfactory processed product.
[35] Day neutralUniversity of California2009Cal 97.93-7 × Cal 97.209-1Portola is a strong day-neutral cultivar. Fruit is similar in size to Albion, but lighter in color and somewhat shinier. It has excellent flavor and a slightly earlier ripening season than Albion. It is a vigorous plant and may require a slightly lower planting density than Albion. It is somewhat less tolerant to rain than Albion.
USDA, Maryland1995MDUS 4377 [Sunrise x MDUS 3082 (sibling of Redchief and Guardian)] x Earliglow
[36] Early mid-seasonWashington State University, Oregon State University, University of Idaho, and the USDA-ARS1994WSU 1945 × BC 77-2-72Puget Reliance produces high yields of large, medium-red conic fruit that is good for processing or local fresh market. It is virus tolerant. Season is similar to 'Totem'. The plant has an erect growth habit, and unripe fruit are usually held off the ground, providing some degree of avoidance to fruit rot.
LateWashington State University2002Nanaimo × ORUS 1076-124Excellent flavor
EverbearingWashington State University1967WSU 901 (sibling of Nisqually) x Puget BeautyPrefers a soil pH of 5.3 to 6.5. When Quinault plants reach maturity they will attain a height of and spread will be about 12 inches. Will produce berries on unrooted runners. Berries are large to very large, round to round conic. Soft, bright red in color, sweet fruit. Produces from late spring through fall. Quinault was found to be the most disease-free everbearer ever tested. Self pollinating.
Netherlands1969Redgauntlet x Repita
[37] Late seasonWashington State University1972WSU 685(Northwest x Sierra) x Columbia sister seedling of ShuksanRainier is a full sibling of Shuksan, and a late season cultivar with good-flavored, large fruit. Yields are intermediate. It is not suited for the processing market as it does not cap well, but makes a good addition for local fresh sales. It is tolerant to powdery mildew and red stele.
USDA, Maryland1968NC 1768 × Surecrop
late seasonUSDA-ARS, Oregon1990Linn(MDUS 3184 x ORUS 2414) x Totem
Scotland, United KingdomNJ 1051 x Auchincruive Climax Auchincruive Climax x New Jersey 1051Resistant to some races of red core root rot. Moderate to heavy cropper, good berry size
USDA-ARS, Oregon1993Benton x ORUS 3596 (Earlibelle x ORUS 2853)
Fragaria × Comarum hybrid involving Fragaria chiloensisRed flowers; few fruit
Early midseasonEast Malling Research, UK1999
Late seasonNew Fruits s.a.s., Italy2001
Royal SovereignMid-seasonThomas Laxton, England, United Kingdom1891Noble x King of the Earliest'Royal Sovereign', like many older cultivars, has a softer texture than most modern varieties. The flesh is bright orange-pink to scarlet. The cultivar is high in juice and is very sweet in taste.[38] Plants typically produce around of fruit per plant.
Early seasonUSDA1998Veestar × Cavendish
MidseasonAAFC2001Chandler × Jewel
MidseasonEast Malling Research, UK2007
Samba (see)Fragaria × Comarum hybrid involving Fragaria chiloensisRed flowers; few fruit
[39] Day neutralUniversity of California2009Albion × Cal 97.86-1The variety San Andreas is a moderate day-neutral with a production pattern similar to Albion. It has high quality fruit, outstanding flavor, exceptional appearance, and is especially superior to Albion in the early season. Fruit color is slightly lighter than Albion.
MidseasonUniversity of Guelph2002319A92 × V7737-2
June bearerEast Malling
MidseasonUSDA, Maryland1979Sunrise x TiogaNamed for strawberry breeder Dr. Donald H. Scott.
[40] Day neutralUniversity of California1991Selva × DouglasSeascape produces very large, firm fruit which have good color and flavor when picked ripe. They have a symmetric, medium to long conical berry with a glossy finish. This variety is highly tolerant of the virus diseases common in California, and is moderately susceptible to leaf rot.
MidseasonCornell/NYSAES1992NY 1261 (Redcoat x NY 844) x HolidayFruit large to medium, drops in size, roundish, necked, very light red, soft, mild flavor
Germany1954Markee x Sieger
EverbearingUniversity of California1972CAL 52.16-15 (a sister of Wiltguard and only parent of Aliso) x CAL 51s1-1 (selected from a first generation selfed population of Lassen)Medium height plants that develop vigorous runners. Large, glossy berries with a long conic shape. Flavor is sweet and subacid with pleasing aromatic qualities. Disease-resistant to leaf spot. Cold hardy. Ripens in June and may bear into fall. Self-pollinating.
[41] Short dayWashington State University1970(Northwest × Sierra) × ColumbiaThe variety Shuksan has large, glossy bright red fruit with slightly indented yellowish red seeds. Fruit has medium-firm flesh with good flavor. It is good for fresh eating and excellent for freezing and preserves. Plant is large, very vigorous, and produces runners freely. It is virus and Botrytis tolerant and red stele resistant. Does not demand perfect drainage.
Late seasonEast Malling Research, UK1997NY1261 × Holiday
Late seasonCincinnati2005OH366 × FloreatSmall plants that develop numerous runners. Medium, deep-red berries with a wedge shape. Flavor is sweet. Cold hardy. Ripens in August and bears well into fall. Self-pollinating.
StrasberryOtto Schindler, DE1925Fragaria × ananassa 'Mieze Schindler'Has a raspberry-like appearance. Produces no fertile pollen and will need a pollinator. Reintroduced as a commercial variety in the twenty-first century. Since 2013 a hybrid self-pollinating version of this strawberry has been marketed under the new trade name Framberry.
[42] Short dayFlorida Agricultural Experimentation Station2000Rosa Linda × Oso GrandeStrawberry Festival is distinguished by the numerous runners it produces in the fruiting field, the long pedicels attached to its fruit, and the production of fruit that are flavorful, firm fleshed, deep red on the outside, bright red on the inside, and conically shaped.
USDA, Maryland1964USMD 4152 x Stelemaster
[43] Short dayUSDA-ARS and the Maryland Agricultural Experimentation Station1956Fairland × Mdus 1972Surecrop is a favorite of home gardeners because its vigorous growth habits make it easy to grow and produce good crops in almost any region or soil type. Resistant to red stele. Firm, solid fruit make it good for fresh use or the freezer.
LateFlevo Berry Holding B.V.2013The Sussette variety is a late, short-day variety with light red coloured fruit and an excellent flavour.
Late seasonBred at the James Hutton Institute (JHI) (formerly SCRI), Scotland, United Kingdom1993Rhapsody x HolidayExcellent appearance and good slightly acidic flavour, Mildew and red core resistance, follows on from Elsanta
[44] Early mid-seasonUSDA-ARS, Oregon Agricultural Experimentation Station, Washington State University Agricultural Research Center, and Idaho Agricultural Experimentation Station2002Cuesta × Puget RelianceTillamook is a high yielding cultivar, with an extremely large fruit size that is maintained throughout the season. The large fruit size combined with an open plant habit make it extremely efficient to pick. Fruit are extremely firm, cap easily, and have excellent flavor, but color is somewhat light compared to other Pacific Northwest cultivars. Ripens slightly earlier than 'Totem'.
USDA, North Carolina1971NC 1767 x Albritton
[45] Mid-seasonAgriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, BC1972Puget Beauty × NorthwestStandard processing cultivar for the Pacific Northwest US strawberry plant produces relatively firm, conic fruit, which has a uniform, intense medium to dark red internal and external color. Excellent for processing. Totem plants have the potential to produce high yields (5–8 tons/acre) in the Pacific Northwest. Totem is resistant to some strains of red stele, verticillium wilt, leaf spot, and powdery mildew.
[46] Day neutralMaryland Agricultural Experimentation Station and the USDA-ARS1981EB 18 (MdUS 3082 × Cal 65.65-601) × MdUS 4258 (MdUS 2713 × MdUS 3364)Tribute is a day neutral cultivar with medium-sized, firm fruit. It is one of the most popular eastern day neutral cultivars and performs well in commercial plantings. Resistant to red stele and powdery mildew and partially resistant to verticillium wilt and leaf scorch. Full sibling to Tristar.
[47] Day neutralMaryland Agricultural Experimentation Station and the USDA-ARS1981EB 18 (MdUS 3082 × Cal 65.65-601) × MdUS 4258 (MdUS 2713 × MdUS 3364)Tristar produces medium to small flavorful fruit and is a favorite of home gardeners who desire good dessert quality berries all season long. Tristar yield peaks slightly earlier than Tribute. It is resistant to red stele and powdery mildew and partially resistant to verticillium wilt and leaf scorch. Full sibling to Tribute.
Early mid-seasonUSDA-ARS, Oregon2009Anaheim × Puget RelianceProcessing cultivar
Variegated foliage; few fruit
Early seasonHIRO, Ontario, Canada1967Valentine × Sparkle
University of California
Late midseasonEast Malling Research, UK1998
Early seasonAAFC2006(Sable × K91-2) × Evangeline
Late seasonUniversity of Minnesota/USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD1995Earliglow x MNUS 52 (Lateglow x MDUS 4616)
Late seasonAAFC2001Pandora × Bogota

Notes and References

  1. Goodyear. Dana. Strawberry Valley. 16 August 2017. The New Yorker. 14 August 2017.
  2. Food & Rural Affairs - June-Bearing and Day-Neutral Strawberries
  3. Strawberry Varieties Developed at USDA
  4. MEIOSIS List of Strawberries
  5. Plant Research International B.V.
  6. Web site: Albion Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  7. Web site: Allstar Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  8. Web site: Aromas Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  9. Book: Strawberry Production Manual For Growers on the Central Coast . . 2022-06-14 . 2 . November 2015 . Mark . Bolda . Surendra K. . Dara . Julie . Fallon . Misael . Sanchez . Kevin . Peterson . Surendra K. . Dara . Ben . Faber . Mark . Bolda . Julie . Fallon . Misael . Sanchez . Kevin . Peterson . Anne . Coates . Lauren . Barnum.
  10. Web site: Benton Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  11. Web site: Camarosa Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  12. Web site: Camino Real Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  13. Web site: Camino Real . 2022-07-24 . 2022 .
  14. Web site: Cavendish Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  15. Web site: Chambly Strawberry. 1 May 2015.
  16. Web site: Chandler Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  17. Web site: Strawberry Varieties . 2011-01-04 . dead . . 2011-01-11 .
  18. Web site: Earliglow Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  19. Web site: Fort Laramie Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  20. Web site: Hecker Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  21. Web site: Hōkō wase Strawberry. 24 July 2022.
  22. Web site: Honeoye Strawberry. 19 May 2013. 2017-04-09.
  23. News: OSU Tells Development of New Hood Strawberry . . May 3, 1965 . 20 .
  24. Web site: Hood Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  25. Web site: Jewel Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  26. Web site: Kent Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  27. News: . 14 February 2024 . A Sweet Springtime Reveal for Valentine's Day .
  28. Bosc, J. P. (2009). Strawberry production systems in France. Pomologia Croatica. 14(4): 259–268.
  29. Web site: Mesabi Strawberry. 19 May 2013. 2 July 2012. dead.
  30. Web site: Monterey Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  31. Web site: Fragaria, wonderful pineberry. 2020-10-27.
  32. News: Fabricant. Florence. 2012-05-15. Curious Berries to Tide You Over (Published 2012). en-US. The New York Times. 2020-10-27. 0362-4331.
  33. Web site: Fabricant, F.. 15 May 2012. Curious Berries to Tide You Over. 26 June 2016. New York Times.
  34. Web site: 31 March 2016. Pineberry breeder introduces white strawberries with pineapple punch. 26 June 2016. Fresh Fruit Portal.
  35. Web site: Portola Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  36. Web site: Puget Reliance Strawberry/. 19 May 2013.
  37. Web site: Rainier Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  38. The Cookery Year (1973) London: The Reader's Digest Association Ltd. p.13
  39. Web site: San Andreas Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  40. Web site: Seascape Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  41. Web site: Shuksan Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  42. Web site: Strawberry Festival Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  43. Web site: Surecrop Strawberry. 19 May 2013. 2 July 2012. dead.
  44. Web site: Tillamook Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  45. Web site: Totem Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  46. Web site: Tribute Strawberry. 19 May 2013.
  47. Web site: Tristar Strawberry. 19 May 2013.