List of places in Arkansas: W explained

This list of current cities, towns, unincorporated communities, and other recognized places in the U.S. state of Arkansas whose name begins with the letter W. It also includes information on the number and names of counties in which the place lies, and its lower and upper zip code bounds, if applicable.

Cities and Towns

See also: List of cities and towns in Arkansas.

Name of placeNumber of countiesPrincipal countyLower zip codeUpper zip code
Wabash1Phillips County72389 
Wabbaseka1Jefferson County72175 
Wade1Sevier County  
Wagnon1Bradley County  
Wakefield Village1Pulaski County  
Walcott1Greene County72474 
Waldenburg1Poinsett County72475 
Waldo1Columbia County71770 
Waldron1Scott County72958 
Walker1Columbia County71753 
Walker1White County72143 
Walkers Creek1Lafayette County71861 
Walkerville1Columbia County71740 
Wallace1Ashley County  
Wallace1Little River County71836 
Wallaceburg1Hempstead County  
Walnut1Newton County72854 
Walnut Corner1Greene County72416 
Walnut Corner1Phillips County72312 
Walnut Grove1Clay County72422 
Walnut Grove1Columbia County  
Walnut Grove1Independence County72524 
Walnut Grove1Little River County71822 
Walnut Grove1Poinsett County72472 
Walnut Grove1Van Buren County72031 
Walnut Grove1Washington County72730 
Walnut Grove1Yell County72842 
Walnut Grove Corner1Poinsett County  
Walnut Hill1Lafayette County71826 
Walnut Ridge1Grant County  
Walnut Ridge1Lawrence County72476 
Walnut Springs1Sevier County71842 
Walport1Lawrence County  
Walters1Mississippi County72438 
Walton Heights1Pulaski County  
Waltreak1Yell County72833 
Wampler Spur1Jefferson County71601 
Wampoo1Pulaski County72046 
Warbritton1Jefferson County  
Ward1Lonoke County72176 
Ward1Pulaski County  
Wardell1Mississippi County72350 
Ware1Columbia County  
War Eagle1Benton County  
Warm Springs1Randolph County72478 
Warner1Ouachita County71701 
Warnock Springs1Columbia County  
Warren1Bradley County71671 
Warsaw1Pulaski County  
Washburn1Sebastian County72936 
Washington1Hempstead County71862 
Washita1Montgomery County  
Watalula1Franklin County72949 
Waterloo1Nevada County71858 
Watkins1White County72143 
Watkins Corner1Phillips County72366 
Watson1Calhoun County  
Watson1Desha County71674 
Watson Chapel1Jefferson County71601 
Wattensaw1Lonoke County72086 
Watts1Searcy County  
Wave1Dallas County  
Waveland1Yell County72867 
Waverly1Crittenden County  
Wayton1Newton County72628 
Weathers1Madison County72742 
Webb City1Franklin County72949 
Weber1Arkansas County  
Weddington1Washington County  
Wedington1Washington County72701 
Weeks1Bradley County  
Weeks1Scott County72958 
Weiner1Poinsett County72479 
Welcome1Columbia County71861 
Welcome1Pope County  
Weldon1Jackson County72177 
Welsh1Montgomery County  
Weona1Poinsett County72472 
Weona Junction1Poinsett County72472 
Wesley1Madison County72773 
Wesley Chapel1Conway County72110 
Wesson1Union County71749 
West Acres1Pulaski County  
West Bauxite1Saline County72011 
West Camden Heights1Ouachita County71701 
West Cobb1Franklin County  
West Crossett1Ashley County71635 
West End1Jefferson County71601 
Western Grove1Newton County72685 
West Fork1Washington County72774 
West Gum Springs1Clark County71923 
West Hartford1Sebastian County72938 
West Helena1Phillips County72390 
West Kennett1Clay County  
West Liberty1Madison County  
West Line1Sevier County71832 
West Marche1Pulaski County72118 
West Memphis1Crittenden County72301 
Westor1Lee County72360 
West Otis1Sevier County71832 
Westover1Mississippi County  
West Pangburn1Cleburne County72067 
West Point1Benton County  
West Point1White County72178 
West Richwoods1Stone County72560 
West Ridge1Mississippi County72391 
Westville1Crawford County72956 
Westwood1Pulaski County  
Wharton1Madison County72740 
Wheatley1St. Francis County72392 
Wheeler1Washington County72775 
Wheeling1Fulton County72576 
Whelen Springs1Clark County71772 
Whipple1Van Buren County72013 
Whiskerville1Lawrence County  
Whisp1Mississippi County  
Whispering Springs1Cleburne County  
Whistleville1Mississippi County72442 
Whitaker1Poinsett County72432 
White1Ashley County71635 
White Bluff1Jefferson County  
Whitecliffs1Little River County71846 
White Cliffs1Sevier County  
Whitefield1Lincoln County  
White Hall1Jefferson County71602 
Whitehall1Lee County72320 
Whitehall1Poinsett County72432 
Whitehall1Yell County  
Whitehead Ford1Cleburne County  
Whitener1Madison County  
White Oak1Franklin County72949 
White Oak1Johnson County  
White Oak Bluff1Cleveland County  
Whiterock1Franklin County72947 
White Rock1Washington County  
Whitetown1Montgomery County71961 
Whiteville1Baxter County72635 
Whitlow1Ashley County  
Whitlow Junction1Ashley County  
Whitmore1St. Francis County72394 
Whittington1Hot Spring County  
Whitton1Mississippi County72386 
Wickes1Polk County71973 
Wick Mill1Cross County  
Wideman1Izard County72585 
Widener1St. Francis County72394 
Wiederkehr Village1Franklin County72821 
Wilbeth1Poinsett County  
Wilburn1Cleburne County72179 
Wild Cherry1Fulton County72576 
Wileys Cove1Searcy County  
Wilkins1Jefferson County  
Wilkins1Logan County  
Williams Junction1Perry County72126 
Williamson1Sevier County71842 
Williford1Sharp County72482 
Willis1Boone County  
Willisville1Nevada County71864 
Willow1Dallas County72084 
Willow Belle1Lonoke County  
Willow Creek1Van Buren County72013 
Wilmar1Drew County71675 
Wilmot1Ashley County71676 
Wilson1Mississippi County72395 
Wilson1Pope County72823 
Wilson Junction1Mississippi County  
Wilton1Little River County71865 
Winchester1Drew County71677 
Windamere1Pulaski County  
Winesburg1Craighead County72401 
Winfield1Scott County72958 
Winfrey1Crawford County72959 
Wing1Yell County72857 
Winington1Boone County  
Winrock1Conway County  
Winslow1Washington County72959 
Winston Terrace1Pulaski County72204 
Winthrop1Little River County71866 
Wirth1Sharp County72554 
Wiseman1Izard County72587 
Witcherville1Sebastian County72940 
Witherspoon1Hot Spring County71923 
Witter1Madison County72776 
Wittsburg1Cross County72396 
Witts Spring1Searcy County72686 
Wiville1Woodruff County72101 
Wolf Bayou1Cleburne County72530 
Wolquarry1Izard County  
Wonderview1Conway County  
Woodberry1Calhoun County71744 
Wooden Hills1Boone County  
Woodland1Johnson County72830 
Woodland Corner1Mississippi County72319 
Woodland Heights1Pulaski County72207 
Woodland Hills1Fulton County72542 
Woodrow1Cleburne County72130 
Woodson1Pulaski County72180 
Woodyardville1Pulaski County  
Woolsey1Washington County72774 
Woolum1Searcy County  
Woolum1Van Buren County72645 
Wooster1Faulkner County72181 
Worden1White County72010 
Worthen1Pope County72858 
Wright1Jefferson County72182 
Wrightland1Lee County  
Wrightsville1Pulaski County72183 
Wright Town1Crawford County  
Wyanoke1Crittenden County  
Wycamp1Phillips County72390 
Wye1Perry County72016 
Wylie Spur1Crittenden County  
Wyman1Washington County72701 
Wynne1Cross County72396 
Wyola1Washington County72959 


See also: List of townships in Arkansas.

Name of placeNumber of countiesPrincipal countyLower zip codeUpper zip code
Wager Township1Benton County  
Waldo Township1Columbia County  
Walker Township1Faulkner County  
Walker Township1Franklin County  
Walker Township1White County  
Walker Creek Township1Lafayette County  
Wallace Township1Benton County  
Wallace Township1Franklin County  
Wallace Township1Little River County  
Wallace Township1Stone County  
Wallaceburg Township1Hempstead County  
Walls Township1Lonoke County  
Walnut Township1Benton County  
Walnut Township1Lee County  
Walnut Township1Montgomery County  
Walnut Township1Newton County  
Walnut Corner Township1Greene County  
Walnut Lake Township1Desha County  
Wappanocca Township1Crittenden County  
Ward Township1Johnson County  
Ward Township1Lonoke County  
Ward Township1Yell County  
War Eagle Township1Benton County  
War Eagle Township1Madison County  
War Eagle I Township1Madison County  
War Eagle II Township1Madison County  
Warm Springs Township1Randolph County  
Washburn Township1Logan County  
Washburn Township1Sebastian County  
Washington Township1Benton County  
Washington Township1Bradley County  
Washington Township1Conway County  
Washington Township1Fulton County  
Washington Township1Grant County  
Washington Township1Independence County  
Washington Township1Jefferson County 72079 72150
Washington Township1Ouachita County  
Washington Township1Sevier County  
Washington Township1Sharp County  
Washington Township1Stone County  
Washington Township1Van Buren County  
Washita Township1Montgomery County  
Watalula Township1Franklin County  
Watensaw Township1Prairie County  
Water Creek Township1Hempstead County  
Water Creek Township1Marion County  
Water Valley Township1Randolph County  
Waveland Township1Yell County  
Weaver Township1Franklin County  
Wedington Township1Washington County  
Welborn Township1Conway County  
Wells Bayou Township1Lincoln County  
Wesson Township1Union County  
West Fork Township1Washington County  
West Griggs Township1Van Buren County  
West Prairie Township1Poinsett County  
West Roanoke Township1Randolph County  
West Sullivan Township1Sharp County  
Wharton Township1Madison County  
Wharton Creek Township1Madison County  
Wheatley Township1St. Francis County  
Wheeler Township1Van Buren County  
Wheeler Township1Washington County  
White Township1Ashley County  
White Township1Newton County  
White Township1Pike County  
White Township1Polk County  
White Eagle Township1Conway County  
White Oak Township1Cleveland County  
White Oak Township1Franklin County  
White Oak Township1Sebastian County  
White River Township1Independence County  
White River Township1Izard County  
White River Township1Madison County  
White River Township1Marion County  
White River Township1Prairie County  
White River Township1Washington County  
White River Township1Woodruff County  
White Rock Township1Franklin County  
Whiteville Township1Baxter County  
Whiteville Township1Cleveland County  
Whiteville Township1Jefferson County  
Whitley Township1Crawford County  
Whittington Township1Garland County  
Whitton Township1Mississippi County  
Wilburn Township1Cleburne County  
Wild Cherry Township1Fulton County  
Wiley Township1Randolph County  
Wileys Cove Township1Searcy County  
Williams Township1Lonoke County  
Willis Township1Poinsett County  
Willow Township1Dallas County  
Wilmington Township1Union County  
Wilmot Township1Ashley County  
Wilson Township1Clay County  
Wilson Township1Faulkner County  
Wilson Township1Fulton County  
Wilson Township1Pope County  
Wilson Township1Stone County  
Wilson Township1Yell County  
Winfrey Township1Crawford County  
Winona Township1Carroll County  
Winslow Township1Washington County  
Wittich Township1Franklin County  
Wolf Creek Township1Pike County  
Womble Township1Montgomery County  
Wycough Township1Independence County  
Wye Township1Perry County  
Wyman Township1Washington County  
Wynne Township1Cross County