List of places in Arkansas: E explained

This list of current cities, towns, unincorporated communities, and other recognized places in the U.S. state of Arkansas whose name begins with the letter E. It also includes information on the number and names of counties in which the place lies, and its lower and upper zip code bounds, if applicable.

Cities and Towns

See also: List of cities and towns in Arkansas.

Name of placeNumber of countiesPrincipal countyLower zip codeUpper zip code
Eagle Mills1Ouachita County71720 
Eagletie1Dallas County  
Eagleton1Polk County71953 
Earle1Crittenden County72331 
Earl Prairie1Logan County  
Earnharts1Independence County  
Earnheart1Independence County  
East Black Oak1Crittenden County72386 
East Camden1Calhoun County  
East Camden1Ouachita County71701 
East End1Saline County72065 
East Little Rock1Pulaski County  
East Pocahontas1Randolph County72455 
Eastport1Little River County  
East Richwoods1Stone County72560 
Eastview1Mississippi County  
East Wilson1Mississippi County72395 
Eaton1Lawrence County  
Ebenezer1Columbia County71764 
Ebony1Crittenden County72364 
Echo1Logan County72927 
Economy1Pope County72823 
Eden1Monroe County  
Eden Isle1Cleburne County72543 
Edgemont1Cleburne County72044 
Edmondson1Crittenden County72332 
Edmonson1Independence County  
Edna1Johnson County  
Edwards1Prairie County  
Edwards Junction1Newton County  
Efay1Washington County72701 
Eglantine1Van Buren County72153 
Egypt1Craighead County72427 
Elaine1Phillips County72333 
Elba1Van Buren County  
Elberta1Howard County  
Elberta1Searcy County72645 
Elberta1Yell County  
El Dorado1Union County71730 
Elevenpoint1Randolph County72455 
Elgin1Jackson County  
Elizabeth1Fulton County72531 
Elkhorn Tavern1Benton County  
Elkins1Mississippi County  
Elkins1Washington County72727 
Elkins Park1Randolph County  
Elk Ranch1Carroll County72632 
Elliott1Ouachita County  
Ellis1Baxter County72653 
Ellis Chapel1Cross County  
Ellison1Jefferson County72152 
Elm1Clark County71921 
Elm Grove1Craighead County72437 
Elmo1Independence County  
Elm Park1Scott County72927 
Elm Springs2Washington County72728 
Elm Springs2Benton County72728 
Elm Store1Randolph County65778 
Elmwood1Boone County  
Elmwood1Chicot County  
Elmwood1Jefferson County  
Elnora1Randolph County72455 
El Paso1White County72045 
Emanuel1Arkansas County72003 
Emerson1Columbia County71740 
Eminence1Chicot County  
Emmet2Hempstead County71835 
Emmet2Nevada County71835 
Emmons1Monroe County  
Emon1Columbia County  
Empire1Chicot County71661 
Enders1Faulkner County72131 
Engelberg1Randolph County72455 
England1Lonoke County72046 
England Junction1Jefferson County72004 
English1Jefferson County72004 
Enola1Faulkner County72047 
Enon1Drew County  
Enright1White County72143 
Enterprise1Sebastian County72906 
Erbie1Newton County72648 
Eros1Marion County72633 
Erwin1Jackson County72112 
Erwin1Prairie County72040 
Estes1Pulaski County72046 
Estico1Jackson County  
Ethel1Arkansas County72048 
Etna1Franklin County72949 
Etowah1Mississippi County72428 
Euclid1Howard County  
Euclid Heights1Garland County71901 
Eudora1Chicot County71640 
Eula1Searcy County72676 
Eureka Springs1Carroll County72632 
Evadale1Mississippi County  
Evansville1Washington County72729 
Evening Shade1Sharp County72532 
Evening Star1Greene County72425 
Everton1Boone County72633 
Ewal1Phillips County  
Excelsior1Sebastian County72936 
Experiment1Columbia County  


See also: List of townships in Arkansas.

Name of placeNumber of countiesPrincipal countyLower zip codeUpper zip code
Eagle Township1Bradley County  
Eagle Township1Faulkner County  
Eagle Township1Lonoke County  
Eagle Township1Pike County  
Eagle Township1Polk County  
East Fork Township1Faulkner County  
East Griggs Township1Van Buren County  
East Roanoke Township1Randolph County  
East Sullivan Township1Sharp County  
Eaton Township1Lawrence County  
Ecore Fabre Township1Ouachita County  
Egypt Township1Ashley County  
Eldorado Township1Benton County  
El Dorado Township1Union County  
Eleven Point Township1Randolph County  
Elixir Township1Boone County  
Elkins Township1Washington County  
Ellis Township1Cross County  
Ellsworth Township1Logan County  
Elm Springs Township1Washington County  
Elm Store Township1Randolph County  
Elon Township1Ashley County  
El Paso Township1White County  
Emerson Township1Columbia County  
Emmet Township1Nevada County  
Enola Township1Faulkner County  
Esculapia Township1Benton County  
Evening Shade Township1Greene County  
Ewing Township1Boone County  
Extra Township1Ashley County