List of nearest exoplanets explained

There are known exoplanets, or planets outside the Solar System that orbit a star, as of ; only a small fraction of these are located in the vicinity of the Solar System. Within 10pc, there are 106 exoplanets listed as confirmed by the NASA Exoplanet Archive. Among the over 500 known stars and brown dwarfs within 10 parsecs, around 60 have been confirmed to have planetary systems; 51 stars in this range are visible to the naked eye, eight of which have planetary systems.

The first report of an exoplanet within this range was in 1998 for a planet orbiting around Gliese 876 (15.3 light-years (ly) away), and the latest as of 2024 is one around Struve 2398 A (11.5 ly). The closest exoplanets are those found orbiting the star closest to the Solar System, which is Proxima Centauri 4.25 light-years away. The first confirmed exoplanet discovered in the Proxima Centauri system was Proxima Centauri b, in 2016. HD 219134 (21.6 ly) has six exoplanets, the highest number discovered for any star within this range.

Most known nearby exoplanets orbit close to their stars. A majority are significantly larger than Earth, but a few have similar masses, including planets around YZ Ceti, Gliese 367, Proxima Centauri, and Barnard's Star which may be less massive than Earth. Several confirmed exoplanets are hypothesized to be potentially habitable, with Proxima Centauri b and GJ 1002 b (15.8 ly) considered among the most likely candidates. The International Astronomical Union has assigned proper names to some known extrasolar bodies, including nearby exoplanets, through the NameExoWorlds project. Planets named in the 2015 event include the planets around Epsilon Eridani (10.5 ly) and Fomalhaut, while planets named in the 2022 event include those around Gliese 436, Gliese 486, and Gliese 367.

Exoplanets within 10 parsecs

Key to colors
°Mercury, Earth and Jupiter (for comparison purposes)
Confirmed multiplanetary systems
Exoplanets believed to be potentially habitable
Confirmed exoplanets
Host star systemCompanion exoplanet (in order from star)Notes and additional planetary observations




Semi-major axis
Orbital period
Discovery year
Sun°0.000016 1 0.3829 0.387 0.205
1 1 0.0167
5.20 0.0488
Proxima Centauri4.2465 0.1230.0289 5.122 0.04 2022 one disputed candidate (c)
b 0.0486 11.19 0.02 2016
Wolf 3597.856 0.09
1.845 0.04 2019 -->
Barnard's Star5.96299.510.162b≥0.370.02293.1530.16RV2024[1] [2]
Lalande 211858.304 0.460.0788 12.94 0.06 20191 candidate
2.94 0.13 2021
Epsilon Eridani10.489 0.781 242 3.53 0.26 166.5 20001 inferred planet, 1 or possibly 2 inner debris discs, and an outer disc
Lacaille 935210.724 0.4890.068 9.262 0.03 20191 candidate
0.120 21.79 0.03 2019
Ross 12811.007 0.168b 0.0496 9.866 0.12 2017
Struve 2398 B#11.491 0.2480.261 0.06 2019
0.428 0.03 2019-->
Gliese 725 A11.4918.940.330b≥2.780.06811.22010.0RV2024
Groombridge 34 A#11.619 0.380.072 11.44 0.09 ~54? 2014
5.4 0.27 ~54? 2018
Epsilon Indi A11.867 0.7622005 28.4 0.40 103.7 2018nearest exoplanet directly imaged
Tau Ceti11.912 0.780.133 0.06 ~35? 20174 disputed candidates
[3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
0.243 0.23 ~35? 2017
0.538 0.18 ~35? 2017
1.33 0.16 ~35? 2017
GJ 106111.984 0.1130.021 3.204 <0.31 2019two solutions for d's orbit
c 0.035 6.689 <0.29 2019
d 0.054 13.03 <0.53 2019
YZ Ceti12.122 0.1300.0163 2.021 0.06 2017
0.0216 3.060 0.0 2017
0.0285 4.656 0.07 2017
Luyten's Star12.348 0.290.0365 4.723 0.10 2017
b 0.0911 18.65 0.17 2017
0.712 414 0.17 2019
0.849 542 0.03 2019
Teegarden's Star12.497 0.08b 0.0259 4.906 0.03 2019
c 0.0455 11.42 0.04 2019
0.0791 26.13 0.07 2024
Wolf 106114.050 0.250.0375 4.887 0.15 2015
c0.0890 17.87 0.11 2015
0.470 217 0.55 2015
TZ Arietis14.578 0.140.88 771 0.46 20192 refuted candidates
Gliese 68714.839 0.410.163 38.14 0.17 2014
1.165 728 0.40 2019
Gliese 67414.849 0.350.039 4.694 0.20 2007
Gliese 87615.238 0.336.68 0.0210 1.938 0.04 56.7 2005
235 0.1309 30.10 0.26 56.7 2000
749 0.2098 61.10 0.03 56.7 1998
16 0.3355 123.6 0.05 56.7 2010
GJ 100215.806 0.12b 0.0457 10.35 2022
c 0.0738 21.2 2022
Gliese 83216.200 0.45315 3.7 0.05 51 or 134 20081 refuted candidate
GJ 332317.531 0.1640.0328 2017
0.126 2017
Gliese 25118.215 0.3720.0818 2020
Gliese 229 A#18.791 0.58c 0.339 0.19 2020Ab not confirmed until 2020
0.898 0.10 2014
Gliese 75419.272 0.180.277 0.03 2019-->
Gliese 752 A19.292 0.460.343 0.10 2018[8]
Gliese 58819.300 0.460.049 5.81 0.04 2019
0.530 206 0.06 2019-->
82 G. Eridani19.704 0.850.13 0.09 20115 disputed candidates
[9] [10] [11]
0.37 0.13 2011-Gliese 78420.106 0.50.059 0.05 2019-->
Gliese 55520.395 0.290.142 0.08 20231 candidate
EQ Pegasi A20.400 0.4360.643 0.35 69.2 Astrometry 2022
Gliese 58120.549 0.2950.0280 0.01 47 20093 refuted candidates and a disc
0.0399 0.03 47 2005
0.0718 0.03 47 2007
Gliese 338 B20.658 0.640.141 0.11 2020
Gliese 62521.131 0.300.0784 2017[12]
HD 21913421.336 0.781.60 0.0388 85.05 2015
1.51 0.065 87.28 2015
0.237 ~87? 2015
0.146 ~87? 2015
0.375 ~87? 2015
3.11 ~87? 2015
LTT 1445 A#22.387 0.261.15 0.0266 <0.22 87.43 20211 candidate
1.30 0.0381 <0.11 89.68 2019
Gliese 88022.397 0.59b↑ 0.187 0.13 RV2019-->
Gliese 39322.953 0.410.0540 0.00 2019
Gliese 667 C#23.623 0.330.049 0.13 ~52? 20095 dubious candidates
[13] [14] [15]
0.1251 0.03 ~52? 2011
Gliese 51424.878 0.530.421 140 0.45 2022[16]
GJ 115126.231 0.1640.571 390 20231 refuted candidate[17] [18]
Gliese 48626.351 0.32 1.31 0.0173 88.4 2021[19]
Gliese 30026.473 0.26b↑ 0.050 0.29 2019-->
Gliese 68626.613 0.420.097 0.04 2019
GJ 128927.275 12.67[20] 0.210.27 112 0 2024
61 Virginis27.836 0.950.05 0.05 ~77? 2009a debris disc
0.22 0.06 ~77? 2009
0.47 0.12 ~77? 2009
CD Ceti28.052 0.1610.0185 0 2020[21]
Gliese 78528.739 0.780.32 0.13 2010[22]
1.18 2011
Gliese 84928.750 0.492.26 0.05 2006[23]
4.82 0.087 2006
Gliese 43329.605 0.480.062 0.04 2009[24]
0.178 0.07 2020
4.82 0.12 2012-GJ 332530.123 0.270.071 0.03 2019-->
HD 102365 A30.396 0.850.46 0.34 2010[25]
Gliese 36730.719 0.45 0.70 0.0071 0.06 79.89 2021[26]
0.077 11.5 0.09 ~80? 2023
0.159 34.4 0.14 ~80? 2023
Gliese 35730.776 0.341.17 0.035 3.93 0.0288.92 2019
0.061 9.13 0.04 ~89? 2019
d 0.204 55.7 0.03 ~89? 2019
Gliese 17630.937 0.450.066 0.08 20071 disputed candidate[27] [28]
Gliese 47930.960 0.430.074 11.3 0.03 2019-->
GJ 351230.976 0.1230.338 204 0.44 2019
Wolf 106931.229 0.167b 0.0672 15.6 2023
AU Microscopii31.683 0.504.38 0.0645 0.10 89.03 20202 candidates[29] [30]
3.51 0.1101 0 88.62 2020
Gliese 43631.882 0.41 4.33 0.0280 2.64 0.15 85.8 2004[31]
Gliese 4932.158 0.570.106 17.3 0.03 2019
GJ 398832.316 0.1840.0405 6.944 0 2023
HD 26065532.608 0.4391.240 0.0293 0.039 87.35 2022
1.533 0.0475 0.038 87.79 2022

Excluded objects

Unlike for bodies within the Solar System, there is no clearly established method for officially recognizing an exoplanet. According to the International Astronomical Union, an exoplanet should be considered confirmed if it has not been disputed for five years after its discovery.[32] There have been examples where the existence of exoplanets has been proposed, but even after follow-up studies their existence is still considered doubtful by some astronomers. Such cases include Wolf 359 (7.9 ly, in 2019), LHS 288 (15.8 ly, in 2007),[33] and Gliese 682 (16.3 ly, in 2014).There are also several instances where proposed exoplanets were later disproved by subsequent studies, including candidates around Alpha Centauri B (4.36 ly),Barnard's Star (5.96 ly),Kapteyn's Star (12.8 ly),Van Maanen 2 (14.1 ly),Groombridge 1618 (15.9 ly),[34] AD Leonis (16.2 ly),40 Eridani A (16.3 ly),[35] VB 10 (19.3 ly),[36] and Fomalhaut (25.1 ly).

In 2021, a candidate planet was detected around Vega, though it has yet to be confirmed. Another candidate planet, Candidate 1, was directly imaged around Alpha Centauri A, though it may also be a clump of asteroids or an artifact of the discovery mechanism. Candidate planets around (8.77 ly)[37] and GJ 3378 (25.2 ly) were reported in 2024.

The Working Group on Extrasolar Planets of the International Astronomical Union adopted in 2003 a working definition on the upper limit for what constitutes a planet: not being massive enough to sustain thermonuclear fusion of deuterium. Some studies have calculated this to be somewhere around 13 times the mass of Jupiter, and therefore objects more massive than this are usually classified as brown dwarfs. Some proposed candidate exoplanets have been shown to be massive enough to fall above the threshold, and thus are likely brown dwarfs, as is the case for: SCR 1845-6357 B (13.1 ly),[38] SDSS J1416+1348 B (30.3 ly),[39] and WISE 1217+1626 B (30 ly).[40]

Excluded from the current list are known examples of potential free-floating sub-brown dwarfs, or "rogue planets", which are bodies that are too small to undergo fusion yet they do not revolve around a star. Known such examples include: WISE 0855−0714 (7.4 ly), UGPS 0722-05, (13.4 ly) WISE 1541−2250 (18.6 ly), and SIMP J01365663+0933473 (20.0 ly).[41]

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: ESO . Scientists discover planet orbiting closest single star to our sun . 2024-10-05 . . en.
  2. Hernández . J. I. González . Mascareño . A. Suárez . Silva . A. M. . Stefanov . A. K. . Faria . J. P. . Tabernero . H. M. . Sozzetti . A. . Rebolo . R. . Pepe . F. . Santos . N. C. . Cristiani . S. . Lovis . C. . Dumusque . X. . Figueira . P. . Lillo-Box . J. . 2024-10-01 . A sub-Earth-mass planet orbiting Barnard’s star . Astronomy & Astrophysics . en . 690 . A79 . 10.1051/0004-6361/202451311 . 0004-6361. 2410.00569 .
  3. Web site: tau Cet . NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. California Institute of Technology. 2018-03-22.
  4. Web site: tau Ceti . Open Exoplanet Catalogue . 2014-05-17 . live . . 2014-03-14 .
  5. Encyclopedia: tau Cet b. 2018-03-22. live. Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. 2017-11-07.
  6. Encyclopedia: tau Cet c. 2018-03-22. live. Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. 2017-12-01.
  7. Encyclopedia: tau Cet d . 2018-03-22 . live . . . 2017-12-01 .
  8. 10.1051/0004-6361/201833354 . Kaminski . Adrian . Trifonov . Trifon . Caballero . José A. . Quirrenbach . Andreas . Ribas . Ignasi . Reiners . Ansgar . Amado . Pedro J. . Zechmeister . Mathias . Dreizler . Stefan . Perger . Manuel . Tal-Or . Lev . Bonfils . Xavier . Mayor . Michel . Astudillo-Defru . Nicola . Bauer . Florian F. . Béjar . Victor J. S. . Cifuentes . Carlos . Colomé . Josep . Cortés-Contreras . Miriam . Delfosse . Xavier . Díez-Alonso . Enrique . Forveille . Thierry . Guenther . Eike W. . Hatzes . Artie P. . Henning . Thomas K. . Jeffers . Sandra V. . Kürster . Martin . Lafarga . Marina . Luque . Rafael . Mandel . Holger . Montes . David . Morales . Juan Carlos . Passegger . Vera Maria . Pedraz . Sandos . Reffert . Sabine . Sadegi . Sepideh . Schweitzer . Andreas . Seifert . Walter . Stahl . Otmar . Udry . Stéphane . The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. A Neptune-mass planet traversing the habitable zone around HD 180617 . Astronomy & Astrophysics . 618 . A115 . 3 August 2018 . 1808.01183 . 2018A&A...618A.115K . 118980171 .
  9. Web site: HD 20794 . NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. California Institute of Technology. 2018-03-22.
  10. Encyclopedia: HD 20794 f . 2018-03-22 . live . . . 2018-03-20 .
  11. Encyclopedia: HD 20794 g . 2018-03-22 . live . . . 2018-03-20 .
  12. Web site: GJ 625 . NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. California Institute of Technology . 2018-03-22.
  13. Web site: GJ 667 C . NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. California Institute of Technology. 2018-03-22.
  14. Encyclopedia: GJ 667 C d. 2018-03-22. live. Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. 2017-12-01.
  15. Encyclopedia: GJ 667 C h . 2016-02-23 . 2018-03-22 . live . . . 2017-12-01 .
  16. Damasso . M. . Perger . M. . Almenara . J. M. . Nardiello . D. . Pérez-Torres . M. . Sozzetti . A. . Hara . N. C. . Quirrenbach . A. . Bonfils . X. . Osorio . M. R. Zapatero . Astudillo-Defru . N. . Hernández . J. I. González . Mascareño . A. Suárez . Amado . P. J. . Forveille . T. . Lillo-Box . J. . Alibert . Y. . Caballero . J. A. . Cifuentes . C. . Delfosse . X. . Figueira . P. . Galadí-Enríquez . D. . Hatzes . A. P. . Henning . Th . Kaminski . A. . Mayor . M. . Murgas . F. . Montes . D. . Pinamonti . M. . Reiners . A. . Ribas . I. . Béjar . V. J. S. . Schweitzer . A. . Zechmeister . M. . A quarter century of spectroscopic monitoring of the nearby M dwarf Gl 514 . Astronomy & Astrophysics . 13 April 2022 . 666 . A187 . 10.1051/0004-6361/202243522 . 2204.06376 . 248157318 .
  17. Vedantham . H. K. . Callingham . J. R. . Shimwell . T. W. . Tasse . C. . Pope . B. J. S. . Bedell . M. . Snellen . I. . Best . P. . Hardcastle . M. J. . Haverkorn . M. . Mechev . A. . O’Sullivan . S. P. . Röttgering . H. J. A. . White . G. J. . Coherent radio emission from a quiescent red dwarf indicative of star–planet interaction . Nature Astronomy . June 2020 . 4 . 6 . 577–583 . 10.1038/s41550-020-1011-9 . 2002.08727 . 2020NatAs...4..577V . 211204712 .
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  23. Web site: GJ 849 . NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. California Institute of Technology. 2018-03-22.
  24. Web site: GJ 433 . NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. California Institute of Technology. 2018-03-22.
  25. Web site: HD 102365 . NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. California Institute of Technology. 2018-03-22.
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