List of ferns of Georgia (U.S. state) explained

This is a list of ferns and other pteridophytes native to the U.S state of Georgia.

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FamilyScientific nameCommon namesRange within GeorgiaConservation status
AspleniaceaeAsplenium montanumMountain spleenwortMountainsG5 - secure
AspleniaceaeAsplenium platyneuronEbony spleenwortState-wide except southeastern Coastal PlainG5 - secure
AspleniaceaeAsplenium resiliensBlack-stemmed spleenwortCoastal Plain and in limestone valleys of northwest GeorgiaG5 - secure
AspleniaceaeAsplenium trichomanesMaidenhair spleenwortPiedmont and mountainsG5 - secure
AzollaceaeAzolla carolinianaCarolina mosquitofernNative with invasive potential; not recommended for culture. A blue-green algae useful for rice culture grows between its leaves.G5 - secure
BlechnaceaeWoodwardia areolataNetted chain fernState-wideG5 - secure
BlechnaceaeWoodwardia virginicaVirginia chain fernCommon in Coastal Plain, sporadically above the fall lineG5 - secure
DennstaedtiaceaeDennstaedtia punctilobulaEastern hay-scented fernCommon in north Georgia mountains, south to metro Atlanta areaG5 - secure
DennstaedtiaceaePteridium aquilinumBracken fernWidespread, but invasive and poisonous, not recommended for cultureG5 - secure
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris celsaLog fernNorthwestern GeorgiaG4 - apparently secure
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris cristataCrested wood fernFulton countyG5 - secure
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris goldieanaGoldie's wood fern, Giant wood fernNortheastern mountain countiesG4 - apparently secure
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris intermediaEvergreen wood fern, Fancy fernNorth GeorgiaG5 - secure
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris ludovicianaSouthern wood fernSouth of the fall line, mainly in southwestern countiesG4 - apparently secure
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris marginalisMarginal woodfernNorth GeorgiaG5 - secure
DryopteridaceaePolystichum acrostichoidesChristmas fernCommon state-wide except the pine flatwoods of southeast GeorgiaG5 - secure
DryopteridaceaePhysematium obtusumCommon Woodsia, Blunt-lobed woodsia, Cliff fernState-wide, especially northern GeorgiaG5 - secure
LygodiaceaeLygodium palmatumClimbing fern, Hartford fernLimited populations in the northern part of the stateG4 - apparently secure
OnocleaceaeOnoclea sensibilisSensitive fernState-wide, but less frequent in southeastern Coastal PlainG5 - secure
OphioglossaceaeBotrypus virginianusRattlesnake fernNorthern Georgia, sporadically in southweastern and south central GeorgiaG5 - secure
OphioglossaceaeSceptridium biternatumSouthern grapefernMoist forests, clearings, and old fieldsG5 - secure
OphioglossaceaeSceptridium jenmaniiAlabama grapefernMoist and dry forests, and disturbed areasG3 - vulnerable
OphioglossaceaeSceptridium dissectumCut-leaf grapefernMoist forests, clearings, and old fieldsG5 - secure
OphioglossaceaeSceptridium lunarioidesWinter grapefernNorthern Georgia in old fields, pastures, and young forestsG4 - apparently secure
OphioglossumOsmunda cinnamomeaCinnamon fernState-wideG5 - secure
OphioglossumOsmunda claytonianaInterrupted fernNorthern GeorgiaG5 - secure
OphioglossumOsmunda regalisRoyal fernState-wideG5 - secure
PolypodiaceaePleopeltis polypodioidesResurrection fernState-wideG5 - secure
PolypodiaceaePolypodium virginianumCommon rockcap fern, Rock polypodyNorthern GeorgiaG5 - secure
PteridaceaeAdiantum capillus-venerisSouthern maidenhair fern, Venus hair fernSouthwestern counties and a few Piedmont countiesG5 - secure
PteridaceaeAdiantum pedatumNorthern maidenhair fern, Five-finger fernMountain and southern Piedmont countiesG5 - secure
PteridaceaeCheilanthes lanosaHairy lip-fernCommon from the granite region in the Piedmont north to the mountainsG5 - secure
PteridaceaeCheilanthes tomentosaWoolly lip-fernNorthern counties on rocky, exposed sitesG5 - secure
PteridaceaePellaea atropurpureaPurple cliff-brake fernMainly in Ridge and Valley countiesG5 - secure
ThelypteridaceaePhegopteris hexagonopteraBroad beech fernCommon in northern Georgia, sometimes in southwestern GeorgiaG5 - secure
ThelypteridaceaeThelypteris kunthiiSouthern maiden fernCommon in southern GeorgiaG5 - secure
ThelypteridaceaeThelypteris noveboracensisNew York fernCommon in northwestern GeorgiaG5 - secure
ThelypteridaceaeThelypteris ovataOvate maiden fernCoastal PlainG4 - apparently secure
ThelypteridaceaeThelypteris palustrisMarsh fernState-wide, in bogs and marshesG5 - secure
WoodsiaceaeAthyrium asplenioidesSouthern lady fernState-wide, except pine flatwoods of southwest GeorgiaUnknown
WoodsiaceaeCystopteris bulbiferaBulblet bladder fernRestricted to a few mountainous sites in the northwest corner of the stateG5 - secure
WoodsiaceaeCystopteris protrusaWoodland fragile fernNorthern countiesG5 - secure
WoodsiaceaeDeparia acrostichoidesSilvery spleenwortNorthern countiesG5 - secure
WoodsiaceaeDiplazium pycnocarponGlade FernA few northern countiesG5 - secure