List of book titles taken from literature explained

Many authors will use quotations from literature as the title for their works. This may be done as a conscious allusion to the themes of the older work or simply because the phrase seems memorable. The following is a partial list of book titles taken from literature. It does not include phrases altered for parody.

Work Author Literary reference
Absalom, Absalom!Bible

2 Samuel 19:4


Psalm 66:13

A che punto è la notte
(literally, "At which point is the night")
and Franco LucentiniBible

Isaiah 21:11

After Many a Summer Dies the Swan,
Ah, Wilderness!, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Alien Corn (play), "Ode to a Nightingale"
(short story), "Ode to a Nightingale"
All the King's Men, "Humpty Dumpty"
All Passion Spent, Samson Agonistes
Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea,
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes, Through the Looking-Glass
Antic Hay, Edward II
Arms and the ManVirgil, Aeneid
As I Lay DyingHomer, Odyssey
Beautiful World, Where Are You, "The Gods of Greece"
Behold the ManBible

John 19:5

Beneath the Bleeding, East Coker
Beyond the Mexique Bay, "Bermudas"
Blithe Spirit, "To a Skylark"
Blood's a Rover, A Shropshire Lad, Poem ("Reveille")
Blue Remembered Earth, A Shropshire Lad, Poem
Blue Remembered Hills, A Shropshire Lad, Poem
Bonjour Tristesse, "À Peine Défigurée"
Brandy of the Damned, Man and Superman
Burning Bright,
Burning Bright,
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, "American Names"
Butter In a Lordly DishBible

Judges 5:25

By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and WeptBible

Psalm 137:1

Cabbages and Kings, Through the Looking-Glass ("The Walrus and the Carpenter")
Captains Courageoustraditional "The ballad of Mary Ambree"
Carrion Comfort, "Carrion Comfort"
, Moby-Dick

Psalm 90:3

Clouds of WitnessBible

Hebrews 12:1

, Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting
Consider the LiliesBible

Matthew 6:28

Consider Phlebas,
Cover Her Face, The Duchess of Malfi
, Il Penseroso
, "The Adventure of Silver Blaze"
Dance Dance Dance, "Death's Echo"
, "Dover Beach"
Darkness Visible, Paradise Lost
Darkness Visible, Paradise Lost
, Paradise Lost
Darkness Visible, Paradise Lost
Death Be Not Proud , Holy Sonnets X
Down to a Sunless Sea, Kubla Khan
Down to a Sunless Sea, Kubla Khan
Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead,
Horace, Odes iii 2.13
Dying of the Light, "Do not go gentle into that good night"
East Is East,
East of EdenBible

Genesis 4:16

Ego Dominus TuusDante, La Vita Nuova
Endless Night,
England's Green,
Everything is Illuminated, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Quran 13:18 (Arthur John Arberry)
Except the LordBible

Psalm 127:1[1]

Eyeless in Gaza, Samson Agonistes
Fair Stood the Wind for France, Ballad of Agincourt
Fame Is the Spur,
, "Remorse for Intemperate Speech"
Far From the Madding Crowd, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
and Pamela Whitlock, Sohrab and Rustum
, "A Farewell to Arms (To Queen Elizabeth)"
Fear and TremblingBible

Philippians 2:12

Fearful Symmetry,
For a Breath I Tarry, A Shropshire Lad, Poem
For Whom the Bell Tolls, Meditation XVII
Frequent Hearses,
From Here to Eternity , "Gentlemen-Rankers"

Proverbs 4:7

, "The Pulley"
, ""
, The Maid of Orleans
, "The Song of the Wandering Angus"

Ecclesiastes 12:6

Gone with the Wind, "Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynara"
, "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
Great Work of Time, "An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland"

Psalm 37:35

Have His CarcaseHomer, Iliad (William Cowper)

Jeremiah 17:9

, "The Lonely Hunter"
His Dark Materials, Paradise Lost
Horseman, Pass By, "Under Ben Bulben"

Ecclesiastes 7:4

How Doth the Little Crocodile?, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ("How Doth the Little Crocodile")
How Sleep the Brave, "How Sleep the Brave"
How Sleep the Brave, "How Sleep the Brave"
How Sleep the Brave, "How Sleep the Brave"
Human Voices,
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, "Sympathy"
I Sing the Body Electric!, "I Sing the Body Electric"
I Will Fear No EvilBible

Psalm 23:4

If I Forget Thee JerusalemBible

Psalm 137:5

If Not Now, When?Pirkei Avot 1:13
In Death Ground and Steve WhiteSun Tzu, The Art of War
In a Dry Season,
In Dubious Battle, Paradise Lost
In the Forests of the Night,
In a Glass DarklyBible

1 Corinthians KJV

, "The Broken Tower"
It's a Battlefield, The Invasion of the Crimea, Vol. 6
Jacob Have I LovedBible

Romans 9:13

Jesting Pilate, Of Truth

1 Corinthians KJV

, Murder in the Cathedral
Zhuangzi, Book XXIII, paragraph 7
Let Us Now Praise Famous MenBible

Ecclesiasticus 44:1

Lilies of the FieldBible

Matthew 6:28

This Lime Tree Bower,
, The Analysis of Beauty
Little Boy Lost,

Song of Songs KJV

Little Hands Clapping, "The Pied Piper of Hamelin"
, Epipsychidion
Look Homeward, Angel,
Look to Windward,
, The Birth of Tragedy
, "Andrea del Sarto"
, Religio Medici
Many WatersBible

Song of Songs KJV

, "The Kingdom of God"

Matthew 18:6

Moab Is My WashpotBible

Psalm 60:8

Matsuo Bashō, Sarumino
Monstrous Regiment, The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women
, The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women

Psalm 121:6

Mother Night, Faust, Part One
, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Mr Standfast, The Pilgrim's Progress
Nectar in a Sieve,

Matthew KJV

Nine Coaches Waiting, The Revenger's Tragedy
No Country for Old Men, "Sailing to Byzantium"
No Highway, The Wanderer
No Longer at Ease, Journey of the Magi
Noli Me TangereBible

John 20:17

Not Honour More, "To Lucasta, Going to the Warres"
Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal,
Number the StarsBible

Psalm 147:4

O Jerusalem! and Larry CollinsBible

Psalm 137:5

O Pioneers!, "Pioneers! O Pioneers!"
Of Human Bondage, Ethics
Of Mice and Men, "To a Mouse"
Oh! To be in England, "Home Thoughts From Abroad"
, "Oh, whistle and I'll come to you, my lad"
, Middlemarch
Out of AfricaPliny the Elder, Historia Naturalis, 8, 6.
, "Lift Not The Painted Veil Which Those Who Live"
Pale Kings and Princes, "La Belle Dame sans Merci"
Paths of Glory, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
, "Passage to India"
Poison Tree,
Postern of Fate, "The Gates of Damascus"
Precious Bane, Paradise Lost
Quo VadisBible

John 13:36 (Vulgate translation)

Recalled to Life, A Tale of Two Cities
Recalled to Life, A Tale of Two Cities
Ring of Bright Water, "The Marriage of Psyche"
The Road Less Traveled, "The Road Not Taken"

1 Corinthians KJV

Seven Pillars of WisdomBible

Proverbs KJV

, Gettysburg Address
, "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came"
Some Buried Caesar, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Specimen Days's prosework
, The Duchess of Malfi
Stranger in a Strange LandBible

Exodus 2:22

, The White Devil

Ecclesiastes 1:5

Surprised by Joy, "Surprised by Joy"
, "Morning Song of Senlin"
Taming a Sea Horse, "My Last Duchess"
Tender Is the Night,
Terrible Swift Sword, "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
That Good Night, "Do not go gentle into that good night"
That Hideous Strength, Ane Dialog
Things Fall Apart, "The Second Coming"
This Side of Paradise, "Tiare Tahiti"
Those Barren Leaves, "The Tables Turned"
Thrones, Dominations, Paradise Lost
Tiger! Tiger (alternative title of The Stars My Destination),
Time and ChanceBible

Ecclesiastes 9:11


Ecclesiastes 9:11

Time and ChanceBible

Ecclesiastes 9:11

Time and ChanceBible

Ecclesiastes 9:11

, "Twelfth Night"
Time of our Darkness, "For the Fallen"

Ecclesiastes 3:3

Time To Murder And Create,
Tirra Lirra by the River,
To a God UnknownRigveda Book X
To Sail Beyond the Sunset,
To Say Nothing of the Dog, Three Men in a Boat
To Your Scattered Bodies Go, Holy Sonnets VIII
Unweaving the Rainbow, "Lamia"
Vanity Fair, The Pilgrim's Progress
Vile BodiesBible

Philippians 3:21


Matthew 11:12 (Douay translation)

, Through the Looking-Glass ("Jabberwocky")

Romans 6:23

Waiting for the Barbarians, "Waiting for the Barbarians"
Wandering Recollections of a Somewhat Busy Life, Recollections of a Busy Life[2]
, From Ritual to Romance

Joshua 23:14 (as rephrased in John Wesley's Explanatory Notes)

, "The Way Through the Woods"

Isaiah 61:6

What's Become of Waring, "Waring"
When the Green Woods Laugh,
Where Angels Fear to Tread,
, "The Second Coming"
Wildfire at Midnight, The Revenger's Tragedy
, A Shropshire Lad, Poem

Psalm 55:6

, The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale
Book of Common Prayer

Notes and References

  1. , p. 18
  2. cs2 . Richards . Irving T. . 1933 . The Life and Works of John Neal . PhD . Harvard University . 7588473 . 1250, n. 3.