In an effort to gain a nomination for a dramatic category following the final season, adverts were taken out in Variety magazine to encourage voters to select Voyager.[10]
Year | Category | Nominee | Episode | Result |
1995 | Outstanding Individual Achievement in Main Title Theme Music[11] | Jerry Goldsmith | | |
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Graphic Design and Title Sequences | Dan Curry, John Grower, Eric Guaglione, Erik Tiemens | | |
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Makeup for a Series | Michael Westmore, Tina Kalliogis-Hoffman, Michael Key, Barry R. Koper, Gill Mosko, Bill Myer, Greg Nelson, Mark Shostrom, Scott Wheeler, Natalie Wood | "Faces" | |
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Special Visual Effects | Michael Backauskas, Joe Bauer, Edward L. Williams, Dan Curry, Joshua Cushner, Don B. Greenberg, Scott Rader, Adam Howard, Don Lee, John Parenteau, Joshua Rose, Robert Stromberg | "Caretaker" | |
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Costume Design for a Series | Robert Blackman | |
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Hairstyling for a Series | Josée Normand, Caryl Codon, Rebecca De Morrio, Dino Ganziano, Virginia Kearns, Audrey Levy, Shawn McKay, Patty Miller, Barbara Kaye Minster, Karen Asano Myers, Gloria Albarran Ponce, Katherine Rees, Patricia Vecchio, Faith Vecchio | |
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Music Composition for a Series | Jay Chattaway | |
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Music Composition for a Series | Jay Chattaway | "Heroes and Demons" | |
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Cinematography for a Series | Marvin Rush | |
1996 | Outstanding Hairstyling for a Series | Karen Asano-Myers, Suzan Bagdadi, Laura Connolly, Barbara Kaye Minster | "Persistence of Vision" | |
Outstanding Makeup for a Series | Michael Westmore, Ellis Burman, Tina Kalliongis-Hoffman, Brad Look, Gil Mosko, Greg Nelson, Mark Shostrom, Steve Weber, Scott Wheeler | "Threshold" | |
1997 | Outstanding Costume Design for a Series | Robert Blackman | "False Profits" | |
Outstanding Hairstyling for a Series | Suzan Bagdadi, Monique De Sart, Frank Fontaine, Charlotte Gravenor, Karen Asano Myers, Diane Pepper, Jo Ann Phillips, Josée Normand | "Fair Trade" | |
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Drama Series | Alan Bernard, Doug Davey, Christopher L. Haire, Richard Morrison | "Future's End", Part I | |
1998 | Outstanding Hairstyling for a Series | Hazel Catmull, Laura Connolly, Ruby Ford, Charlotte Gravenor, Mimi Jafari, Chris McBee, Lola McNalley, Gloria Montemayor, Josée Normand, Viviane Normand, Dianne Pepper, Barbara Ronci, Adele Taylor, Delree Todd | "The Killing Game" | |
Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series | Eric Chauvin, Arthur Codron, Paul Hill, Koji Kuramura, Adam Lebowitz, Greg Rainoff, Mitch Suskin, John M. Teska | "Year of Hell", Part II | |
1999 | Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series | Rob Bonchune, Adam Lebowitz, Elizabeth Castro, Arthur J. Codron, Dan Curry, Don Greenberg, Paul Hill, Ronald B. Moore, Mitch Suskin, Greg Rainoff, John Teska | "Dark Frontier" | |
Bruce Branit, Liz Castro, Dan Curry, Paul Hill, Ronald B. Moore, Greg Rainoff | "Thirty Days" | |
John Allardice, Robert Bonchune, Eric Chauvin, Arthur J. Codron, Dan Curry, Don Greenberg, Sherry Hitch, Greg Rainoff, Mitch Suskin, John Teska, Ron Thornton | "Timeless" | |
2000 | Outstanding Costumes for a Series[12] [13] | Robert Blackman, Carol Kunz | "Muse" | |
Outstanding Hairstyling for a Series | Gloria Montemayor, Viviane Normand, Charlotte Parker, Jo Ann Phillips, Josee Normand | "Dragon's Teeth" | |
Outstanding Makeup for a Series | Belinda Bryant, Ellis Burman, Suzanne Diaz, Tina Kalliongis-Hoffman, Jeff Lewis, David Quaschnick, James Rohland, Michael Westmore, Scott Wheeler, Natalie Wood | "Ashes to Ashes" | |
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series | Jay Chattaway | "Spirit Folk" | |
Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series | Dale Chaloukian, Jeff Gersh, Ashley Harvey, Masanobu Tomita, Gerry Sackman, William Wistrom, James Wolvington | "Equinox", Part II | |
Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series | Les Bernstein, Bruce Branit, Elizabeth Castro, Dan Curry, John Gross, Paul Hill, Jeremy Hunt, Fred Pienkos, Ronald B. Moore | "Life Line" | |
Bruce Branit, Elizabeth Castro, Dan Curry, John Gross, Paul Hill, Jeremy Hunt, Fred Pienkos, Ronald B. Moore, Greg Rainoff | "The Haunting of Deck Twelve" | |
2001 | Outstanding Costumes For A Series[14] | Robert Blackman, Carol Kuntz | "Shattered" | |
Outstanding Hairstyling For A Series | Gloria Montemeyor, Josee Normand, Charlotte Parker | "Prophecy" | |
Outstanding Makeup For A Series | Belinda Bryant, Ellis Burman, Suzanne Diaz-Westmore, Earl Ellis, Tina Kalliongis-Hoffman, Jeffrey Lewis, Bradley Look, Joe Podnar, Dave Quaschnick, James Rohland, Karen Westerfield, Michael Westmore, Scott Wheeler, Natalie Wood | "The Void" | |
Outstanding Music Composition For A Series[15] | Jay Chattaway | "Endgame" | |
Dennis McCarthy | "Workforce", Part II | |
Outstanding Sound Editing For A Series | Dale Chaloukian, T. Ashley Harvey, Masanobu Tomita, Gerald Sackman, Bill Wistrom, Jim Wolvington | "Endgame" | |
Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series | Robert Bonchune, Eric Chauvin, Arthur Codron, Dan Curry, Steve Fong, Ronald B. Moore, Greg Rainoff, Mitch Suskin, John Teska | "Endgame" | |
Dan Curry, Paul Hill, David Lombardi, Brandon MacDougall, Ronald B. Moore, David Morton, Greg Rainoff, John Teska, Chad Zimmerman | "Workforce", Part I | | |