List of ancient Egyptian towns and cities explained

This is a list of known ancient Egyptian towns and cities.[1] The list is for sites intended for permanent settlement and does not include fortresses and other locations of intermittent habitation.

a capital of ancient Egypt
a capital of ancient Egypt and regional administrative center
Thonis italicized name: only the Greek name is known

Lower Egypt

data-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:160px;"Town(popular name)data-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:160px;"In hieroglyphsdata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:100px;"Date foundeddata-sort-type="number" scope="col" style="width:50px;"Nomedata-stype="letter" scope="col" style="width:120px;"Patron deitydata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="Poodth:100px;"Modern namedata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:180px;"Other name/sdata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:240px;"Note
Men-nefer (Memphis)earlier than 3150 BC 1stPtah (cult center)Mit RahinaIneb-Hedj, Died-Sut, Ankh-Tawy, Menfe, Hut-ka-Ptah, Moph, NophCapital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom; capital of its nome
Khem (Letopolis)probably during Old Kingdom2ndKhenty-irtyAusimCapital of its nome
Yamu (Apis)probably during Old Kingdom3rdHathorKom el-HisnImu, ApisCapital of its nome
Raqote (Alexandria)331 BC3rdSerapisAlexandriaRhacotis, Rakotə, EskendereyyahAlexandria was the intellectual and cultural center of the ancient world for some time; capital of the Ptolemaic Kingdom
Khito (Rosetta)3rdRashidBolbitine, Bolbitinum, Bolbitinon, Trashit, Rakhit, RexiWhere Rosetta Stone was found
Ptkheka (Ptkheka)4thNeithTantaCapital of its nome
Zau (Sais)earlier than 3300 BC5thNeith (cult center)Sa el-HagarCapital of 24th and 26th Dynasties; capital of its nome
Per-Wadjet (Buto)earlier than 3250 BC5thWadjet (cult center)Tell al-Fara'inPe and Dep, Butus, ButosusWhere Predynastic Buto-culture was found
Khasut (Xois)6thAmunSakhaXeos, SkhooCapital of its nome
Timinhor (Damanhur)later than 1200 BC7thDamanhurHermopolis Mikra, Tel BallamonCapital of its nome
Piemro (Naucratis)7th century BC7thThothKom GieifΝαύκρατιςFirst permanent Greek colony; major center for Greek Egyptian sea trade
Thonis (Heracleion)12th century BC7thAmunἩράκλειονEgypt's main port during Late Period; sister city of Naucratis
Menouthis (Menouthis)7thIsis and SerapisSunk to the sea in 8th century AD; near Heracleion and Canopus
Pikuat (Canopus)Earlier than 600 BC7thOsirisAboukirCanobus, Kanobos, Kanopos, SchediaPrincipal port in Egypt for Greek trade before the foundation of Alexandria
Per-Atum (Pithom)Around 1900 BC8thAtumTell-el-MaskhutaTjeku, Heroöpolis, HeroonopolisCapital of its nome
Djedu (Busiris)A small village until 3200 BC9thOsirisAbu Sir BanaPer UsiriCapital of its nome
Hut-hery-ib (Athribis)10thRepytBanhaTell Atrib, Attrib, Medeenet AshayshCapital of its nome
Taremu (Leontopolis)11thBast and Sekhmet (cult center)Kafr Al MuqdamLeonto, Leontos, Tell el-MuqdamOne of the capitals during the 23rd Dynasty; capital of its nome during Ptolemaic Period
Šetennu (Pharbaetus)earlier than 7th century BC11thHormertyHorbeitShednu, Sheten, PharbaethusCapital of its nome; one of the centers of the chiefs of the Meshwesh Libyans
Tjebnutjer (Sebennytos)12thOnurisSamanudHometown of Manetho; capital of the 30th Dynasty; capital of its nome
Pachnamu´nis (Pachnamunis)12thPrincipal town
Iunu (Heliopolis)earlier than 3250 BC13thRa (cult center)Ayn ShamsÔn, Āwen, ὊνCapital of its nome
Tjaru (Sile)14thHorusTel el-HabuaZaru, Tharu, Djaru, Tjel, Sile, Edfu of Lower EgyptLargest ancient Egyptian fortress town; place of exile for criminals; capital of its nome
Per-Amun (Pelusium)Before 720 BC 14thAmunTell el-FaramaSena, Seyân, Sin, Pelousion, Paramoun, Peremoun, PeromiEasternmost major Egyptian city; Battles of Pelusium
Weprehwy (Hermopolis Parva)Before 2575 BC15thTell al-NaqusCapital of its nome
Tamiat (Damietta)15thDamiettaDamiata, Domyat, Ταμίαθις, Tamiathis
Djedet (Mendes)earlier than 3250 BC16thBanebdjedetTell El-RubaPer-Banebdjedet, AnpetCapital of the 29th Dynasty; capital of its nome
Semabehdet (Diospolis Inferior)17thTel El BalamunCapital of its nome
Per-Bast (Bubastis)Earlier than 3150 BC18thBastet (cult center)Tell-BastaPer-Bastet An ivory tag found in Tomb U-J dating 3150 BC many think has the Per-Bastet signature; One of the capitals during the 22nd and 23rd Dynasties; capital of its nome
Djanet (Tanis)late New Kingdom19thAmunTell NebeshaThebes of the North, Ṣān al-Ḥagar, ZoanCapital of 21st and 22nd Dynasties; capital of its nome; important port for Asiatic trade; center of linen manufacture.
Hut-waret (Avaris)during Middle Kingdom19thSetTell el-Dab'aAuaris, Hawara, AthyriaCapital of 14th and 15th Dynasties
Per-Ramessu (Pi-Ramesses)1274 BC19thRamesses IIQantirPer-Rameses, Per RamessuFounded by Ramesses II; absorbed Avaris; capital of Egypt during Ramesses II's reign
Per-Sopdu (Per-Sopdu)20thAmunSaft el-HinnaSoped, Pi-SoptCapital of its nome

Upper Egypt

data-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:160px;"Town(popular name)data-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:160px;"In hieroglyphsdata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:100px;"Date foundeddata-sort-type="number" scope="col" style="width:50px;"Nomedata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:120px;"Patron deitydata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:100px;"Modern namedata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:180px;"Other name/sdata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:240px;"Note
Abu (Elephantine)earlier than 3000 BC1stKhnum (cult center)AswanYebuCapital of its nome
Swenett (Aswan)1stSwenettAswanSyeneLocation of stone quarries for Syenite granite
Nubt (Kom Ombo)earlier than 3000 BC1stSobek (cult center)Kom OmboOmboi, Ombos, Ambo, OmbiGarrison throughout pharaonic history; arch-enemy of the city of Dendera
Behdet (Edfu)earlier than 3000 BC2ndHorus (cult center)Naga el-GoneimaApollonopolis Magna, Apollinopolis Magna, Djeba, Utes-HorCapital of its nome
Nekheb (El Kab)earlier than 3500 BC3rdNekhbet (cult center)El KabEileithyiaspolis, Lucinae CivitasCapital of its nome before Nekhen; surrounded by a massive mud brick wall
Nekhen (Hierakonpolis)earlier than 3210 BC3rdHorus (cult center)El KabAl-Kom Al-AħmarCapital of its nome after Nekheb; opposite Nekheb on the other side of the Nile
Ta-senet (Latopolis)earlier than Middle Kingdom3rdKhnumEsnaIunyt, Polis Latton, LatoCapital of its nome after Nekhen
Waset (Thebes)earlier than 5000 BC4thAmun (cult center)LuxorNiwt-rst, Niwt-Imn, Nōʼ ʼĀmôn, No, Iunu-shema, Diospolis Magna, Ta-pe, Hundred-gated ThebesCapital of Egypt during most of Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom; capital of its nome; foremost religious center
Per-Hathor (Aphroditopolis)earlier than 3000 BC4thHathorGebeleinInerty, Pathyris, Naga el-Gherira
Iuny (Hermonthis)4thMontu (cult center)ArmantErment, Iunu-MontuCapital of its nome during Cleopatra VII
Sumenu (Crocodilopolis)earlier than Middle Kingdom4thSobek (cult center)el-Mahamid QiblyImiotruDifferent from Shedet (also called Crocodilopolis)
Djerty (El-Tod)during Old Kingdom4thMontuEl-TodḎrty, Touphion, Tuphium, Thouôt, Tuot
Madu (Medamud)4thMontuMedamud
Nubt (Naqada)earlier than 3500 BC5thSet (cult center)NaqadaOmbos, South TownWhere the Pre-dynastic Naqada culture was found
Iushenshen (Iushenshen)earlier than 3000 BC5thKhozamCapital of its nome during Old Kingdom
Gesy (Qus)5thHorusQusGesa, Apollonopolis Parva, Apollinopolis Mikra, Apollonos minorisA point of departure for expeditions to the Red Sea
Gebtu (Koptos)Earlier than 3200 BC5thMin (cult center)QiftKebto, Keft, JustinianopolisCapital of its nome; commercial center for the Upper Egyptian Red Sea trade through Wadi Hammamat
Iunet (Dendera)6thHathor (cult center)DenderaTentyra, Tentyris, Nikentori, NitentoriCapital of its nome
Seshesh (Hu)earlier than 3100 BC7thBat, then HathorHuDiospolis Parva, Diospolis Superior, Hut-Sekhem, HiwCapital of its nome
Abdju (Abydos)earlier than 3000 BC8thKhentiamentiu, then Osiris (cult center) and Isisal-BirbaOsirisCapital of its nome
Tjenu (Thinis)earlier than 4000 BC8thAnhurThisCapital of the 1st and 2nd Dynasties; still unlocated
Ipu (Akhmim)earlier than 3100 BC9thMin (cult center)AkhmimApu, Khent-min, Khmin, Shmin, Khemmis, Chemmis, PanopolisCapital of its nome
Hut-Repyt (Athribis)9thRepytWanninaTriphieion, TripheionDistinct from Hut-hery-ib (Athribis)
Tjebu (Qau)10thNemty (cult center)Qaw el-KebirDjew-Qa, AntaeopolisCapital of its nome
Shashotep (Hypselis)11thKhnumShutbApothekeCapital of its nome
Per-Nemty (Hieracon)12thNemtyal AtawlaHierakonCapital of its nome
Zawty (Asyut)13thAnubis (cult center), Wepwawet (cult center)AsyutSauty, Syut, Syowt, Lycopolis, Lycon, LycoCapital of its nome
Qis (Cusae)14thHathorel-QusiyaKis, KusaiCapital of its nome
Akhetaten (Amarna)around 1346 BC14thAten (cult center)Tell el-AmarnaCapital of Egypt during Akhenaten's reign
Khemenu (Hermopolis Magna)15thThoth (cult center), OgdoadEl AshmuneinHermopolis Megale, HermupolisCapital of its nome
Herwer (Herwer)16thKhnum and HeqetHurCapital of its nome
Hebenu (Hebenu)16thKom el AhmarCapital of its nome before Herwer
Per-Imen-mat-khent(j) (Akoris)earlier than Old Kingdom16thTihna el-GebelMer-nefer(et), Dehenet
Saka (Cynopolis)17thAnubis (cult center)El KaysHardai, Cynopolis SuperiorCapital of its nome
Tayu-djayet (El Hiba)18thEl HibaTeudjoi, AnkyronpolisCapital of its nome
Per-Medjed (Oxyrhynchus)19thel-BahnasaPemdje, OxyrrhynkhoupolisCapital of its nome
Henen-nesut (Herakleopolis Magna)earlier than 3000 BC20thHeryshaf (cult center)Ihnasiyyah al-MadinahNenj-neswt, Ehnasya, Hnas, AhnasCapital of the 9th and 10th Dynasties; capital of its nome
Itjtawy (Itjtawy)~1920 BC20th or 21stAmenemhat-itj-tawyolisCapital of the 12th and 13th Dynasties; still unlocated
Shedet (Crocodilopolis)21stSobek (cult center)FaiyumArsinoë, Fayoum, She-resyCapital of its nome
Ta may Sobek neb Pay pa necer aa (Soknopaiou Nesos)21stSobek (as Soknopaios)Dimeh es-Seba (ar|ديمة السباع)tȝ mȝy Sbk nb Pay pȝ nṯr ʿȝ
Tepihu (Aphroditopolis)22ndHathor (cult center during Greek period)AtfihPetpehCapital of its nome


data-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:160px;"Town(popular name)data-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:160px;"In hieroglyphsdata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:100px;"Date foundeddata-sort-type="number" scope="col" style="width:50px;"Nomedata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:120px;"Patron deitydata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:100px;"Modern namedata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:180px;"Other name/sdata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:240px;"Note
Chenem-Waset (Amara West)During Seti I's reignnoneAmara, NubiaPer-Menmaatre, Per-Rameses-meri-AmunOfficial residence of the representative of Kush
Iken (Mirgissa)earlier than 4500 BCnoneHathorFortress town; now submerged in Lake Nasser
Buhen (Buhen)earlier than 3000 BCnoneBuhenLargest fortress town in Nubia; housed a copper factory

Red Sea Coast

data-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:160px;"Town(popular name)data-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:160px;"In hieroglyphsdata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:100px;"Date foundeddata-sort-type="number" scope="col" style="width:50px;"Nomedata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:120px;"Patron deitydata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:100px;"Modern namedata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:180px;"Other name/sdata-sort-type="letter" scope="col" style="width:240px;"Note
Berenice (Berenice)275 BCnoneMedinet-el HarasBerenike, Berenice Troglodytica, BaranisFounded by Ptolemy II; named after his mother, Berenice I of Egypt
Tao (Leucus Limen)[2] earlier than New KingdomnoneEl QoseirLeucus Limen, Kosseir, Al Qusair, El Quseir, Qusseir, QosseirImportant trading port during pharaonic times, where goods from Red Sea and beyond entered Egypt

See also

Notes and References

  1. List of provinces ('nomes') of ancient Egypt
  2. Web site: A tale of an ancient Red Sea city, Quseir - Walks - Heritage . 2022-10-31 . Ahram Online.