List of abolitionists explained
This is a listing of notable opponents of slavery, often called abolitionists.
- African Methodist Episcopal Church (American)
- American Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- American Missionary Association (American)
- Anti-Slavery Society (British)
- Birmingham Ladies Society for the Relief of Negro Slaves, founded 1825 (British)
- Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- Boston Vigilance Committee (American)
- British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, founded 1839, continues as Anti-Slavery International
- Clapham Sect (British)
- Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade (British)
- Dames-Comité ter Bevordering van de Evangelieverkondiging en de Afschaffing der Slavernij, founded 1856 (Dutch)
- Free Soil Party (American)
- Free-Staters (Kansas) (American)
- Jayhawkers (American)
- International Justice Mission (American)
- Liberty Party (United States, 1840)
- Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- Massachusetts General Colored Association (American)
- Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Afschaffing der Slavernij, founded 1842 (Dutch)
- New York Manumission Society (American)
- New England Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- New England Freedom Association (American)
- Oneida Institute (American)
- Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
- Sociedad Abolicionista Española, founded 1864 (Spanish)
- Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1787–1807? (British, aka Abolition Society)
- Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions, 1823–1838 (British, aka Anti-Slavery Society)
- Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage (American)
- Society of the Friends of the Blacks (French)
- Testonites (British)
- 8th Day Center for Justice, a Roman Catholic non-profit organization based in Chicago, Illinois
- A Better World, organization that is based in Lacombe, Alberta, Canada[1]
- A21 Campaign, 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to fight human trafficking
- ABC Nepal, non-profit non- governmental organisation working in Nepal on trafficking of girls and minors across Indian subcontinent and Arabian countries, founded by Durga Ghimire.[2]
- Agape International Missions, nonprofit organization in Cambodia[3]
- Anti-Slavery International, works at local, national and international levels to eliminate all forms of slavery around the world
- Arizona League to End Regional Trafficking, coalition representing partnerships with law enforcement, faith-based communities, non-profit organizations, social service agencies, attorneys and concerned citizens.
- Awareness Against Human Trafficking (HAART), non-governmental organization fighting against human trafficking in Kenya.[4]
- California Against Slavery, human rights organization directed at strengthening California state laws to protect victims of sex trafficking
- Chab Dai, coalition founded by Helen Sworn[5] that connects Christian organizations committed to ending sexual abuse and trafficking.[6] [7]
- Children's Organization of Southeast Asia (COSA), International Organization which works towards the prevention of child human trafficking and sexual exploitation within the Northern regions of Thailand, especially among hill-tribe communities.[8]
- Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, international non-governmental organization opposing human trafficking, prostitution, and other forms of commercial sex
- Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking, Los Angeles-based anti-human trafficking organization
- ECPAT, international non-governmental organisation and network headquartered in Thailand which is designed to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children
- Face to Face Bulgaria, organization whose primary mission is to prevent cases of forced prostitution and human trafficking in Bulgaria[9] [10]
- Free the Slaves, dedicated to ending Slavery Worldwide
- Freeset, organization whose primary mission is to provide sustainable employment and economic empowerment to victims of sex trafficking in South Asia.[11]
- Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, network of more than 100 non-governmental organisations from all regions of the world, who share a deep concern for the women, children and men whose human rights have been violated by the criminal practice of trafficking in persons
- Global Centurion, is non-profit organization that fights trafficking by focusing on demand[12]
- Hope for Justice, identifies and rescues victims, advocates on their behalf, provides restorative care which rebuilds lives and trains frontline professionals to tackle slavery.[13]
- Ing Makababaying Aksyon (Filipino)
- International Justice Mission, an anti-trafficking organization.
- La Strada International Association, international NGO network addressing trafficking in human beings in Europe
- Love 146, vision: abolition of child trafficking and slavery, nothing less.
- Maiti Nepal, non-profit organization in Nepal dedicated to helping victims of sex trafficking
- NASHI, a Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada-based organisation that opposes human trafficking by raising awareness through education[14]
- Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons, government agency responsible for coordinating efforts to address human trafficking in British Columbia, Canada[15]
- Polaris Project, nonprofit, non-governmental organization that works to combat and prevent modern day slavery and human trafficking
- Prerana, non-governmental organization (NGO) that works in the red-light districts of Mumbai, India, to protect children vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking. The organization runs three night care centers for children at risk, as well as shelter homes and a residential training center for girls rescued from the trafficking trade.[16]
- Ratanak International, organisation that rescues children from sexual slavery and then provides them with education,[17] rehabilitation, and safety[18]
- Reaching Out Romania, non-governmental[19] charitable organization[20] in Romania that helps girls ages 13 to 22 exit the sex industry[21]
- Redlight Children Campaign, non-profit organization created by New York lawyer and president of Priority Films Guy Jacobson and Israeli actress Adi Ezroni in 2002 to combat worldwide child sexual exploitation and human trafficking
- Run for Courage, nonprofit organization that combats human trafficking[22]
- Somaly Mam Foundation (Cambodian)
- Slavery Footprint, nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California, that works to end human trafficking and modern-day slavery.[23]
- Stop Child Trafficking Now, organization founded by Lynette Lewis, an author and public speaker[24]
- Stop the Traffik, campaign coalition which aims to bring an end to human trafficking worldwide[25]
- The RINJ Foundation, Canadian-based women's group which adduces that vigorously prosecuting buyers of slaves is the way ahead to end sexual slavery[26] [27]
- Truckers Against Trafficking, nonprofit organization that trains truck drivers to recognize and report instances of human trafficking[28]
- Voice of the Free (Filipino)
- Abigail Adams (American presidential wife and activist)
- John Quincy Adams (American President), had a long history of opposing slavery
- Bronson Alcott (American)
- Louisa May Alcott (American)
- Richard Allen (former slave, American Methodist)
- William G. Allen (American)
- Susan B. Anthony (American)
- Rosa Miller Avery (American)
- Gamaliel Bailey (American)
- Martha Violet Ball (American)
- Eusebius Barnard (American)
- Austin Bearse (American)
- Henry Ward Beecher (American)
- Lyman Beecher (American)
- Anthony Benezet (American Quaker)
- John Bingham, Jayhawker and Senator (American)
- James Gillespie Birney (American)
- William Birney (American)
- William Henry Brisbane (American)
- John Brown (American)
- William Wells Brown (American)
- Anson Burlingame (American)
- Aaron Burr (American politician)
- Zachariah Chandler (American)
- William L. Chaplin (American)
- Maria Weston Chapman (American)
- Salmon P. Chase (American)
- Lydia Maria Child (American)
- Benjamin Butler (American)
- Elizabeth Buffum Chace (American activist)
- Elizabeth Margaret Chandler American writer and journalist, columnist
- James Freeman Clarke (American), Unitarian minister and theologian
- Cassius Marcellus Clay (American)
- John Coburn (American)
- Levi Coffin (American)
- Nathaniel Colver (Baptist pastor and educator, American)
- Samuel Cornish (Presbyterian of African heritage, American)
- Oringe Smith Crary (American)
- Alexander Crummell, African-American missionary
- Henry Winter Davis (American)
- Martin Delany (son of a slave, American)
- Solomon Dill (American)
- Richard Dillingham (American)
- Frederick Douglass (former slave, American politician)
- Sarah Mapps Douglass (American)
- George Hussey Earle Sr. (American politician)
- David Einhorn (American rabbi)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (American)
- Calvin Fairbank (American)
- Sarah Harris Fayerweather (American)
- John Gregg Fee (American)
- Charles Finney (American)
- James Forten (American)
- Margaretta Forten (American)
- Abby Kelley Foster (American)
- Stephen Symonds Foster (American)
- Benjamin Franklin (American)
- Amos Noë Freeman (American)
- John C. Frémont (American)
- Matilda Joslyn Gage (American)
- Thomas Galt (American), Vice-President, Illinois Anti-Slavery Society
- Eliza Ann Gardner (American)
- Henry Highland Garnet (American)
- Thomas Garrett (American)
- William Lloyd Garrison (American)
- Ulysses Grant (American)
- Horace Greeley (American)
- Beriah Green (American)
- Leonard Grimes (American)
- Charlotte Forten Grimké (American)
- Angelina Grimké (American)
- Sarah Moore Grimké (American)
- Hannibal Hamlin (American)
- Theophilus Harrington (American)
- Laura Smith Haviland (American)
- Lewis Hayden (former slave, American)
- Hugh Hazlett (American)
- Michael Heilprin (American rabbi)
- Hinton Rowan Helper (opposed slavery on economic grounds, American)
- James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok (American)
- Elias Hicks (American)
- Thomas Wentworth Higginson (American)
- Thomas S. Hinde (American)
- Isaac Hopper (American)
- Julia Ward Howe (American)
- Samuel Gridley Howe (American)
- Thaddeus Hyatt (American)
- Robert G. Ingersoll (American)
- Francis Jackson (American)
- Harriet Jacobs (1813–1897) (former slave, American)
- John Jay (American)
- Absalom Jones (American)
- Hezekiah Joslyn (American)
- Gustav Koerner (German American)
- James H. Lane (Senator) (American)
- Mary Sampson Patterson Leary Langston (American)
- John Laurens (American)
- Benjamin Lay (American)
- Hart Leavitt (American), Underground Railroad operator, Massachusetts[29]
- Joshua Leavitt (American), editor of the abolitionist newspaper The Emancipator
- Roger Hooker Leavitt (American), Underground Railroad operator, Massachusetts[30]
- William Leggett (writer)
- Abraham Lincoln (American President)
- Rose Livingston (American)
- Toussaint L'Ouverture (former slave, a commander of the Haitian Revolution)
- Jermain Loguen (former slave, American)
- Elijah Lovejoy (American)
- James Russell Lowell (American)
- Maria White Lowell (American)
- Henry G. Ludlow (American)
- Benjamin Lundy (American)
- Samuel Joseph May (American)
- Isaac Mendenhall (American)
- Cynthia Catlin Miller (American)
- Robert Morris (American)
- Lucretia Mott (American)
- William Cooper Nell (American)
- Frederick Law Olmsted (American)
- Samuel Oughton (American), advocate of black labour rights in Jamaica)
- John Parker (former slave, American)
- Theodore Parker (American) (1810–1860), Unitarian minister and abolitionist whose words inspired speeches by Abraham Lincoln and later by Martin Luther King Jr. ("The arc of the moral universe is long...")
- Francis Daniel Pastorius (German-American), signer of the first organized religious protest against slavery in colonial America
- Wendell Phillips (American)
- James Shepherd Pike (American), journalist
- Mary Ellen Pleasant (American)
- John Wesley Posey (American)
- Gabriel Prosser (insurrectionist, American slave)
- Harriet Forten Purvis (American)
- Robert Purvis (American)
- Sarah Louisa Forten Purvis (American)
- John Rankin (American)
- Hermann Raster (American)
- John D. Read (American)
- Charles Lenox Remond (American)
- Ernestine Rose (American)
- Benjamin Rush (American)
- John Brown Russwurm (Jamaican/American)
- Richard S. Rust (American)
- Thomas Rutter (American)
- Dred Scott (American slave)
- Samuel Sewall (American)
- Samuel Edmund Sewall (American)
- William H. Seward, Secretary of State under Lincoln (American)
- Gerrit Smith (American)
- Joshua Bowen Smith (American)
- Silas Soule (American)
- Lysander Spooner (American lawyer)
- Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War under Lincoln (American)
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton (American)
- Henry Stanton (American)
- Thaddeus Stevens (American)
- Maria W. Stewart (American)
- William Still (American)
- Lucy Stone (American)
- Harriet Beecher Stowe (American)
- Charles Sumner (American)
- La Roy Sunderland (American)
- Arthur Tappan (American)
- Lewis Tappan (American)
- Henry David Thoreau (American)
- John Ton (Dutch-born American)
- Charles Turner Torrey (American)
- Joseph Tracy (American)
- Sojourner Truth (American)
- Harriet Tubman (American)
- Nat Turner insurrectionist, former slave (American)
- Denmark Vesey insurrectionist, former slave (American)
- Benjamin Wade (American)
- David Walker (abolitionist) (son of a slave, American)
- Samuel Ringgold Ward (born into slavery, American)
- Theodore Dwight Weld (American)
- Charles Augustus Wheaton (American) Underground Railroad Operator, New York [31]
- Walt Whitman (American)
- John Greenleaf Whittier (American)
- Austin Willey (American newspaper editor)
- Henry Wilson (American Vice President)
- Hiram Wilson (Canada)
- John Woolman (American Quaker)
- Elizur Wright (American)
- Frances Wright (American)
Puerto Rican
Saudi Arabian
See also
Further reading
Notes and References
- Red Deer Advocate. Susan Zielinski. Groups helping sex trade victims. September 21, 2012.
- Web site: ABC-Nepal. 19 May 2016.
- Capital Public Radio. Area Couple Fighting Sex Slavery In Cambodia. Steve Milne. May 9, 2011. dead. April 14, 2013. February 19, 2013.
- Web site: HAART Kenya . HAART Kenya . 12 December 2014.
- News: The Washington Post. Katherine Marshall. August 31, 2009. Need Plus Greed: Faith in Action. dead. November 23, 2009. February 20, 2013.
- Web site: – Cambodia NGO: Chab Dai Coalition. 19 May 2016. dead. 4 April 2016.
- Web site: Chab Dai Coalition. 19 May 2016.
- Web site:
- Web site: Reading Room: Face to Face with Human Trafficking in Bulgaria. 2008-02-08. 2007-03-12. Andrew Ridgway. The Sofia Echo.
- Web site: Bulgaria's Disturbing Baby Market. 2008-02-08. 2005-02-23. Rosie Goldsmith. BBC News .
- Web site: Freeset – We make eco-friendly, fair trade, customized promotional jute and cotton bags. 19 May 2016.
- Web site: Fighting Modern Slavery by Focusing on Demand . Global Centurion Foundation.
- Web site: ai – Hope for Justice. 2015-06-18. 2015-07-28. dead.
- Shaw TV Saskatoon. Arts & Entertainment. Curtis Anderson. June 2, 2012.
- Web site: Human Trafficking in B.C.. British Columbia Ministry of Justice. September 16, 2012. September 5, 2012. dead.
- Web site: About Prerana. 2015-06-18. 2014-10-15. dead.
- The Vancouver Sun. Former RCMP investigator a beacon for change: Brian McConaghy founded Vancouver-based Ratanak International, which helps rescue and educate former sex slaves. Daphne Bramham. March 23, 2012. August 21, 2012.
- View Magazine. Ric Taylor. Hamilton Music Notes. October 6–12, 2011. August 21, 2012. January 16, 2012. dead.
- Book: 120. Ending Violence Against Women: From Words to Action. limited. United Nations. 2006. 9211302536.
- News: Gleaner Company. Sex slavery plagues Romania and Bulgaria. December 29, 2006. August 13, 2013. August 15, 2020. dead.
- Book: 259. Navigating the Badlands: Thriving in the Decade of Radical Transformation. Mary O'Hara-Devereaux. John Wiley & Sons. 2004. 0787976008.
- News: San Francisco Chronicle. Oakland schools' mission to end child trafficking. Jill Tucker. December 20, 2013. December 14, 2014.
- Web site: Survey drives awareness of modern-day slavery . 2015-06-18 . 2013-09-26 . . dead .
- Book: ix. Unforgettable: God's Relentless Heart for His Daughters. Stephanie G. Henderson. CrossBooks Publishing. 2012. 978-1462721269.
- Web site: Stop the Traffik . 2015-06-18 . . 2012-06-20 . dead .
- Web site: Wire Service Canada.
- News: Hola! Arkansas. Arkansas to stop human trafficking. September 6, 2013. September 7, 2013. dead. September 28, 2013.
- Hart and Mary Leavitt House, Charlemont, Massachusetts, National Park Service Network to Freedom Sites,
- Roger Hooker and Keziah Leavitt House, Charlemont, Massachusetts, National Park Service Network to Freedom Sites,
- Web site: Short bio of C.A. Wheaton.