Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS is the fifth spin-off anime series in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise and the ninth anime series overall. It is produced by Gallop and broadcast by TV Tokyo. The series is directed by Masahiro Hosoda. The series follows Yusaku Fujiki. It takes place in a high school environment in Den City.[1] The series features Charisma Duelists who use VR and are similar to real life YouTubers. The show's theme is "Let's take one step forward and try it!"[2]
The series uses 8 pieces of theme music, including three opening themes and five ending themes. From episodes 1–46, the first opening theme is by Hiroaki "Tommy" Tominaga. From episodes 47–102, the second opening theme is .[3] From episodes 103–120, the third opening theme is by Kimeru. From episodes 1–24, the first ending theme is by Royga. From episodes 25–46, the second ending theme is "Writing Life" by Goodbye Holiday.[4] From episodes 47–70, the third ending theme is "BOY" by uchuu. From episodes 71–95, the fourth ending theme is by Band-Maid. From episodes 96–119, the fifth ending theme is by Bis.
In Canada, the English dub of the series began airing on Teletoon on September 1, 2018.[5] It later began airing in Australia on 9Go! on April 6, 2019.[6] In the United States, the dubbed episodes started streaming on Pluto TV on a channel dedicated to the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise.[7] Like previous dubs, the English adaptation incorporates its own theme music.
See main article: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS (season 1).
See main article: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS (season 2).
See main article: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS (season 3).