The Amazing World of Gumball is an animated sitcom created by Ben Bocquelet for Cartoon Network. The series follows the lives of 12-year-old Gumball Watterson, an anthropomorphic blue cat, and his adoptive goldfish brother Darwin, who attend middle school in the fictional city of Elmore, California. They often find themselves in various shenanigans around the city, during which they interact with fellow family members—younger sister Anais, mother Nicole, and father Richard—along with an extended supporting cast of characters.
See main article: The Amazing World of Gumball season 1.
See main article: The Amazing World of Gumball season 2.
See main article: The Amazing World of Gumball season 3.
See main article: The Amazing World of Gumball season 4.
See main article: The Amazing World of Gumball season 5.
See main article: The Amazing World of Gumball season 6.
See main article: The Amazing World of Gumball season 7.
A six-episode special called Darwin's Yearbook aired on Cartoon Network in December 2019. The miniseries features Darwin attempting to complete Elmore Junior High's yearbook by examining who he thinks should fill up the best spot. The miniseries is essentially a collection of clip show episodes.[1]
No. in series | Title | U.S. air date | U.K. air date | Prod. code | U.S. viewers (millions) |
An eight-episode miniseries called The Gumball Chronicles premiered on Cartoon Network on October 5, 2020. Though primarily a clip show with scenes from previous episodes, the miniseries features some new content.[2] Within the miniseries, there is a 4-part special titled Vote Gumball themed around the 2020 United States presidential election.
Every episode is written and directed by Richard Overall.
No. in series | Title | Written by | Storyboarded by | U.S. air date | U.K. air date | Prod. code | U.S. viewers (millions) |