Station 19 is an American action-drama television series that premiered on American Broadcasting Company (ABC) as a mid-season replacement on March 22, 2018. The series focuses on lives of the firefighters working on the fictional Station 19, while trying to maintain personal lives. The show is a spin-off of the long-running medical drama Grey's Anatomy. The story was introduced with an episode of Grey's Anatomy (originally planned to air in fall 2017) serving as a backdoor pilot. The backdoor pilot episode also featured the introduction of the lead character of the spin-off, Andy Herrera, "as a story within the episode" and "showcase a really lovely story for Ben, where we get to just juxtapose his two worlds and see his reaction as he transitions from one world to the next".
In January 2022, ABC renewed the series for a sixth season which premiered on October 6, 2022.[1] [2] In April 2023, ABC renewed the series for a seventh season that premiered on March 14, 2024.[3] [4] In December 2023, it was announced that the seventh season will be its final season.[5]
For the backdoor pilot, "No. overall" and "No. in season" refer to the episode's place in the order of episodes of the parent series Grey's Anatomy.
See main article: Station 19 season 1.
See main article: Station 19 season 2.
See main article: Station 19 season 3.
See main article: Station 19 season 4.
See main article: Station 19 season 5.
See main article: Station 19 season 6.
See main article: Station 19 season 7.