Name | Constituency or region | Type | Start year | End year |
Brian Adam | North East Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
Aberdeen North | Constituency | 2003 | 2011 |
Aberdeen Donside | Constituency | 2011 | 2013[1] |
data-sort-value="Adam, George" | George Adam | Paisley | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Adam, Karen" | Karen Adam | Banffshire and Buchan Coast | Constituency | 2021 | |
Clare Adamson | Central Scotland | Region | 2011 | 2016 |
Motherwell and Wishaw | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Ahmad, Bashir" | Bashir Ahmad | Glasgow | Region | 2007 | 2009[2] |
data-sort-value="Allan, Alasdair" | Alasdair Allan | Na h-Eileanan an Iar | Constituency | 2007 | |
data-sort-value="Allard, Christian" | Christian Allard | North East Scotland | Region | 2013 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="Arthur, Tom" | Tom Arthur | Renfrewshire South | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Beattie, Colin" | Colin Beattie | Midlothian North and Musselburgh | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Biagi, Marco" | Marco Biagi | Edinburgh Central | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="Brodie, Chic" | Chic Brodie | South Scotland | Region | 2011 | 2016 |
Keith Brown | Ochil | Constituency | 2007 | 2011 |
Clackmannanshire and Dunblane | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Brown, Siobhian" | Siobhian Brown | Ayr | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Burgess, Margaret" | Margaret Burgess | Cunninghame South | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="Callaghan, Stephanie" | Stephanie Callaghan | Uddingston and Bellshill | Constituency | 2021 | |
Aileen Campbell | South of Scotland | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
Clydesdale | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Campbell, Colin" | Colin Campbell | West of Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
data-sort-value="Campbell, Roderick" | Roderick Campbell | North East Fife | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
Willie Coffey | Kilmarnock and Loudoun | Constituency | 2007 | 2011 |
Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley | Constituency | 2011 | |
Angela Constance | Livingston | Constituency | 2007 | 2011 |
Almond Valley | Constituency | 2011 | |
Bruce Crawford | Mid Scotland and Fife | Region | 1999 | 2007 |
Stirling | Constituency | 2007 | 2021 |
Roseanna Cunningham | Perth | Constituency | 1999 | 2011 |
Perthshire South and Kinross-shire | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Denham, Ash" | Ash Denham | Edinburgh Eastern | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Dey, Graeme" | Graeme Dey | Angus South | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Don, Natalie" | Natalie Don | Renfrewshire North and West | Constituency | 2021 | |
Nigel Don | North East Scotland | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
Angus North and Mearns | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="Dornan, James" | James Dornan | Glasgow Cathcart | Constituency | 2011 | |
Bob Doris | Glasgow | Region | 2007 | 2016 |
Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Dunbar, Jackie" | Jackie Dunbar | Aberdeen Donside | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Eadie, Jim" | Jim Eadie | Edinburgh Southern | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Elder, Dorothy-Grace" | Dorothy-Grace Elder | Glasgow | Region | 1999 | 2002[3] |
Annabelle Ewing | Mid Scotland and Fife | Region | 2011 | 2016 |
Cowdenbeath | Constituency | 2016 | |
Fergus Ewing | Inverness East, Nairn and Lochaber | Constituency | 1999 | 2011 |
Inverness and Nairn | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Ewing, Margaret" | Margaret Ewing | Moray | Constituency | 1999 | 2006[4] |
data-sort-value="Ewing, Winnie" | Winnie Ewing | Highlands and Islands | Constituency | 1999 | 2003 |
Linda Fabiani | Central Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2011 |
East Kilbride | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Fairlie, Jim" | Jim Fairlie | Perthshire South and Kinross-shire | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Finnie, John" | John Finnie | Highlands and Islands | Region | 2011 | 2012[5] |
Joe FitzPatrick | Dundee West | Constituency | 2007 | 2011 |
Dundee City West | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Forbes, Kate" | Kate Forbes | Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Freeman, Jeane" | Jeane Freeman | Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley | Constituency | 2016 | 2021 |
Kenneth Gibson | Glasgow | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
Cunninghame North | Constituency | 2007 | |
data-sort-value="Gibson, Rob" | Rob Gibson | Highlands and Islands | Region | 2003 | 2011 |
data-sort-value="Ross, Gail" | Gail Ross | Caithness, Sutherland and Ross | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="Todd, Maree" | Maree Todd | Caithness, Sutherland and Ross | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Gilruth, Jenny" | Jenny Gilruth | Mid Fife and Glenrothes | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Gougeon, Mairi" | Mairi Gougeon | Angus North and Mearns | Constituency | 2016 | |
Christine Grahame | South of Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2011 |
Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Gray, Neil" | Neil Gray | Airdrie and Shotts | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Hamilton, Duncan" | Duncan Hamilton | Highlands and Islands | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
data-sort-value="Harper, Emma" | Emma Harper | South Scotland | Region | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Harvie, Christopher" | Christopher Harvie | Mid Scotland and Fife | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
data-sort-value="Haughey, Clare" | Clare Haughey | Rutherglen | Constituency | 2016 | |
Jamie Hepburn | Central Scotland | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
Cumbernauld and Kilsyth | Constituency | 2011 | |
Fiona Hyslop | Lothians | Region | 1999 | 2011 |
Linlithgow | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Ingram, Adam" | Adam Ingram | South of Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="Keir, Colin" | Colin Keir | Edinburgh Western | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
Bill Kidd | Glasgow | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
Glasgow Anniesland | Constituency | 2011 | |
Richard Lochhead | North East Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2006[6] |
Moray | Constituency | 2006 | |
Richard Lyle | Central Scotland | Region | 2011 | 2016 |
Uddingston and Bellshill | Constituency | 2016 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="McAllan, Màiri" | Màiri McAllan | Clydesdale | Constituency | 2021 | |
Kenny MacAskill | Lothians | Region | 1999 | 2007 |
Edinburgh East and Musselburgh | Constituency | 2007 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="MacDonald, Angus" | Angus MacDonald | Falirk East | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="MacDonald, Gordon" | Gordon MacDonald | Edinburgh Pentlands | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="MacDonald, Margo" | Margo MacDonald | Lothians | Region | 1999 | 2003[7] |
data-sort-value="MacGregor, Fulton" | Fulton MacGregor | Coatbridge and Chryston | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Mackay, Derek" | Derek Mackay | Renfrewshire North and West | Constituency | 2011 | 2020[8] |
data-sort-value="Mackay, Rona" | Rona Mackay | Strathkelvin and Bearsden | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="MacKenzie, Mike" | Mike MacKenzie | Highlands and Islands | Region | 2011 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="Macpherson, Ben" | Ben Macpherson | Edinburgh North and Leith | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Maguire, Ruth" | Ruth Maguire | Cunninghame South | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Martin, Campbell" | Campbell Martin | West of Scotland | Region | 2003 | 2004[9] |
data-sort-value="Martin, Gillian" | Gillian Martin | Aberdeenshire East | Constituency | 2016 | |
Tricia Marwick | Mid Scotland and Fife | Region | 1999 | 2007 |
Central Fife | Constituency | 2007 | 2011[10] |
data-sort-value="Mason, John" | John Mason | Glasgow Shettleston | Constituency | 2011 | |
Jim Mather | Highlands and Islands | Region | 2003 | 2007 |
Argyll and Bute | Constituency | 2007 | 2011 |
Michael Matheson | Central Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2007 |
Falkirk West | Constituency | 2007 | |
data-sort-value="Maxwell, Stewart" | Stewart Maxwell | West of Scotland | Region | 2003 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="McAlpine, Joan" | Joan McAlpine | South Scotland | Region | 2011 | 2021 |
Mark McDonald | North East Scotland | Region | 2011 | 2013[11] |
Aberdeen Donside | Constituency | 2013 | 2017[12] |
data-sort-value="McFee, Bruce" | Bruce McFee | West of Scotland | Region | 2003 | 2007 |
data-sort-value="McGugan, Irene" | Irene McGugan | North East Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
data-sort-value="McKee, Ian" | Ian McKee | Lothians | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
data-sort-value="McKee, Ivan" | Ivan McKee | Glasgow Provan | Constituency | 2016 | |
Christina McKelvie | Central Scotland | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="McLaughlin, Anne" | Anne McLaughlin | Glasgow | Region | 2009 | 2011 |
data-sort-value="McLennan, Paul" | Paul McLennan | East Lothian | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="McLeod, Aileen" | Aileen McLeod | South Scotland | Region | 2011 | 2016 |
Fiona McLeod | West of Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
Strathkelvin and Bearsden | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
Stuart McMillan | West of Scotland | Region | 2007 | 2016 |
Greenock and Inverclyde | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="McNair, Marie" | Marie McNair | Clydebank and Milngavie | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Minto, Jenni" | Jenni Minto | Argyll and Bute | Constituency | 2021 | |
Alasdair Morgan | Galloway and Upper Nithsdale | Constituency | 1999 | 2007 |
South of Scotland | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
Alex Neil | Central Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2011 |
Airdrie and Shotts | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Nicoll, Audrey" | Audrey Nicoll | Aberdeen South and North Kincardine | Constituency | 2021 | |
Gil Paterson | Central Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
West of Scotland | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
Clydebank and Milngavie | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Quinan, Lloyd" | Lloyd Quinan | West of Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
data-sort-value="Reid, George" | George Reid[13] | Mid Scotland and Fife | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
data-sort-value="Robertson, Angus" | Angus Robertson | Edinburgh Central | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Robertson, Dennis" | Dennis Robertson | Aberdeenshire West | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
Shona Robison | North East Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
Dundee East | Constituency | 2003 | 2011 |
Dundee City East | Constituency | 2011 | |
data-sort-value="Roddick, Emma" | Emma Roddick | Highlands and Islands | Region | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Ross, Gail" | Gail Ross | Caithness, Sutherland and Ross | Constituency | 2016 | 2021 |
Michael Russell | South of Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
2007 | 2011 |
Argyll and Bute | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
Alex Salmond | Banff and Buchan | Constituency | 1999 | 2001[14] |
Gordon | Constituency | 2007 | 2011 |
Aberdeenshire East | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
Shirley-Anne Somerville | Lothians | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
Dunfermline | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Stevenson, Collette" | Collette Stevenson | East Kilbride | Constituency | 2021 | |
Stewart Stevenson | Banff and Buchan | Constituency | 2001 | 2011 |
Banffshire and Buchan Coast | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Stewart, Kaukab" | Kaukab Stewart | Glasgow Kelvin | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Stewart, Kevin" | Kevin Stewart | Aberdeen Central | Constituency | 2011 | |
Nicola Sturgeon | Glasgow | Region | 1999 | 2007 |
Glasgow Govan | Constituency | 2007 | 2011 |
Glasgow Southside | Constituency | 2011 | |
John Swinney | North Tayside | Constituency | 1999 | 2011 |
Perthshire North | Constituency | 2011 | |
Dave Thompson | Highlands and Islands | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch | Constituency | 2011 | 2016 |
data-sort-value="Thomson, Michelle" | Michelle Thomson | Falkirk East | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Todd, Maree" | Maree Todd | Highlands and Islands | Region | 2016 | 2021 |
Maree Todd | Caithness, Sutherland and Ross | Constituency | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Torrance, David" | David Torrance | Kirkcaldy | Constituency | 2016 | |
data-sort-value="Tweed, Evelyn" | Evelyn Tweed | Stirling | Constituency | 2021 | |
data-sort-value="Tymkewycz, Stefan" | Stefan Tymkewycz | Lothians | Region | 2007 | 2007[15] |
data-sort-value="Ullrich, Kay" | Kay Ullrich | West of Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
data-sort-value="Urquhart, Jean" | Jean Urquhart | Highlands and Islands | Region | 2011 | 2012[16] |
data-sort-value="Walker, Bill" | Bill Walker | Dunfermline | Constituency | 2011 | 2012[17] |
Maureen Watt | North East Scotland | Region | 2006 | 2011 |
Aberdeen South and North Kincardine | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Welsh, Andrew" | Andrew Welsh | Angus | Constituency | 1999 | 2011 |
Sandra White | Glasgow | Region | 1999 | 2011 |
Glasgow Kelvin | Constituency | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Wilson, Andrew" | Andrew Wilson | Central Scotland | Region | 1999 | 2003 |
data-sort-value="Wilson, Bill" | Bill Wilson | West of Scotland | Region | 2007 | 2011 |
data-sort-value="Wilson, John" | John Wilson | Central Scotland | Region | 2007 | 2014[18] |
data-sort-value="Wheelhouse, Paul" | Paul Wheelhouse | South Scotland | Region | 2011 | 2021 |
data-sort-value="Whitham, Elena" | Elena Whitham | Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley | Constituency | 2021 | |
Humza Yousaf | Glasgow | Region | 2011 | 2016 |
Glasgow Pollok | Constituency | 2016 | | |