List of self-booting IBM PC compatible games explained

Many IBM PC compatible games released between 1981 and about 1990 were self-booting and did not use MS-DOS, IBM PC DOS, or compatible disk operating systems. The phrase "IBM PC compatible self-booting disk" is sometimes shortened to "PC booter". Self-booting disks were common for other computers as well.

These games were distributed on " or, later, ", floppy disks that booted directly, meaning once they were inserted in the drive and the computer was turned on, a minimal, custom operating system on the diskette took over. This was used as a form of copy protection until it became obsolete as games grew larger. Due to bit rot, original working versions of these floppy disks are rare. Some have been ported to other operating systems.

3-K Trivia1984StrategyIBM
Ace of Aces1986Combat flight simulatorAccolade / Artech
Agent USA1984Adventure / strategyScholastic / Tom Snyder Productions
Alley Cat1984PlatformIBM / Synapse Software
The Alpine Encounter1985AdventureRandom House
Amnesia1986AdventureElectronic Arts
Apple Panic1982PlatformBroderbund
1984StrategyElectronic Arts / Free Fall Associates
Attack On Altair1983ActionWindmill Software
B.C.'s Quest for Tires1984ActionSierra On-line / Sydney Development
Below the Root1984AdventureWindham Classics / Dale Disharoon
Beneath Apple Manor1983RPGQuality Software
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein1984StealthMuse Software
Big Top1983PlatformFuntastic / Michael Abrash
The Black Cauldron1986AdventureSierra On-line
Borrowed Time1985AdventureActivision / Interplay
Boulder Dash1984PuzzleFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash II1985PuzzleFirst Star Software
Bruce Lee1984PlatformDatasoft
Buggy Ranger1988ArcadeDinamic Software / Iron Byte
BurgerTime1983PlatformMattel Electronics
Buzzard Bait1983Fixed ShooterSIRIUS
Championship Lode Runner1984PlatformBroderbund Software
Chess881984Board gameUnknown
Climber 51987PlatformCOMPUTE! Publications
Commando1987Run and gunQuicksilver / Data East
Conflict in Vietnam1986SimulationMicroProse
Congo Bongo1984Isometric platformerSega
Conquest1983PlatformWindmill Software
Cosmic Crusader1982Fixed shooterFuntastic / Michael Abrash
Crossfire1982ActionSierra On-Line
Crusade in Europe1985SimulationMicroProse
Crypto Cube1983PuzzleDesignWare
Cutthroats1984Interactive fictionInfocom
Cyborg1982Interactive fictionSentient / Softsmith
Czorian Siege1983ActionComputer Applications Unlimited / Howard W. Sams
Deadline1982Interactive fictionInfocom
Decision in the Desert1985SimulationMicroProse
Defender1983Scrolling shooterAtarisoft
Defender of the Crown1987Strategy game
Demon Attack1982Fixed shooterImagic
Demon's Forge1987AdventureSaber Software
Dig Dug1982MazeAtarisoft
Digger1983ActionWindmill Software
Donald Duck's Playground1986EducationalSierra On-Line
Donkey Kong1982PlatformAtarisoft
Dr. J and Larry Bird Go One on One1983SportsElectronic Arts
Dunjonquest: Morloc's Tower1983Dungeon crawlEpyx / Automated Simulations
Earthly Delights1983AdventureDatamost
Eden Blues1987AdventureERE Informatique
Enchanter1986Interactive fictionInfocom
Evolution1982ActionSydney Development Corp.
Executive Suite1982Life simulationArmonk Corporation
The Exterminator1982ActionNufekop / Bubble Bus
F-15 Strike Eagle1984Combat flight simulatorMicroProse
Five-a-Side Indoor Soccer1986SportsMastertronic Group
Fleet Sweep1983ActionMirror Images
Floppy Frenzy1982ActionWindmill Software
Forbidden Castle1985Adventure
Forbidden Quest1983AdventurePryority Software
The Fourth Protocol1985AdventureElectronic Pencil Company / Hutchinson Computer Publishing
Freddy Fish1983ActionMirror Images
Freddy Hardest1988PlatformDinamic Software
Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan1989PlatformDinamic Software/ Iron Byte
FriendlyWare P.C. Action1983ActionFriendlySoft
FriendlyWare PC Introductory Set1983ActionFriendlySoft
Frogger1983ActionSierra On-Line
Full Count Baseball1984SportsLance Haffner Games
Galactic Gladiators1983Tactical combatStrategic Simulations
Galaxian1983Fixed shooterAtarisoft
Game Over1987Run and gunDinamic Software / Imagine Software
Game Over II1987Shoot em' upDinamic Software
Gamma Force in Pit of a Thousand Screams1988Interactive fictionTom Snyder Productions / Infocom
Gremlins1984Fixed shooterAtarisoft
Guerrilla War1987Run and gunQuicksilver / Data East
1986Puzzle / strategyActivision
Hard Hat Mack1984Platform gameElectronic Arts
Harrier Combat Simulator1987SimulationMindscape
HellCat Ace1984First person shooterMicroProse
High Stakes1986Card gameAngelsoft / Mindscape
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy1984Interactive fictionInfocom
The Hobbit1983Interactive fiction
The Holy Grail1984AdventureHayden Software
1985Interactive fictionImagic / Bantam Software
Ikari Warriors1987Run and gunQuicksilver / Data East
1988Run and gunQuicksilver / Data East
1989RacingElectronic Arts
Infidel1983Interactive fictionInfocom
International Hockey1987SportsArtworx / Superior Quality Software
J-Bird1983PuzzleOrion Software
1986Interactive fictionAngelsoft / Mindscape
John Elway's Quarterback1988SportsLeland / Melbourne House
Jumpman1984Platform / puzzleEpyx, IBM
Jungle Hunt1983ActionAtarisoft
Karnov1989PlatformQuicksilver / Data East
1984AdventureSierra On-Line
1985AdventureSierra On-Line
Kobyashi Naru1987AdventureMastertronic
Lane Mastodon vs. the Blubbermen1988AdventureTom Snyder Productions / Infocom
Livingstone supongo1987ActionOpera Soft
Livingstone supongo II1989ActionOpera Soft
Lock-On1987First person shooterTatsumi Electronics, Data East
Lode Runner1983Platform / puzzleBroderbund / Ariolasoft
M.U.L.E.1983StrategyElectronic Arts, K-Byte
Marble Madness1986Platform / racingBroderbund, Ariolasoft
Master Miner1983ActionFuntastic
Math Maze1983RacingDesignWare
Metropolis1987SimulationArcadia Systems, Melbourne House
MicroLeague Baseball1984SportsMicroLeague
Microsoft Adventure1981Interactive fictionMicrosoft, IBM
Microsoft Decathlon1982SportsMicrosoft, IBM
Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.01982SimulationSublogic / Microsoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.01984SimulationSublogic / Microsoft
Mindshadow1984AdventureInterplay / Activision
Mine Shaft1983PuzzleSierra On-Line, IBM
Miner 2049er1983PlatformBig Five Software / Micro Fun
Montezuma's Revenge1984PlatformBCI Software
Moon Bugs1983ActionWindmill Software
Moon Patrol1983Scrolling shooterAtarisoft
Morloc's Tower1983AdventureAutomated Simulations
Mouser1983Platform / puzzleGebelli Software, IBM
Ms. Pac-Man1983MazeAtarisoft
Mundial de Fútbol1990SportsOpera Sports, Opera Soft
Murder on the Zinderneuf1984AdventureFree Fall Associates, Electronic Arts
Narco Police1989Action / shooterIron Byte, Dinamic Software
Night Mission Pinball1982PinballSublogic
Night Stalker1983MazeMattel Electronics
Oil's Well1984MazeSierra On-Line
Paratrooper1982ShooterGreg Kuperberg, Orion Software
PC Arcade1983ActionFriendlysoft
PC Pool1983SportsHesware, IBM
PC Pool Challenges1984SportsHesware, IBM
PC-Man1982MazeOrion Software
Pinball Construction Set1985PinballElectronic Arts
Pitstop II1984RacingSynergistic Software, Epyx
Planetfall1983Interactive fictionInfocom
Portal1986RPGNexa Corporation, Activision
Prowler1987SimulationIcon Design Ltd., Mastertronic
Psi-5 Trading Company1986StrategyAccolade
Rasterscan1987PuzzleBinary Design, Mastertronic
Rescue at Rigel1983RPGEpyx
Rescate en el Golfo1991ShooterOpera Soft
River Raid1984Scrolling shooterActivision
1983Fixed shooterAtarisoft
Rockford1988ArcadeArcadia Systems
Rollo and the Brush Bros.1983PuzzleWindmill Software
Satan1990PlatformDinamic Software
ScubaVenture1983ActionGebelli Software, IBM
Seastalker1984Interactive fictionInfocom
Sol Negro1988ArcadeOpera Soft
The Seven Cities of Gold1987AdventureOzark Softscape, Electronic Arts
Shamus1984ActionWilliam Mataga, Synapse Software
1985AdventureImagic, Bantam Software
Sid Meier's Pirates!1987Action / adventureMicroProse
Sidewinder1988Shoot em' upSynergistic Software, Arcadia Systems
Sierra Championship Boxing1985SportsEvryware, Sierra On-Line
Silent Service1986Submarine simulatorMicroProse
The Slugger1988SportsOcean Software, Mastertronic
Snack Attack II1982MazeFuntastic
Solo Flight1983SimulationMicroProse
Solomon's Key1988PuzzleU.S. Gold
Sorcerer1984Interactive fictionInfocom
Space Strike1982ActionMichael Abrash, Datamost
Spiderbot1988PlatformAddictive Games, Epyx
Spitfire Ace1984Flying shooterMicroProse
Spy Hunter1984Vehicular combatSega
Starcross1982Interactive fictionInfocom
Stargate1983Scrolling shooterAtarisoft
Strategy Games1983StrategyIBM
Styx1983PuzzleWindmill Software
Sub Mission1987ShooterTom Snyder Productions, Mindscape
Summer Games II1986SportsEpyx
Super Boulder Dash1986ActionFirst Star Software, Electronic Arts
Super Football Sunday1985SportsQuest / Avalon Hill
Super Zaxxon1984Shoot em' upSega
Suspect1984Interactive fictionInfocom
Suspended1983Interactive fictionInfocom
Tag Team Wrestling1985SportsQuicksilver / Data East
Tapper1983ActionBally Midway
Tass Times in Tonetown1986AdventureBrainwave Creations / Interplay, Activision
The Last Mission1987ActionOpera Soft
Timothy Leary's Mind Mirror1986Interactive fictionFutique, Electronic Arts
Touchdown Football1984SportsImagic, IBM
The Tracer Sanction1984AdventureInterplay / Activision
Trivia 1011984EducationalDigital Learning Systems, IBM
Troll's Tale1984AdventureSierra On-Line
1984Game showDigital Learning Systems, IBM
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece1982Hi-res adventureSierra On-Line
Up'n Down1984PlatformSega Enterprise, Ltd.
Voodoo Island1985Interactive fictionAngelsoft / Mindscape
1982RPGIntelligent Statements Inc., Computer Applications Unlimited
Will Harvey's Music Construction Set1984EducationalElectronic Arts
Winter Games1986SportsEpyx
The Witness1983Interactive fictionInfocom
Wizard and the Princess1982AdventureOn-Line Systems
Wizball1987Shoot 'em upSensible Software, Ocean Software
Word Spinner1984EducationalThe Learning Company
World Games1986SportsK-Byte / Epyx
World Karate Championship1986FightingEpyx / System 3
The World's Greatest Baseball Game1985SportsQuest Inc., Epyx
1982Interactive fictionInfocom
1983Interactive fictionInfocom
1984Interactive fictionInfocom
1988AdventureTom Snyder Productions / Infocom
1989AdventureTom Snyder Productions / Infocom
Zyll1984Interactive fictionIBM

See also