List of neighborhoods in New Rochelle, New York explained

New Rochelle, New York occupies an area of roughly 10.5 square miles in Southern Westchester County, bounded on the south by Long Island Sound; on the west by Pelham Manor, Pelham and Eastchester; on the north by Scarsdale; and on the east by Scarsdale, Mamaroneck and Larchmont.

Image:Map of New Rochelle, New York communities.png|300px|rightpoly 473 1478 503 1428 485 1404 465 1433 460 1461 Anchoragepoly 513 641 505 631 494 629 493 640 479 647 479 664 468 661 460 655 443 666 440 702 434 735 434 767 444 770 495 738 508 714 521 698 Baryberrypoly 304 943 317 994 401 945 491 912 547 893 547 850 494 872 467 832 445 837 432 817 430 782 416 793 424 808 417 842 417 874 Beechmontpoly 301 204 307 174 376 150 385 168 Bloomingdale Estatespoly 243 495 315 467 321 483 291 540 293 571 323 609 274 640 234 562 248 547 Bonnie Crestpoly 276 236 286 215 309 232 323 263 294 266 Bonnie Meadowpoly 252 1308 173 1293 185 1364 249 1357 Cemeteries (Beecwoods & Holy Sepulchre)poly 445 519 449 532 487 511 487 492 Brookrdigepoly 492 970 469 936 451 947 464 968 Chatsworthpoly 315 1045 220 1064 226 1101 315 1083 Chauncey Estatespoly 467 448 489 441 504 502 496 504 490 485 473 482 Cherry Lawnpoly 477 933 500 964 556 928 547 911 523 929 504 939 491 922 City Parkpoly 578 1741 568 1760 590 1763 Columbia Islandpoly 259 288 331 277 346 331 308 352 292 329 270 336 Daisy Farmspoly 455 1482 506 1509 507 1542 451 1575 407 1565 425 1514 Davenport's Neckpoly 515 1577 471 1695 528 1739 584 1692 Davids Islandpoly 378 114 394 151 446 102 436 48 406 29 409 59 Dorchester Hillspoly 241 1392 299 1351 369 1290 483 1220 518 1214 556 1217 592 1234 602 1209 538 1151 497 1191 449 1204 390 1151 352 1166 316 1097 230 1115 265 1206 297 1289 265 1298 266 1334 Downtownpoly 501 1086 465 1109 438 1169 454 1194 508 1171 528 1132 East Endpoly 127 1009 6 987 10 559 12 237 251 244 234 294 122 491 110 666 81 867 Town of Eastchesterpoly 138 979 162 972 172 1016 205 1014 210 1057 147 1065 Eastchester Roadpoly 615 1272 596 1294 612 1310 622 1288 Echo Islandpoly 580 1112 595 1094 613 1104 615 1122 634 1145 Emerson Estatespoly 888 1759 906 1725 918 1766 Execution Rockspoly 160 1198 179 1199 192 1253 170 1259 Feeney Parkpoly 558 939 561 974 496 1031 496 990 464 981 498 975 Fifth Avenue Commercial Districtpoly 288 908 410 832 405 862 297 930 Forest Heightspoly 526 712 506 741 446 779 439 814 446 820 452 829 473 820 497 868 547 841 Forest Knolls (Larchmont Woods)poly 470 1241 427 1280 466 1328 491 1275 Franklin Avenuepoly 158 1179 228 1166 259 1236 203 1247 188 1196 French Ridgepoly 210 1065 149 1078 158 1168 222 1153 Glenwood Lakepoly 436 1632 425 1668 452 1669 Goose Islandpoly 392 1702 416 1657 428 1603 399 1581 340 1624 331 1674 Glen Islandpoly 213 852 262 839 275 897 239 926 208 930 Highland Parkpoly 396 1007 382 970 398 963 411 971 439 956 450 970 423 987 Hillcrestpoly 417 1287 384 1312 441 1390 459 1346 Homewood Parkpoly 276 910 254 946 211 941 214 992 219 1046 307 1031 Huguenot Parkpoly 660 1579 708 1570 721 1618 663 1635 Huckleberry Islandpoly 283 273 251 276 251 250 268 240 Hutchinsonpoly 181 1006 174 975 188 975 189 945 189 885 201 876 199 933 206 998 Interlakenpoly 485 1385 522 1349 542 1365 530 1376 545 1395 587 1403 568 1450 532 1494 493 1459 519 1423 Isle of San Soucipoly 195 554 217 563 237 547 230 501 211 523 Kensington Woodspoly 230 383 227 430 232 487 211 508 190 553 153 552 135 529 185 521 189 454 Lake Islepoly 717 1101 733 1174 834 1124 834 988 827 907 608 910 650 1064 705 1074 Village of Larchmontpoly 512 512 520 588 557 844 599 1086 688 1101 689 1091 614 1075 574 927 800 833 707 450 Town of Mamaroneckpoly 349 1583 379 1571 397 1538 382 1532 365 1554 Neptune Islandpoly 185 753 167 730 191 697 205 697 210 724 Northridgepoly 282 880 287 896 409 825 404 793 421 776 423 749 336 800 333 849 304 855 Paine Heightspoly 396 1134 429 1159 441 1134 459 1102 498 1076 526 1034 568 995 567 982 471 1067 Palmer Avenuepoly 603 1773 621 1738 651 1771 Pea Islandpoly 126 1008 172 1370 9 1392 9 1016 Village of Pelhampoly 297 1658 186 1492 170 1374 13 1405 247 1676 15 1555 Village of Pelham Manorpoly 318 1010 372 978 389 1040 329 1074 328 1044 Halcyon Parkpoly 587 1430 584 1448 607 1429 Pine Islandpoly 446 547 434 689 421 701 391 677 390 645 419 628 404 576 Pineridgepoly 371 420 406 380 475 349 487 429 452 444 471 492 444 515 426 478 399 431 Pinerbookpoly 451 541 448 649 510 612 499 516 Pinebrook Heightspoly 610 1141 575 1119 637 1157 651 1142 672 1154 653 1180 666 1204 692 1196 696 1210 665 1261 663 1295 636 1303 625 1269 640 1243 624 1227 611 1192 597 1166 Premium Pointpoly 543 1146 575 1173 601 1140 570 1120 Premium Point Parkpoly 635 1140 651 1135 672 1149 700 1100 670 1095 613 1100 Pryor Manorpoly 587 1392 595 1368 563 1339 545 1334 554 1298 550 1271 508 1297 502 1283 488 1309 504 1311 524 1331 554 1362 543 1373 551 1381 560 1378 Echo Manorpoly 381 317 408 357 474 337 466 282 Quaker Ridgepoly 365 1305 309 1366 376 1481 421 1456 431 1397 Residence Parkpoly 481 1481 488 1472 521 1503 Riviera Shorespoly 334 1085 362 1150 381 1127 482 1042 483 1004 467 1004 445 981 402 1016 400 1043 Rochelle Park - Rochelle Heights Historic Districtpoly 234 460 346 397 353 429 244 484 Maplewood - Rosedalepoly 274 209 11 180 11 11 336 10 734 12 758 398 510 499 469 205 461 50 427 19 327 41 Town of Scarsdalepoly 334 99 368 138 318 155 301 162 298 197 284 198 288 159 315 127 Scarsdale Downspoly 390 29 394 46 385 51 371 95 337 86 348 41 Scarsdale Parkpoly 381 1491 415 1482 433 1454 438 1407 459 1382 482 1326 497 1319 515 1343 480 1377 469 1380 466 1392 450 1408 449 1443 433 1489 397 1519 Shore Roadpoly 299 1371 381 1514 309 1580 283 1609 200 1478 193 1431 South Sidepoly 532 1031 569 998 573 1026 550 1050 Spencer Parkpoly 336 263 453 186 459 261 356 314 Stratton Hillspoly 590 1092 577 1038 553 1055 533 1036 510 1074 542 1130 Sun Havenpoly 477 1236 514 1222 527 1250 510 1276 Sutton Manorpoly 246 1374 181 1372 185 1425 223 1410 Sycamore Parkpoly 310 1594 291 1619 307 1654 343 1589 Travers Islandpoly 178 964 144 965 152 927 116 893 95 864 108 798 124 700 153 619 154 563 186 561 185 579 202 618 190 687 170 719 137 745 144 787 132 835 117 855 127 874 167 871 186 860 190 875 179 882 175 942 Twin Lakes-Nature Study Woods Parkpoly 234 388 255 355 289 342 317 400 235 447 Vaneck Estatespoly 221 687 196 690 211 617 193 566 217 570 234 563 262 645 Victory Parkpoly 327 459 358 432 388 437 378 453 359 484 360 519 382 572 332 601 321 584 298 565 307 528 334 483 Ward Acres Homespoly 366 486 394 451 414 489 439 537 398 564 Ward Acres Preservepoly 172 1269 267 1247 274 1284 239 1292 West Endpoly 314 361 325 389 346 379 365 403 395 365 371 325 White Birchespoly 329 220 343 248 451 177 452 122 Wilmot Woodspoly 215 695 220 721 205 743 236 738 233 722 262 692 263 674 280 648 230 678 Wykagyl Business Districtpoly 242 726 253 768 380 689 378 639 342 614 292 642 277 672 276 702 Wykagyl Country Clubpoly 235 750 183 759 164 741 145 750 163 780 144 825 135 862 167 855 201 845 236 830 262 826 Wykagyl Crosswayspoly 354 603 391 584 404 627 385 632 Wykagyl Estatespoly 257 779 394 695 418 713 422 734 330 792 321 840 295 844 280 870 Wykagyl Park

For nearly two centuries from its settlement in 1688, New Rochelle was a quiet farming community with a bustling water dependent commercial center. Its proximity to the Sound had resulted in a booming resort trade by the late 1800s and wealthy Manhattanites flocked to the city's shores for recreation and relaxation. In 1889, The Town and Village of New Rochelle were incorporated as one city with a population of 14,000 residents. Just three decades later, New Rochelle's population had grown to over 54,000, having become one of the most sought after suburban communities in the country. The community's expansion of infrastructure and neighborhoods kept pace with the mushrooming population. These early suburban neighborhoods were extremely popular with commuters, a new segment of American society choosing to live outside of the urban center and travel in daily for work. Developers immediately set to the task of providing them with fine homes and desirable communities on the waiting large tracts of farmland. Beginning with the southern tier of town, planned residential communities spread across the City, ultimately earning it the nickname "City of Homes".

The natural beauty and diverse geography of the area greatly influenced the primarily residential development of throughout most of the city, evidenced by the more than fifty 'residential parks' found today. Some of the country's most expensive residential real estate can be found in New Rochelle as well: The Wykagyl 10804 postal code covering much of the City's North End is ranked on Forbes magazine's annual '500 most expensive zip-codes' list, with an average household income of $199,061 and an average home price over $752,000. In the city's southern end, homes in the gated waterfront enclave Premium Point can cost anywhere from $2 to $20 million.

The Downtown and South End, in contrast, are quite densely populated, with many multi-family residential complexes and high rise apartment buildings. There are more than 11,500 single family units within the city, more than neighboring Larchmont, Mamaroneck and Scarsdale combined. The total number of households surpasses 26,000, more than that of neighboring Pelham, Pelham Manor, Eastchester, Scarsdale, Mamaroneck and Larchmont combined.

The city is served by zip-codes 10801, 10802, 10804, 10805 and 10583, with a small number of New Rochelle homes served by 10538.


New Rochelle - maps: roadsatelliteterrain

Zip-code areas

City Center

Located south of the City's North End and north of New Rochelle's Downtown, the central area contains some of the City's oldest planned neighborhoods as well as New Rochelle's City Hall. This entirety of this region is served by the 10801 zip code.


Chatsworth is a middle-class residential neighborhood adjacent to the City Park athletic fields. The area of 'Chatsworth' originated along the Town of Mamaroneck/City of New Rochelle border half a mile to the east. The region included land within both communities, including portions of what is now the eastern end of Beechmont as well as the southern part of Larchmont Woods. The Chatsworth - City Park Association is the neighborhood association that serves Chatsworth. The neighborhood includes Chatsworth Place, Ashland Street, East Place, and the eastern side of Crestview Street.[1]

Chauncey Estates

A community located between North Avenue and Webster Avenue, the Chauncey Estates area consists of older homes zoned from the early 1900s. The Chauncey Estates Neighborhood Association serves the area east of Glenwood Lake and west of Halcyon Park and includes Chauncey Avenue, Hilltop Avenue, Leffingwell Place, Schudy Place, Thomas Place, and parts of Clinton Avenue, Clove Road, Coligni Avenue, Mount Joy Place, North Avenue, and Webster Avenue.

French Ridge

Located south of the Glenwood Lake neighborhood and west of Webster Avenue, the French Ridge neighborhood is currently up for review as a National Historic District. The French Ridge neighborhood includes Risley Place, Wood Place, French Ridge, and the southern extent of Calhoun Avenue.

Glenwood Lake

Glenwood Lake is a neighborhood of relatively small lots with modest houses built during the 1920s and after. Included within this area is the former Bergholtz Estate, which was sold to John Muir in the 1920s and was subsequently subdivided and built with homes built in the Colonial, Tudor and Mediterranean styles. Glenwood Lake is located near the Pelham line in the western portion of this area. Much of the activity of this area is centered on Webster School, a wonderful example of WPA construction during the 1930s. This Glenwood Lake neighborhood is bounded on the south by Lincoln Avenue, on the east by Webster Avenue, on the north by Mayflower Avenue, and on the west by Pelham. A small section of the neighborhood extends north of Mayflower Avenue to include Troy Lane, and another section extends south of Lincoln Avenue to include a semi-circular section along Glenwood Avenue, Glenwood Place, and Oakdale Avenue. Daniel Webster Elementary School, a public school in the City School District of New Rochelle that offers a humanities magnet program, is located in this neighborhood.

The former estate of Col. Richard Lathers and site of Lather's Hill community of Alexander Jackson Davis designed gothic-revival cottages and villas, most of Winyah Park, also known as "Winyahwood", eventually became part of the Glenwood Lake neighborhood, with a small section developing into the French Ridge neighborhood.

Halcyon Park

The Halcyon Park neighborhood is located east of North Avenue, north of Fifth Avenue, and south of the Iona University campus. The neighborhood includes Belleview Place, Brookside Place, Durand Street, Halcyon Terrace, Howard Parkway, Hubert Place, Lorenz Avenue, President Street, Sidney Street, Treno Street, Koch Street, and the northern extent of Brookdale Avenue.


The Hillcrest neighborhood is bounded by Fifth Avenue to the south, Halcyon Park to the west, Chatsworth to the east, and Beechmont to the north.

Huguenot Heights

Huguenot Heights is a neighborhood located east of Webster Avenue and south of the Huguenot Park neighborhood. The neighborhood includes Fern Street, Faneuil Place, Rotunno Place, and sections of Hillside Avenue, Irving Place, Clinton Avenue, and Gramercy Place.

Kress Park

Kress Park is a historic, early 20th century residential park. Kress Park is located along Kress Avenue, Woodbine Avenue, and Crosby Place, south of the Chauncey Estates neighborhood and east of the Glenwood Lake neighborhood. (Boundary: Webster Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Kress Avenue inclusive).


An early community which included the City Park properties and various neighboring commercial Zones.

Rochelle Park-Rochelle Heights Historic District

See main article: Rochelle Park-Rochelle Heights Historic District. Spanning two neighborhoods, this district was listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 2005.

See main article: Rochelle Heights. Established in 1905 on the former estate of George G. Sickles, a Wall Street financier, plans were developed by New York City architects Mann, MacNellie and Lindeberg, including lots and homes in a wide range of sizes. The Rochelle Park neighborhood includes Albermarle Avenue, The Boulevard East, Brookdale Avenue, Brookdale Circle, Cortlandt Avenue, Earle Place, Hamilton Avenue, Hunter Avenue, Lempke Place, Pierce Street, Putnam Street, Rockland Place, Slocum Street, and parts of Orchard Place, Beufort Place, Fifth Avenue, and The Serpentine (Boundary: Fifth Avenue, Rochelle Park, North Avenue).[2]

See main article: Rochelle Park (New Rochelle). The Rochelle Park neighborhood lies directly behind New Rochelle's City Hall. Originally designed to cover a rectangular area, the southeast corner of Rochelle Park was clipped during the construction of I-95, which runs through the center of New Rochelle. The Rochelle Park neighborhood includes The Boulevard, The Circle, The Court, Manhattan Avenue, Manor Place, and parts of The Serpentine, Beufort Place, and Orchard Place (Boundary: North Avenue, Stephenson estate, Carpenter estate, Haskin estate (and others) and Sickles estate).


The Downtown area of New Rochelle is located north of the South End, west of the East End, and east of the West End. Huguenot Street and Main Street run through the middle of the Downtown and form the New Rochelle portion of U.S. Route 1. Unlike the other regions of the City, the Downtown contains primarily apartment buildings and retail space rather than residential parks. The area is currently the site of a number of development projects spurred by the City's adoption of a Downtown Overlay Zone.[3] [4]

Home Park

Home Park was a residential neighborhood that has now been largely incorporated into the City's Downtown. Home Park is bounded by Main Street to the south, Huguenot Street to the north, Harrison Street to the west, and Echo Avenue to the east.

East End

The East End is an area bounded generally by the Downtown to the west and I-95 to the north. The term "the East End" is often used to refer to the specific residential area bounded by U. S. 1 (Post Road) on the south, the Town of Mamaroneck on the east, Palmer Avenue on the north, and River Street on the west. The southern section of this residential area is a middle-class neighborhood with properties dating from the early 1900s onward. It contains the City's only row houses, located on Stephenson Boulevard. Much of the area was originally owned by inventor John Stephenson and for some years early in the twentieth century was the home to workers involved with the Thanhouser Movie Studios nearby on Main Street.

Hazlehurst Park

Hazlehurst Park, also known as "Emerson Estates," is an early 20th century residential park situated along the Mamaroneck/New Rochelle border. Hazelhurst Park includes Emerson Avenue, Moran Place, Chester Avenue, and Emerson Point.

Homestead Park

Homestead Park, also known as "New Rochelle Homestead," is a residential area located in the eastern portion of New Rochelle. The area is bordered by Stephensen Boulevard to the east and Downtown New Rochelle on the west. The neighborhood includes Lincoln Street, Jackson Street, Rhodes Street, Pratt Street, Monroe Street, and Adams Street. Homestead Park is generally considered to include the neighborhing developments of Homestead Place, along the street of the same name, and Pine Park, along Acorn Terrace and Fir Place, which were clipped by the expansion of Palmer Avenue south of I-95. Along with the Stephenson Park neighborhood, Homestead Park is served by the East End Civic Association.[5] [6]

Premium Point

See main article: Premium Point, New Rochelle. Premium Point is an exclusive, gated community in the southeastern end of the City on the Long Island Sound. The Premium Point neighborhood is divided between the City of New Rochelle and the Town of Mamaroneck. The New Rochelle section includes Premium Point, Central Drive, and East Drive.[7] [8] This area spans the border with the neighboring Village of Larchmont. The homes here range from 2 - 20 million dollars. [9] [10]

Premium Point Park

Premium Point Park is waterfront community on Echo Bay between the gated Premium Point community on the east and the campus of Salesian High School and Five Islands Park on the west. The Premium Point Park Association, founded in 1922, is a dues-paying association that provides and maintains upkeep on its common properties including park land along the shore, recreational space, and docks for waterfront access. The neighborhood includes Cherry Avenue, Highview Avenue, Seaview Avenue, Hawthorne Drive, Agar Drive, and Dock Pathway Street.

Pryor Manor

Located on the Pryer Marshes and Wetlands along the Larchmont Village border, the Pryor Manor neighborhood is a community characterized by stately Tudor and Mediterranean homes and winding roadways. The Pryor Manor Association is the neighborhood association that covers the New Rochelle portion of the neighborhood, which includes Pryor Manor Road, Dogwood Lane, Doherty Place, and Wildwood Circle.[11]

Spencer Park

The Spencer Park neighborhood lies north and east of the Sun Haven neighborhood along the Mamaroneck Town border.

Stephenson Park

Adjoining Homestead Park, this community was formerly Crystal Lake, a large body of water once used to supply much of New York City with ice. The lake was later filled in after concerns of mosquito-borne disease developing in its stagnant water. The neighborhood lies mostly east of Stephenson Boulevard and includes Petersville Road, Lispenard Avenue, High Street, Sherman Street, Halligan Street, Dearborn Street, Lyons Place, Hertford Street, Pembroke Street, Grant Street, Merton Street, Jefferson Street, and Madison Street. Along with the Homestead Park neighborhood, Stephenson Park is served by the East End Civic Association.

Sun Haven

Bordered by Boston Post Road and Palmer avenue, the Sun Haven neighborhood is located at the eastern edge New Rochelle along the Mamaroneck Town border. Sun Haven includes Sunhaven Drive, Evergreen Avenue, Belmont Avenue, Lasalle Drive, Wilson Drive, and Harding Drive. The neighborhood is served by the Sun Haven Association.[12] [13]

North End

The North End of New Rochelle is defined as north of Eastchester Road in the western area of the City and north of Barnard Road in the eastern section. Most of the North End is served by the 10804 zip code in the area coterminous with the Wykagyl hamlet, while the farthest north part of the region is served by the Scarsdale 10583 zip code.

Bayberry Park

Bayberry is an upper-middle-class neighborhood of ranch, split-level, and colonial style homes established in 1954. Located in the northern end of the city, the community originally attracted attention as the only new home colony in Westchester with its own recreation facilities including swimming pools, basketball courts, tennis courts, a playground and day camp, and a clubhouse.[14] Sheldrake Lake nature preserve and adjacent Goodliffe Pond border the community on the north while the Leatherstocking Nature Trail and woodlands border it on the east. Pinebrook Boulevard runs directly west of Bayberry, and the eastern edge of the neighborhood lies on the Mamaroneck Town border.[15] The Bayberry neighborhood includes Bayberry Lane, Pine Park Drive, Woodhollow Lane, Highridge Road, Old Country Road, Split Rock Lane, Woodcut Lane, Stony Run, and Hunt Path.[16] [17] [18]


See main article: Beechmont (New York).

Eugene Lambden and his brother John planned the first part of the Beechmont neighborhood in 1902 for the City Realty Company.[19] The neighborhood is centered on Beechmont Lake, created in 1902[20] by damming Pine Brook. Beechmont lies on the eastern side of New Rochelle, bordering the town of Mamaroneck. Rochelle Heights is immediately to the south of Beechmont, while Forest Heights, Forest Knolls, and Paine Heights are to the north and Larchmont Woods and Forest Knolls are to the northeast. North Avenue forms the extreme western boundary.[21] The Beechmont neighborhood includes Beechmont Drive, Montgomery Circle, Lester Place, The Esplanade, Pryer Terrace, Pryer Place, Overlook Circle, Pell Place, Beechmont Place, Hillside Lane, Hillside Crescent, Barnard Road, Rockledge Place, Melrose Drive, Eck Place, Aviemore Drive, Glenbrook Drive, Stone Cabin Road, Normandy Lane, Acorn Lane, Dell Way, and parts of Pinebrook Boulevard, Forest Avenue, Woodlawn Avenue, and Mountain Avenue. Henry Barnard Early Childhood Center, a public school in the City School District of New Rochelle that offers a pre-kindergarten through Second grade magnet program, is located in this neighborhood.

Bloomingdale Estates

This neighborhood is an upscale residential 1980s development on the former private Bloomingdale estate.[22] Bloomingdale Estates is located north of Wilmot Road and includes Country Ridge Road, Elmridge Drive, and Carriage Court.

Bonnie Crest

Located to the north of Wykagyl's business district, development in this area was first conceived in 1910 when "Upper Rochelle" was entirely farmland.[23] The small hamlet of Cooper's Corner served as the satellite to the downtown area for farmers living in the area. The real estate group that purchased all of the farmland to create the neighborhood were motivated by the construction of the New York-Westchester-Boston Railroad line and creation of a Wykagyl station nearby for potential commuters. The railroad was responsible for the growth of Wykagyl, its business district, and many of the large residential parks in the area. Main thoroughfares in Bonnie Crest include Belleau Drive, Fenimore Road, Broadfield Road, Mildred Parkway, Lovell Road, Taymill Road, and Victory Boulevard.

Ward Acres

This community, known as "Ward Acres," "Ward Acres Homes," or "Bonnie Crest Neighbors," lies adjacent to the Ward Acres forest and preservation area. William B. Ward Elementary School, a public school in the City School District of New Rochelle, is located alongside this neighborhood.

Daisy Farms

This neighborhood is a 1950s residential development of single family homes in the northern section of the city. The north end property was once the "Great", Daisy Farms, a working farm and equestrian estate (home to the Hutchinson Riding Academy), situated east of the old Wilmot Road leading to Scarsdale. The farm, owned by Adrian Iselin, Jr., became the centerpiece of the Adelin Property Corporation - hundreds of adjacent acres amassed by the millionaire in the 1920s in preparation for new development following the community's steady growth northward. This, however, did not happen for several decades due to the Great Depression and World War II. The Berne Construction Company of White Plains acquired the property in 1951 on which it constructed over 300 single family ranch style homes of spacious lots. A 12-acre parcel was acquired by the City for a North End School, the present day George M. Davis Elementary School. The Daisy Farms neighborhood includes Cerreta Lane, Darling Avenue, Dora Lane, Gladstone Road, Iselin Drive, Lambert Lane, Leslie Place, Old Farm Road, Retiro Lane, Turner Drive, and parts of Daisy Farms Drive, Grand Boulevard, Hutchinson Boulevard, Rogers Drive, and Wilmot Road.

Dorchester Hills

One of the two northernmost neighborhoods in New Rochelle, Dorchester Hills is bordered on the south by Wilmot Woods, on the west by Scarsdale Downs and Scarsdale Park, and on the north and east by the Heathcote section of the Village of Scarsdale. The Dorchester Hills neighborhood includes Dorchester Road, Severn Street, Morris Lane South, Wiltshire Road, Abbey Close, Malvern Lane, Baldwin Lane, and parts of Wilmot Road.

Forest Heights

The Forest Heights development dates from the early twentieth century, located south of the Broadview section of the Paine Heights neighborhood. Most homes in this area date from the teens and 1920s. The area is characterized by estate-scale homes on large lots. Architectural styles prevalent within this area include Colonial Revival, English Tudor Revival and French Norman Revival. Forest Heights is bounded by North Avenue to the west, Paine Heights to the north, and the Beechmont neighborhood to the south and east. The Forest Heights neighborhood includes Elk Avenue, Crawford Terrace, Antler Place, Forest Place, Forest Circle, and the portion of Forest Avenue west of Pinebrook Boulevard.

Highland Park

A residential area located in the Wykagyl section of northern New Rochelle, the area is bordered by Wykagyl Crossways on the north, Interlaken on the west, Huguenot Park on the south, and Paine Heights on the east. The area is situated just north of the Mahlstedt family's ice lakes which operated at North Avenue and Eastchester Road through the early 1900s. The surrounding land remained as undeveloped meadows and farmland through the turn of the Twentieth Century when planning for Highland Park began. Maps from 1901 display sections of farmland crisscrossed by lines representing streets. Named for the Highland region of Scotland and identified by Scottish names such as Aberfoyle, Calton, Inverness, and Perth, the new roads were lined with spacious lots on which large single-family homes were built. The Highland Park neighborhood includes Perth Avenue, Argyle Avenue, Calton Road, Braemar Avenue, Glenfruin Avenue, Glenorchy Place, Errol Place, Inverness Road, Apline Road, Aberfoyle Road, Portnellan Avenue, Calton Lane, Cameron Place, Lomond Place, and Brewster Terrace.

Huguenot Park

Huguenot Park is an early 20th century residential park.[26] [27] New Rochelle High School, the public high school in the City School District of New Rochelle, is located alongside this neighborhood.

Hutchinson Park

Hutchinson Park is a small community located at the city's northern tip along the Eastchester Town border. The area consists of homes built primarily during the late 1950s through the 1970s. The homes reflect the mid-20th century ranch style. The neighborhood is located along Charlotte Lane, Vivian Drive, and Frederick Lane.

Twin Lakes / Nature Study Woods

Residential neighborhood located along the western edge of the City and bounded by Eastchester Road on the south, Webster Avenue on the east, and the Hutchinson River on the west. The neighborhood contains a mixture of architectural types, generally dating from the 1920s, including a significant concentration of Colonial and Tudor Revival-style homes built onto small lots laid out in an overall grid pattern. Many of the streets contain speculative houses built by contractors and developers of the day. A small number of homes from the City's early history are found within this area, remnants from the era prior to the creation of residential neighborhoods through subdivision. Included among these is the Parcot-Drake House.

Kensington Woods

This neighborhood is a gated community in the north-western section of the city adjacent to Bonnie Crest, Lake Isle and Eastchester. The area consists of modern colonial homes which range from 1 - 1.8 million dollars (as per 2012).

Lake Isle

Located along the eastern side of the former reservoir 'Lake Isle', the community consists of lakefront homes and estates and continues into neighboring Eastchester as well.

Larchmont Woods

Larchmont Woods is a community located north and east of the Beechmont neighborhood and south of the Leatherstocking trail, along the Mamaroneck Town border. Forest Avenue is a main artery that runs through the three smaller neighborhoods within this area.


This area of New Rochelle is served by the Maplewood-Rosedale neighborhood association and includes Seton Drive, Ralph Road, Gaby Lane, Short Lane, Rita Lane, and most of Surrey Drive.


Also known as "Northridge," this neighborhood is a small residential community located west of the Wykagyl business district. The Northfield neighborhood includes Northfield Road, Chatham Road, Stratford Road, Old Orchard Road, Mereland Road, Edna Place, and Upland Road.

Paine Heights

Sometimes referred to as "Tom Paine Heights," this neighborhood was developed on the 320 acres of land presented as a gift to Thomas Paine for his service in the American Revolution. This area became an early 20th century residential development of large homes along wide boulevards. Paine Heights is located north of Forest Heights and south of Wykagyl Park, between North Avenue and Pinebrook Boulevard. The Thomas Paine Cottage, a museum and historical center created out of the former home of the Founding Father, is located in this neighborhood. The Paine Heights neighborhood includes Paine Avenue, Broadview Avenue, Lyncroft Road, Longvue Avenue, Sicard Avenue, and Bayeau Road.


Pineridge is a neighborhood located in northern end of the city adjacent to Ward Acres and Wykagyl Estates. The area features large ranch-style homes constructed in the 1960s. The Pineridge neighborhood includes Sussex Road, Alfred Lane, Avis Drive, Sara Lane, Fieldmere Street, and Albert Leonard Road. Albert Leonard Middle School, a public school in the City School District of New Rochelle, is located alongside this neighborhood.


Bordered by the Ward Acres Reserve on the west and Scarsdale Village to the east, the Pinebrook area includes the subsections of Pinebrook Estates, Pinebrook Hollow, Quaker Hills, Hillandale, Brookwood, Brookridge, and Cherry Lawn.[33] [34]


Brookridge is a private, gated community located off of Quaker Ridge Road near the Scarsdale border.

Cherry Lawn

Also known as The Greens at Cherry Lawn, this neighborhood is a gated community and is one of the newest communities to the City, planned around a central greenspace reminiscent of the classic 'town square' concept. The area was developed on the last remaining farmland in the city and the former location of the Cherry Lawn Driving Range.[35]

Pinebrook Heights

Pinebrook Heights is the residential area located along the northern edge of Sheldrake Lake. The homes in Pinebrook Heights lie east of Pinberook Boulevard, south of Quaker Ridge Road, and west of the Scarsdale border.[36] [37] The Pinebrook Heights neighborhood includes Pengilly Drive, Dennis Drive, Arrowhead Lane, Richmond Lane, and Sheldrake Lane.

Quaker Ridge

Quaker Ridge is a residential neighborhood located along the Scarsdale Village border.[38] [39] The Quaker Ridge Improvement Company was organized for the development of the Quaker Ridge section of New Rochelle, backed by some of the wealthiest men in the Westchester real estate field. This development was the first one in the immediate "Quaker Ridge Station" area. The station constructed by the New York, Westchester & Boston Railway system was the nicest one on the entire line. The proximity to New York was a strong point of the station and the area, with commuters able to reach the southernmost point of Manhattan within fifty-three minutes or less. The Quaker Ridge property was seen as exceptionally well located for residential purposes. The property fronted on the Quaker Ridge Station, and intersected with wide, newly built drives and boulevards. A "trading section" set aside for the stores and shops at which residents were to shop, was also originally planned.

Scarsdale Downs

Scarsdale Downs is situated near the northernmost end of the City along the Scarsdale Village border, south of Scarsdale Park and north of Bloomingdale Estates.[40] [41] The Scarsdale Downs neighborhood includes Baraud Road North, Abingdon Lane, Atherstone Road, Tintern Lane, Winchchombe Way, Thornbury Road, Hawthorne Close, and part of Tewkesbury Road.

Scarsdale Park

Scarsdale Park is situated at the north-westernmost end of the city along the Scarsdale Village border.[42] [43] The Scarsdale Park neighborhood includes Candlewood Road, Sturbridge Place, Williamsburg Close, Sage Circle, and part of Tewkesbury Road.

Stratton Hills

Stratton Hills is a 1950s development found in the City's north end. The Stratton Hills neighborhood includes Donneybrook Road, Greentree Drive, Harlan Drive, Harvard Road, Iselin Drive, Jeffrey Place, Michael Drive, Reyna Lane, Runyon Place, Rutledge Road, Sheldrake Place, Shepherds Drive, Top O the Ridge Drive and parts of Daisy Farms Drive, Darling Ave, Grand Boulevard, Rogers Drive, Wilmot Road, and Weaver Street. George M. Davis Elementary School, a public school in the City School District of New Rochelle, is adjacent to this neighborhood.

Vaneck Estates

The Vaneck Estates neighborhood lies along Stratton Road near the Eastchester Town border. The neighborhood includes Regal Drive, Vaneck Drive, Wilputte Place, and parts of Stratton Road and Wilmot Road.

White Birches

White Birches is 1950s era residential development in the north end.[44] [45] White Birches is situated along Stratton Road, with Daisy Farms and Stratton Hills to the north, Quaker Ridge Park to the east, and Maplewood-Rosedale to the west. The White Birches neighborhood includes Ronbru Drive, Stuart Drive, Andrew Lane, Laron Drive, Stanton Circle, Marion Drive, and parts of Stratton Road and Surrey Drive.

Wilmot Woods

A residential community of approximately 150 Colonial and ranch style homes built starting in 1937, through the mid-1950's by the firm Haring & Blumethal, Wilmot Woods was modeled on the plan of the old New England villages, with a four-acre 'village green' located at the center of the tract. The streets bear names associated with early New England settlers. The Wilmot Woods neighborhood includes Alden Court, Baraud Road South, Ernest Drive, Livingston Road, Pilgrim Road, Plymouth Drive, Puritan Drive, and Revere Road.[46] [47]

Wykagyl Crossways

Wykagyl Crossways is an early to 20th century residential park characterized by average size Tudor, Mediterranean, and colonial homes on small lots. The neighborhood is located north of Highland Park and south of Northfield, stretching from North Avenue on the east to the Twin Lakes and Nature Study Woods Park on the west. The Wykagyl Crossways neighborhood includes Berrian Road, Bon Air Avenue, Disbrow Circle, Disbrow Lane, Elizabeth Road, Norman Road, Rose Lane, Rosehill Avenue, Seacord Road, Siebrecht Place, and parts of North Avenue and Webster Avenue.

Wykagyl Estates

Wykagyl Estates is a recent residential development located just north of Wykagyl Country Club. The area consists of late 20th century ranch homes, as well as contemporary 1990s structures, and was built as a "tennis community" centered on community courts and facilities. The Wykagyl Estates neighborhood includes Dusk Drive, Pondview Lane, and Skyview Lane.

Wykagyl Park

An early 20th century residential park developed by the Trenor Land Company, Wykagyl Park contains large estate-scale Tudor, Mediterranean and colonial revival style homes that are characteristic to the community.[48] [49] Wykagyl Park is bounded by North Avenue on the west, Paine Heights on the south, Pinebrook Boulevard on the east, and Wykagyl Country Club to the north. The Wykagyl Park neighborhood includes Avon Road, Cornell Place, Croft Terrace, Jerome Avenue, Overhill Road, Overlook Road, Oxford Place, Oxford Road, Ranger Place, Silver Birch Drive, Starr Terrace, Trenor Drive, Trevon Place, Valley Road, Wellington Road, and Wood Lane.


The Southside, or South End, of New Rochelle is located west of Echo Bay and south of the Downtown. Most of the region lies south of Main Street, with the exception of the Sycamore Park and Woodside neighborhoods along the Pelham border, which are located north of Main Street and the Amtrak Acela train line but, like the rest of the South End, lies south of the Metro North New Haven Line. The South End of New Rochelle is served primarily by the 10805 zip code.


A waterfront enclave on Davenport Neck, Anchorage lies along the Titus Mill-Pond and Titus Mill-Pond State Tidal Wetlands. The Anchorage neighborhood includes 33 homes along part of Gail Drive, Clover Place, and Davenport Avenue. Anchorage residents have access to a common pool, recreational area, and marina facilities, which are all directly deeded at the time of purchase and for which dues are paid for upkeep.[50]

Echo Manor

Echo Manor is a waterfront community on the western edge of Echo Bay.

Franklin Avenue

Also known as "Echo Heights," the Franklin Avenue neighborhood is a mixed residential/ commercial section Downtown, between Main Street on the north and Pelham Road on the south. The neighborhood includes Locust Avenue, Park Avenue, Bayview Avenue, Soundview Street, Fairview Place, Lafayette Street, Euclid Place, Alpha Place, and Acacia Terrace.

Homewood Park

Homewood Park is a neighborhood in New Rochelle bounded by Main Street to the north, the Franklin Avenue neighborhood to the east, Residence Park to the west, and Pelham Road on the south. Trinity Elementary School and Isaac E. Young Middle School, public schools in the City School District of New Rochelle, are located alongside this neighborhood.

Nautilus Park

Nautilus Park is a residential park developed along Nautilus Place.

Neptune Park

A neighborhood near the southwest edge of the city, Neptune Park is centered on Neptune Avenue, in close proximity to New Rochelle Harbor on the heights overlooking the Sound.

Residence Park

See main article: Residence Park (New Rochelle, New York). A historic residential park planned in the late 1880s, the historic character of Residence Park was asserted in a 2007 presentation about the area that was used to support a local historic district application to the Historic Landmarks Review Board of the city of New Rochelle. The presentation is available on the Residence Park neighborhood website.[51] The Residence Park neighborhood includes the former main campus of the College of New Rochelle. (Boundary: Leland Avenue, Drake Avenue, Pelham Road, Main Street)[52]

Sans Souci

Located in an area on Davenport Neck known as the Isle of Sans Souci, the Sans Souci neighborhood is named for the former Davenport estate of the Iselin family on which it was built. This waterfront community overlooks New Rochelle Harbor and Long Island Sound.[53] [54] The Sans Souci neighborhood includes Kensington Oval, Hampton Oval, Winchester Oval, Windor Oval, and Rodman Oval.

Sutton Manor

See main article: Sutton Manor (New Rochelle). A unique enclave of homes dating back to the early 1900s, Sutton Manor is located along the western shore of Echo Bay. The neighborhood currently qualifies for designation as a Historic District. The primary roads in Sutton Manor are Sutton Manor Road, Farragut Circle, and Decatur Road (Boundary: Echo Road and Echo Avenue).[55]

Sycamore Park

A neighborhood in the southwest corner of New Rochelle, Sycamore Park was developed by the Iselin family as affordable housing for the City's blue-collar working class population. This particular neighborhood contains the City's highest concentration of American Foursquares and is located north of Main Street and south of Kings Highway along the Pelham Manor border. The Beechwoods Cemetery and Holy Sepuchlre Cemetery are located directly across Kings Highway from this neighborhood. Sycamore Park includes Sycamore Avenue, Ronalds Avenue, Cleveland Avenue, Hill Street, Flower Street, Island View Place, Ronalds Lane, and Pelhamside Drive.


Woodside is an area in the south end of New Rochelle, situated around the former site of the Woodside Station of the Harlem River and Port Chester Railroad. The Woodside Station was located north of Kings Highway, between Rockdale Avenue and Birch Street. The Beechwoods Cemetery and Holy Sepuchlre Cemetery are located to the west of this neighborhood.

West End

See main article: West End (New Rochelle). A small neighborhood loosely defined on the southern border by Metro North's New Haven Line, on the west by the border with Pelham, on the north by Sickles Avenue, and on the east by Memorial Highway. It is defined by small building lots with little green space as compared to many other neighborhoods in the City. The principal thoroughfare is Union Avenue where many of the storefronts are located. Most of the neighborhood sits on a hill, which in the early days of New Rochelle was known as Dutch Hill, leading to the terminology of saying someone is "from up the West End." The neighborhood is and has traditionally been home to the city's larger immigrant populations, with Italian immigrants coming from 1900 through the 1960s and more recently Hispanic immigrants coming from about 1985 through the present. Although predominately Hispanic today, many remnants from the "Italian West" still exist, such as The Casa Calabria, Foresters Club and Saccone's Pizzeria. St. Joseph's Church, a cultural and religious mainstay of West New Rochelle, which was started and subsequently expanded by Italian immigrants, was merged with St. Gabriel's Church in 2015 and subsequently shuttered by the Archdiocese of New York in 2022 due to the Archdiocesan wide issue of declining attendance and revenue at many Roman Catholic Churches. This neighborhood is also home to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital.

Edgewood Park

Located in the West End and originally called "St. Luke Place" and "Bryan Avenue," Edgewood Park is a horseshoe shaped street off Lockwood Avenue. This small neighborhood contains many Multi-family and single family houses. This street was the residence of former New Rochelle City Councilman McNamara, and Edgewood Park is currently home to former Councilman Trangucci.

Feeney Park

Feeney Park is middle-class neighborhood located in the City's west end along the Pelham border and includes the City owned park that shares the same name. Columbus Elementary School, a public school in the City School District of New Rochelle that offers a Science, Math, and Technology magnet program, is located in this neighborhood.

Hamlets and Secondary Areas

Cooper's Corner

See main article: Cooper's Corners. For over two centuries Cooper's Corner served as an outpost for residents who lived in Upper New Rochelle miles from the downtown hub. The hamlet took shape at North Avenue and Mill Road near Burtis Mill that was powered by the Hutchinson River. It eventually included the general store of John Cooper, the 1795 Cooper's Corner School, the 1859 St. John's Wilmot Church, and the 1901 Wilmot Fire Station No. 6.

Davenport Neck

See main article: Davenport Neck (New York). Historic waterfront peninsula originally inhabited by Siwanoy Indian tribes in the 1500s and 1600s. Over time the area became the summer vacation destination for wealthy New York families looking to retreat to impressive waterfront estates along Long Island Sound. Today the peninsula is home to a number of upscale residential communities and shore and yacht clubs.


See main article: Middletown (New Rochelle). Middletown is a former hamlet of the Town of New Rochelle which covered portions of the community along North Avenue near Thomas Paine's Farm.


See main article: Wykagyl (New Rochelle). Suburban section in north end of New Rochelle, conterminous with the 10804 zip-code. Wykagyl consists of sprawling, residential neighborhoods and natural green-space. Wykagyl is frequently used in reference to the small business district of retail stores, restaurants, offices and condominium developments located at the center of the community which serves as the "Downtown" for many Northenders. The construction of the New York-Westchester-Boston Railroad line through the sparsely populated north end of New Rochelle in 1912 and its creation of a Wykagyl stop and Station gave rise to an entirely new residential and business section of the city. To take advantage of the expanded commuting opportunities, "Wykagyl Gardens", one of the largest apartment complexes in the country at the time, was built adjacent to the station. The area's unusual name most likely resulted from the shortening of the name of an Algonquin tribe of Native Americans who originally inhabited the area.

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Residential Parks . . dead . 17 August 2016 . New Rochelle Historic Landmark Review Board, NY . 5 December 2019.
  2.,+The+American+Suburb,+Roger+Panetta&source=gbs_search_s&cad=0#PPA186,M1 Westchester, The American Suburb, Roger Panetta (2006); page 186
  3. News: Eberhart . Christopher J. . New Rochelle approves new residential developments downtown . 5 December 2019 . The Journal News . 5 March 2019.
  4. Web site: Developing in the DOZ . New Rochelle, NY . Development Department . 5 December 2019.
  5. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  6.,n,homestead%20park,fid,953129.cfm Homestead Park map
  7. IN BUSINESS; A King-Size Fee Dispute
  8. NY Hometown Locator - Premium Point
  9.,ftc,1,fid,961111,n,premium%20point.cfm Community Profile
  10.,n,premium%20point,fid,961111.cfm map
  11. Pryer Manor/Pryer Manor Marsh
  12. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  13.,n,sun%20haven,fid,966789.cfm Sun Haven map
  14. Web site: Home . Bayberry New Rochelle . 5 December 2019.
  15. Subdivisions for Sharing Privately; Alternative to Country Clubs, NY Times, 1977
  16. GNIS detail for Bayberry Park
  17.,n,bayberry%20park,fid,943203.cfm NYHometownLocator-Community Profile
  18. Google Map - Bayberry
  19. Web site: Beechmont Area History . The Beechmont Association . 2009-04-10.
  20. Web site: A Vision for New Rochelle . Columbia University . 2009-04-10.
  21. Web site: Beechmont Maps . The Beechmont Association . 2009-04-10.
  22. News: SPEAKING PERSONALLY. The New York Times . 24 April 1977 . 2019-11-23 . Wrenn . William .
  23. Dave Donelson "Best Places to Live" Westchester Magazine page 53, October 2009
  24. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  25.,n,victory%20park,fid,968537.cfm Victory Park map
  26. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  27.,n,huguenot%20park,fid,953418.cfm Huguenot Park map
  28. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  29.,n,forest%20knolls,fid,950406.cfm Forest Knolls map
  30. Web site: Rosen . Gay E. . Rouken Glen at Larchmont, 10583 . Larchmont and New Rochelle News/The Rosen Reports . 9 December 2014 . 5 December 2019.
  31. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  32.,n,maplewood,fid,956465.cfm Maplewood map
  33. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  34.,n,pinebrook,fid,960569.cfm Pinebrook map
  35. News: Kilgannon . Corey . For Golf Junkies, the Perfect Fix: Driving Ranges . 9 December 2019 . New York Times . June 3, 2001.
  36. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  37.,n,pinebrook%20heights,fid,960570.cfm Pinebrook Heights map
  38. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  39.,n,quaker%20ridge,fid,962053.cfm Quaker Ridge map
  40. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  41.,n,scarsdale%20downs,fid,964563.cfm Scarsdale Downs map
  42. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  43.,n,scarsdale%20park,fid,964564.cfm Scarsdale Park map
  44. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  45.,n,white%20birches,fid,971073.cfm White Birches map
  46. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  47.,n,wilmot%20woods,fid,971399.cfm Wilmot Woods map
  48. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  49.,n,wykagyl%20park,fid,971775.cfm Wykagyl Park map
  50. Web site: Anchorage Residents Association Inc . ProPublica . 9 May 2013 . 3 August 2023.
  51. Web site: Mullen . Bill . Historic Residence Park . . dead . 22 December 2014 . Residence Park . 5 December 2019.
  52. Web site: Residence Park Nomination . 2011-12-01 . . 2012-05-03 . dead .
  53. NY HomeTownLocator Community Profile
  54.,n,isle%20of%20san%20souci,fid,953839.cfm Isle of San Souci map
  55. Web site: Sutton Manor Intensive Level Survey; Attach B- Property List; Attach E- Architects and Builders; powerpoint 6-09; powerpoint 9-09 . 2011-12-01 . . 2012-05-03 . dead .