List of New Jersey administrative agencies explained

The executive branch of New Jersey's state government executes state law through cabinet-level or principal departments and further by administrative agencies departments, special commissions, or independent entities as defined by statute.

Administrative agencies and offices

Department of Agriculture

The state's Department of Agriculture is overseen by a Secretary of Agriculture selected by the governor on recommendation of the State Board of Agriculture. The department's mission is administered by five divisions.[1]

Department of Banking & Insurance

Department of Children and Families

Department of Community Affairs

Department of Corrections

The New Jersey Department of Corrections operates 13 major correctional or penal institutions, including seven adult male correctional facilities, three youth facilities, one facility for sex offenders, one women's correctional institution and a central reception and intake unit; and stabilization and reintegration programs for released inmates.

Department of Education

Department of Environmental Protection

Department of Human Services

Department of Law and Public Safety

The New Jersey Attorney General leads the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety.

Department of Military & Veterans Affairs

Department of Transportation

Executive Offices

The following are under the Deputy Commissioner.


Department of Treasury

The Department of the Treasury seeks to ensure the most beneficial use of fiscal resources and revenues to meet critical needs, all within a policy framework set by the governor; to formulate and manage the state's budget, generate and collect revenues, disburse the appropriations used to operate New Jersey state government, manage the state's physical and financial assets, and provide statewide support services to state and local government agencies. Its mission is accomplished by the following Divisions and Agencies:[12]

Independent commissions and agencies

External links

Notes and References

  1. State of New Jersey. Department of Agriculture - Division. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
  2. State of New Jersey. NJ Department of Agriculture -Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
  3. State of New Jersey. NJ Department of Agriculture - Division of Animal Health. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
  4. State of New Jersey. NJ Department of Agriculture - Division of Food and Nutrition. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
  5. State of New Jersey. NJ Department of Agriculture - Division of Marketing and Development. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
  6. State of New Jersey. NJ Department of Agriculture - Division of Plant Industry. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
  7. State of New Jersey. NJ Department of Corrections - Division of Programs and Community Services. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
  8. State of New Jersey. NJ Department of Corrections - Division of Administration. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
  9. State of New Jersey. NJ Department of Corrections - Division of Operations. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
  10. Web site: Division and Independent Agency Summaries. Department of Law & Public Safety. State of New Jersey. 18 January 2015.
  12. State of New Jersey. Department of the Treasury - Divisions and Agencies. Retrieved September 28, 2013.