Ninjago (previously known as Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu until 2019) is an animated television series. The show was produced by Wil Film ApS from the pilot episodes until the tenth season and by WildBrain Studios for the last five seasons. It is distributed by The Lego Group. It was created to coincide with the Lego Ninjago construction toys, and centres on the fictional world of Ninjago, telling the story of a group of teenage ninja and their battles against the forces of evil.
The commissioning of the first two full seasons (Rise of the Snakes and Legacy of the Green Ninja), which each consisted of 13 episodes. The first season aired on 2 December 2011.[1] Both the Lego theme and the TV series had an intended shelf life of three years, so it was expected that the second season would be the last. However, after feedback from fans, it was soon revived and it continued for ten more years.[2] In 2017, a film adaptation of the series, The Lego Ninjago Movie, was released. In the eighth season of the show in 2018, the animation software of the show was updated and new character designs and aesthetics were adopted from the film. Despite these aesthetic changes, the eighth season continued the story of the previous seasons instead of the film's rebooted storyline. With the release of the eleventh season in 2019, the show was sold to WildBrain Studios who dropped the "Masters of Spinjitzu" subtitle and switched from a 22-minute format to an 11-minute running time.[3] In total, 15 seasons were produced,[4] along with two pilot episodes, several mini movies, a special, a four-episode miniseries, and a theme park movie.
See main article: Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu (pilot episodes). The pilot episodes exist in 2 versions, a two-episode version, titled "Way of the Ninja" (which combines "Way of the Ninja" and "The Golden Weapon") and "King of Shadows" (which combines "King of Shadows" and "Weapons of Destiny"), respectively, each about 22 minutes long, as well as a four-episode version, each about 11 minutes long, which is listed here. Each region has a different version.
See main article: Ninjago: Rise of the Snakes.
See main article: Ninjago: Legacy of the Green Ninja.
See main article: Ninjago: Rebooted.
See main article: Ninjago: Tournament of Elements.
See main article: Ninjago: Possession.
See main article: Ninjago: Skybound.
See main article: Ninjago: Day of the Departed.
See main article: Ninjago: Hands of Time.
See main article: Ninjago: Sons of Garmadon.
See main article: Ninjago: Hunted.
See main article: Ninjago: March of the Oni.
See main article: Ninjago: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu.
See main article: Ninjago: Prime Empire.
See main article: Ninjago: Master of the Mountain.
See main article: Ninjago: The Island.
See main article: Ninjago: Seabound.
See main article: Ninjago: Crystalized.
These mini movies were released in 2011 and show the lives of the ninja between the pilot episodes and the first season. They also show how Lord Garmadon was banished to the Underworld and then managed to take over.
The Tall Tales series of shorts cover the "backstories" of the different members of Nadakhan's crew on Misfortune's Keep. However, according to Tommy Andreasen, these shorts are not canon.[5]
Operation: Heavy Metal is a series of four shorts focusing on the generals of the Vermillion army. The shorts are canon to the show, taking place during season 7. They were originally released in Chinese on May 23, 2017, but Tommy Andreasen would eventually release them in English on Twitter.
Samurai X Rising is a short released and set during episodes 7 and 8 of season 7. It's focused on the new Samurai X.
Wu's Teas is a series of twenty Ninjago shorts. It focuses on Wu's new tea shop, "Steeper Wisdom", and their rivalry with the coffee shop. The series can be watched as a single 20 minute "episode" or as 20 individual shorts. These shorts are not canon. The shorts were released as one episode on July 13, 2017.[6]
Ninjago: Decoded is a short series that was released from November 2017 to January 2018. It takes place chronologically before season 8. These shorts recycle scenes from the seventh season with different voice acting, as well as clips from previous episodes. These shorts could be considered canon, according to Tommy Andreasen.
Tales from the Monastery of Spinjitzu is a series of six canon shorts from the Lego website released on December 19, 2018, made to promote the Ninjago Legacy sets. Some are made-up flashbacks while others take place between seasons 9 and 10.
Prime Empire Original Shorts is a series of six canon shorts that were released on the Lego YouTube channel as a prequel to the release of the twelfth season titled Prime Empire.[7]
Ninjago: Reimagined is a series of five short films released on the Lego YouTube channel to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Ninjago using a variety of animation styles.[8] The final short, Golden Hour, is considered to be the only one canon to the show, according to both Kevin Burke and Chris "Doc" Wyatt.
Master Wu teaches the ninja about the six fundamental virtues of Spinjitzu. These shorts are considered to be non-canon, according to Tommy Andreasen.
See main article: The Lego Ninjago Movie.
is a 12-minute 3D/4D animated short film first released on 12 January 2018 in Legoland theme parks.[9] The short follows Wu trying to teach the ninja a lesson in perspective. The short marks the last time the ninjas' original designs prior to season 8 were used, as well as the first time where Sam Vincent voices Lloyd, replacing Jillian Michaels after seven seasons.