Kämpfer is a 14-episode Japanese anime series by Nomad, based on the series of light novels written by Toshihiko Tsukiji. The series follows a boy named Natsuru Senō, who is chosen to participate in the Kämpfer battles, giving him the ability to transform into a girl. The anime series aired on TBS between October 2 and December 17, 2009. The opening theme was by Minami Kuribayashi, while the ending theme is by Marina Inoue and Megumi Nakajima. The series has been licensed for release in North America by Sentai Filmworks and was released in a complete collection by Section23 Films on January 18, 2011.[1] Two additional episodes, titled Kämpfer für die Liebe, were released on Blu-ray Disc and DVD on May 25, 2011, with one of the episodes also airing on April 8, 2011.[2] [3] The opening theme is "Choose my love!" by Minami Kuribayashi while the ending theme is by Yui Horie and Yukari Tamura.