List of International Labour Organization Conventions explained

The list of International Labour Organization Conventions contains 191 codifications of worldwide labour standards. International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions are developed through tripartite negotiations between member state representatives from trade unions, employers' organisations and governments, and adopted by the annual International Labour Conference (ILC). Member state governments subsequently ratify Conventions and incorporate their provisions into national legislation.

The first Convention was adopted in 1919 and covers hours of work, Convention, adopted in 2019, covers violence and harassment in the world of work. The Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, adopted by the member states in 1998, identified eight fundamental Conventions as binding on all members; four prohibit forced labour and child labour, and four provide rights to organize, to collectively bargain, to equal pay and to freedom from discrimination at work. There are also important Recommendations, which are widely adopted as standards, but do not have the same binding effect as Conventions, such as the Employment Relationship Recommendation, 2006 (No. 198) that ensures universal protection of workers for rights, and requires clear identification in national law for the employer, state or other party responsible for the right.[1]

The ILO monitors the application of the Conventions and makes observations regarding member state compliance, however, there are no enforcement mechanisms within the ILO for non-compliance or breaches of the Conventions. The enforcement of Conventions depends on the jurisprudence of courts recognized by the respective member states.

Classification of the Conventions

See also: International labour law. The ILO classifies Conventions by type, subject and status.

List of the Conventions

Fundamental conventionUp to datePartly up to date
1. Labour rights2. Workplace participation3. Equality4. Job security5. Administration
Forced Labour Convention1930C029Obligation for members to "completely suppress such forced or compulsory labour", with exceptions for military, civil service, court orders, for emergencies and minor communal orders.1771. Servitude
Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention1948C087The right to autonomy in union organisation, for furthering and defending workers' interests by collective bargaining and collective action.1542. Unions
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention1949C098Protection against discrimination for joining a trade union, promotion of voluntary collective agreements, taking collective action.1652. Unions
Equal Remuneration Convention1951C100The right to equal pay, without any discrimination on grounds of gender.1733. Equality
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention1957C105Positive obligation on member states to ensure that all forced labour is abolished.1741. Servitude
Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention1958C111The right to not be discriminated against on grounds of "race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin", or other grounds determined by member states, in employment.1753. Equality
Minimum Age Convention1973C138The requirement that people are at least 15, or a higher age determined by member states, or 14 for member states whose education systems are developing, before working, and 18 years old before dangerous work.1701. Children
Occupational Safety and Health Convention1981C155Also, Protocol of 2002 to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981, P155.671. Safety
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention1999C182Duties upon member states to identify and take steps to prohibit the worst forms of child labour (slavery, prostitution, drug trafficking and other dangerous jobs).1811. Children
Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention2006C187461. Safety
Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention1921C0141201. Working time
Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry) Convention1946C077431. Safety
Medical Examination of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations) Convention1946C078391. Safety
Labour Inspection Convention1947C081Also, Protocol of 1995 to the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 P081.1465. Administration
Labour Clauses (Public Contracts) Convention1949C094621. Wages
Protection of Wages Convention1949C095971. Wages
Migration for Employment Convention (Revised)1949C097493. Migrant workers
Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention1952C102481. Social security
Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention1957C106631. Working time
Plantations Convention1958C110Also, Protocol of 1982 to the Plantations Convention, 1958, P110.12Specific
Radiation Protection Convention1960C115501. Safety
Equality of Treatment (Social Security) Convention1962C118383. Equality
Hygiene (Commerce and Offices) Convention1964C120511. Safety
Employment Injury Benefits Convention1964C121241. Social security
Employment Policy Convention1964C122Requirement to develop "co-ordinated economic and social policy"" for the aim of full employment.1074. Unemployment
Medical Examination of Young Persons (Underground Work) Convention1965C124411. Safety
Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits Convention1967C128161. Social security
Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention1969C129535. Administration
Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention1969C130161. Safety
Minimum Wage Fixing Convention1970C131511. Wages
Workers' Representatives Convention1971C135Requires that worker representatives suffer no detriment or dismissal (art 1), they are given facilities to carry out tasks (art 2) including trade union and other elected representatives in an undertaking (art 3) and elected representatives' positions should in no way be used to undermine trade union representatives (art 5).842. Representation
Occupational Cancer Convention1974C139411. Safety
Paid Educational Leave Convention1974C140341. Working time
Rural Workers' Organisations Convention1975C141412. Unions
Human Resources Development Convention1975C142685. Administration
Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention1975C143233. Migrant workers
Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention1976C1441455. Administration
Continuity of Employment (Seafarers) Convention1976C14517Seafarers
Seafarers' Annual Leave with Pay Convention1976C14617Seafarers
Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention1976C147Also, Protocol of 1996 to the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976, P147.56Seafarers
Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention1977C148461. Safety
Nursing Personnel Convention1977C14941Specific
Labour Administration Convention1978C150765. Administration
Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention1978C151532. Representation
Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention1979C152271. Safety
Collective Bargaining Convention1981C154482. Unions
Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention1981C156443. Equality
Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention1982C15741. Social security
Termination of Employment Convention1982C158Requirement for employers to give a good reason before dismissing a worker. No conclusions on revision.364. Fair dismissal
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention1983C159833. Equality
Labour Statistics Convention1985C160505. Administration
Occupational Health Services Convention1985C161331. Safety
Asbestos Convention1986C162351. Safety
Seafarers' Welfare Convention1987C16318Seafarers
Health Protection and Medical Care (Seafarers) Convention1987C16415Seafarers
Social Security (Seafarers) Convention (Revised)1987C1653Seafarers
Repatriation of Seafarers Convention (Revised)1987C16614Seafarers
Safety and Health in Construction Convention1988C167321. Safety
Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention1988C16884. Unemployment
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention1989C169The right of indigenous and tribal communities to participate in decision making procedures.243. Indigenous
Chemicals Convention1990C170211. Safety
Night Work Convention1990C171171. Safety
Working Conditions (Hotels and Restaurants) Convention1991C17216Specific
Protection of Workers' Claims (Employer's Insolvency) Convention1992C173214. Insolvency
Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention1993C174181. Safety
Part-Time Work Convention1994C175173. Equality
Safety and Health in Mines Convention1995C176331. Safety
Home Work Convention1996C17710Specific
Labour Inspection (Seafarers) Convention1996C17815Seafarers
Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Convention1996C17910Seafarers
Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships Convention1996C18021Seafarers
Private Employment Agencies Convention1997C181274. Agencies
Maternity Protection Convention2000C183343. Equality
Safety and Health in Agriculture Convention2001C184161. Safety
Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention (Revised)2003C18535Seafarers
Maritime Labour Convention2006MLC90Seafarers
Work in Fishing Convention2007C18813Specific
Domestic Workers Convention2011C18927Specific
Violence and Harassment Convention2019C1906Specific
Safe and Healthy Working Environment (Consequential Amendments) Convention2023C19101. Safety
Hours of Work (Industry) Convention1919C001521. Working time
Unemployment Convention1919C002Positive obligation on member states to establish and maintain public employment agencies.574. Unemployment
Maternity Protection Convention1919C003341. Child care
Right of Association (Agriculture) Convention1921C0111272. Unions
Workmen's Compensation (Agriculture) Convention1921C012771. Wages
Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Convention1925C0191213. Equality
Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention1928C0261041. Wages
Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention1930C030301. Working time
Underground Work (Women) Convention1935C045981. Safety
Forty-Hour Week Convention1935C047151. Working time
Officers' Competency Certificates Convention1936C05353Seafarers
Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised)1936C05851Seafarers
Right of Association (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention1947C08492. Unions
Labour Inspectorates (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention1947C085115. Administration
Employment Service Convention1948C088914. Unemployment
Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised)1948C089671. Working time
Accommodation of Crews Convention (Revised)1949C09247Seafarers
Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention (Revised)1949C096424. Agencies
Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (Agriculture) Convention1951C099531. Wages
Social Policy (Basic Aims and Standards) Convention1962C117321. Social security
Holidays with Pay Convention (Revised)1970C132361. Working time
Accommodation of Crews (Supplementary Provisions) Convention1970C13332Seafarers
Dock Work Convention1973C13725Seafarers


As well as Conventions, the ILO also produces Recommendations, which are widely adopted as standards. These do not necessarily have the same binding effect as Conventions, nor require a ratification and monitoring process, but are nevertheless widely followed. A key norm is the Employment Relationship Recommendation, 2006 (No. 198) that ensures universal protection of workers for rights, and requires clear identification in national law for the employer, state or other party responsible for the right.[2]

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Employment Relationship Recommendation, 2006 (rec 198)
  2. Employment Relationship Recommendation, 2006 (rec 198)