The radiocommunication division of the International Telecommunication Union uses the following letter codes to identify its member countries. Eight countries are assigned single-letter codes ( Brazil, Germany, Spain, France,, Italy, Japan, Sweden), while the rest have codes three letters in length.
Country | ||
A | ||
AFG | Afghanistan | |
AFS | South Africa (Republic of) | |
AGL | Angola (Republic of) | |
ALB | Albania (Republic of) | |
ALG | Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) | |
AND | Andorra (Principality of) | |
ARG | Argentina | |
ARM | Armenia (Republic of) | |
ARS | Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) | |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda | |
AUS | Australia | |
AUT | Austria | |
AZE | Azerbaijan (Republic of) | |
B | ||
B | Brazil (Federative Republic of) | |
BAH | Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) | |
BDI | Burundi (Republic of) | |
BEL | Belgium | |
BEN | Benin (Republic of) | |
BFA | Burkina Faso | |
BGD | Bangladesh (People's Republic of) | |
BHR | Bahrain (Kingdom of) | |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
BLR | Belarus (Republic of) | |
BLZ | Belize | |
BOL | (Plurinational State of) | |
BOT | Botswana (Republic of) | |
BRB | Barbados | |
BRM | Myanmar (Union of) | |
BRU | Brunei Darussalam | |
BTN | Bhutan (Kingdom of) | |
BUL | Bulgaria (Republic of) | |
C | ||
CAF | Central African Republic | |
CAN | Canada | |
CBG | Cambodia (Kingdom of) | |
CHL | Chile | |
CHN | China (People's Republic of) | |
CLM | Colombia (Republic of) | |
CLN | Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) | |
CME | Cameroon (Republic of) | |
COD | ||
COG | (Republic of the) | |
COM | Comoros (Union of the) | |
CPV | Cape Verde (Republic of) | |
CTI | Cote d'Ivoire (Republic of) | |
CTR | Costa Rica | |
CUB | Cuba | |
CVA | ||
CYP | Cyprus (Republic of) | |
CZE | Czech Republic | |
D | ||
D | Germany (Federal Republic of) | |
DJI | Djibouti (Republic of) | |
DMA | Dominica (Commonwealth of) | |
DNK | Denmark | |
DOM | Dominican Republic | |
E | ||
E | Spain | |
EGY | Egypt (Arab Republic of) | |
EQA | Ecuador | |
ERI | Eritrea | |
EST | Estonia (Republic of) | |
ETH | Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) | |
F | ||
F | France | |
FIN | Finland | |
FJI | Fiji (Republic of) | |
FSM | (Federated States of) | |
G | ||
G | ||
GAB | Gabon | |
GEO | ||
GHA | Ghana | |
GMB | Gambia (Republic of the) | |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) | |
GNE | Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) | |
GRC | Greece | |
GRD | Grenada | |
GTM | Guatemala (Republic of) | |
GUI | Guinea (Republic of) | |
GUY | Guyana | |
H | ||
HND | Honduras (Republic of) | |
HNG | Hungary | |
HOL | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) | |
HRV | Croatia (Republic of) | |
HTI | Haiti (Republic of) | |
I | ||
I | Italy | |
IND | India (Republic of) | |
INS | Indonesia (Republic of) | |
IRL | ||
IRN | (Islamic Republic of) | |
IRQ | Iraq (Republic of) | |
ISL | Iceland | |
ISR | Israel (State of) | |
J | ||
J | Japan | |
JMC | Jamaica | |
JOR | Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) | |
K | ||
KAZ | Kazakhstan (Republic of) | |
KEN | Kenya (Republic of) | |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan | |
KIR | Kiribati (Republic of) | |
KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of) | |
KOR | (Republic of) | |
KRE | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | |
KWT | Kuwait (State of) | |
L | ||
LAO | ||
LBN | Lebanon | |
LBR | Liberia (Republic of) | |
LBY | Libya (State of) | |
LCA | Saint Lucia | |
LIE | Liechtenstein (Principality of) | |
LSO | Lesotho (Kingdom of) | |
LTU | Lithuania (Republic of) | |
LUX | Luxembourg | |
LVA | Latvia (Republic of) | |
M | ||
MAU | Mauritius (Republic of) | |
MCO | Monaco (Principality of) | |
MDA | (Republic of) | |
MDG | Madagascar (Republic of) | |
MEX | Mexico | |
MHL | Marshall Islands (Republic of the) | |
MKD | (Republic of) | |
MLA | Malaysia | |
MLD | Maldives (Republic of) | |
MLI | Mali (Republic of) | |
MLT | Malta | |
MNE | Montenegro | |
MNG | Mongolia | |
MOZ | Mozambique (Republic of) | |
MRC | Morocco (Kingdom of) | |
MTN | Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) | |
MWI | Malawi | |
N | ||
NCG | Nicaragua | |
NGR | Niger (Republic of the) | |
NIG | Nigeria (Federal Republic of) | |
NMB | Namibia (Republic of) | |
NOR | Norway | |
NPL | Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of) | |
NRU | Nauru (Republic of) | |
NZL | New Zealand | |
O | ||
OMA | Oman (Sultanate of) | |
P | ||
PAK | Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) | |
PHL | Philippines (Republic of the) | |
PNG | Papua New Guinea | |
PNR | Panama (Republic of) | |
POL | Poland (Republic of) | |
POR | Portugal | |
PRG | Paraguay (Republic of) | |
PRU | Peru | |
Q | ||
QAT | Qatar (State of) | |
R | ||
ROU | Romania | |
RRW | Rwanda (Republic of) | |
RUS | Russian Federation | |
S | ||
S | Sweden | |
SDN | Sudan (Republic of the) | |
SEN | Senegal (Republic of) | |
SEY | Seychelles (Republic of) | |
SLM | Solomon Islands | |
SLV | El Salvador (Republic of) | |
SMO | Samoa (Independent State of) | |
SMR | San Marino (Republic of) | |
SNG | Singapore (Republic of) | |
SOM | Somalia (Federal Republic of) | |
SRB | Serbia (Republic of) | |
SRL | Sierra Leone | |
SSD | (Republic of) | |
STP | (Democratic Republic of) | |
SUI | Switzerland (Confederation of) | |
SUR | Suriname (Republic of) | |
SVK | Slovakia | |
SVN | Slovenia (Republic of) | |
SWZ | (Kingdom of) | |
SYR | ||
T | ||
TCD | Chad (Republic of) | |
TGO | Togo | |
THA | Thailand | |
TJK | Tajikistan (Republic of) | |
TKM | Turkmenistan | |
TLS | Timor-Leste (Democratic Republic of) | |
TON | Tonga (Kingdom of) | |
TRD | Trinidad and Tobago | |
TUN | Tunisia | |
TUR | Turkey | |
TUV | Tuvalu | |
TZA | (United Republic of) | |
U | ||
UAE | United Arab Emirates | |
UGA | Uganda (Republic of) | |
UKR | Ukraine | |
URG | Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) | |
USA | ||
UZB | Uzbekistan (Republic of) | |
V | ||
VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | |
VEN | (Bolivarian Republic of) | |
VTN | (Socialist Republic of) | |
VUT | Vanuatu (Republic of) | |
W | ||
X | ||
Y | ||
YEM | Yemen (Republic of) | |
Z | ||
ZMB | Zambia (Republic of) | |
ZWE | Zimbabwe (Republic of) |
The ITU also designates the following codes for other areas around the world that are not member states.
Area | ||
A | ||
ABW | Aruba | |
AIA | Anguilla | |
ALS | (State of) | |
AMS | Saint Paul and Amsterdam Islands | |
AOE | / Western Sahara | |
ASC | ||
ATA | ||
AZR | ||
B | ||
BER | Bermuda | |
BIO | Chagos Islands (Indian Ocean) | |
BLM | (French Department of) | |
BVT | Bouvet Island | |
C | ||
CG7 | CUB(Guantanamo) (7).[1] | |
CHR | Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) | |
CKH | Cook Islands | |
CNR | ||
CPT | ||
CRO | Crozet Archipelago | |
CYM | Cayman Islands | |
D | ||
DGA | Diego Garcia | |
E | ||
F | ||
FLK | (Malvinas) | |
FRO | Faroe Islands | |
G | ||
GCA | United Kingdom (Non-metropolitan) – Region 1 | |
GCC | United Kingdom – Region 3 | |
GIB | Gibraltar | |
GRL | Greenland | |
GUF | French Guiana (French Department of) | |
GUM | Guam | |
H | ||
HKG | Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China) | |
HMD | ||
HWA | (State of) | |
HWL | ||
I | ||
ICO | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | |
J | ||
JAR | ||
JON | ||
K | ||
KER | Kerguelen Islands | |
L | ||
M | ||
MAC | (Special Administrative Region of China) | |
MDR | ||
MDW | ||
MRA | Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the) | |
MRN | Marion Island | |
MRT | Martinique (French Department of) | |
MSR | Montserrat | |
MYT | Mayotte (Territorial Collectivity of) | |
N | ||
NCL | New Caledonia | |
NFK | Norfolk Island | |
NIU | Niue | |
O | ||
OCE | French Polynesia | |
P | ||
PAQ | ||
PHX | Phoenix Islands | |
PLM | Palmyra Island | |
PLW | Palau (Republic of)[2] | |
PTC | ||
PTR | Puerto Rico | |
Q | ||
R | ||
REU | Reunion (French Department of) | |
ROD | Rodrigues | |
S | ||
SCG | ex → SRB, MNE | |
SHN | ||
SMA | American Samoa | |
SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Territorial Collectivity of) | |
SWN | Swan Islands | |
SXM | (Dutch part) | |
T | ||
TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands | |
TKL | Tokelau | |
TRC | ||
U | ||
V | ||
VIR | ||
VRG | ||
W | ||
WAK | ||
WAL | Wallis and Futuna | |
X | ||
XAA | shared throughout the world | |
XAX | shared by several countries, but in a restricted area of the world | |
XBR | special use | |
XBY | / Abyei area | |
XCQ | ex Caroline Islands → FSM + PLW | |
XCS | ex TCH → CZE + SVK | |
XGZ | ||
XMM | inter-ship communications | |
XOA | International Civil Aviation Organization | |
XR1 | Region 1 (RR 5.3) | |
XR2 | Region 2 (RR 5.4) | |
XR3 | Region 3 (RR 5.5) | |
XRY | (RR AP 26/5.2) | |
XSC | ex SCG | |
XSD | ex Republic of the Sudan before 14 July 2011 → SDN + SSD | |
XSP | Spratly Islands | |
XSU | ex URS → RUS + … | |
XUN | ||
XWB | ||
XWM | World Meteorological Organization | |
XYU | ex YUG → SCG… + HRV + BIH + SVN | |
XYZ | pending further developments regarding the administration responsible | |
XZZ | administrative status is subject to special arrangements | |
Y | ||
Z |