Falling Skies, a post-apocalyptic drama television series] premiered on June 19, 2011, in the United States on TNT,[1] [2] and concluded August 30, 2015, after 52 episodes over 5 seasons. Created by Robert Rodat, the series follows Tom Mason (Noah Wyle), a former Boston University history professor who becomes the second-in-command of the 2nd Massachusetts Militia Regiment, a group of civilians and fighters fleeing post-apocalyptic Boston. The show is produced by DreamWorks Television, with Steven Spielberg acting as an executive producer.
See main article: Falling Skies (season 1).
See main article: Falling Skies (season 2).
See main article: Falling Skies (season 3).
See main article: Falling Skies (season 4).
See main article: Falling Skies (season 5).