Doc McStuffins is an American educational computer-animated children's television series produced by Brown Bag Films. It was created and executive produced by Chris Nee and premiered on March 23, 2012, on Disney Channel and Disney Junior. The series is about a girl who can "fix" toys, with help from her toy friends. It features songs written and composed by Kay Hanley and Michelle Lewis.
On April 14, 2015, the series was renewed for a fourth season by Disney Junior, which premiered on July 29, 2016.[1]
On November 16, 2016, Doc McStuffins was renewed for a fifth and final season by Disney Junior, which premiered on October 26, 2018.[2]
The series finale aired on April 18, 2020.
Note: This is the last season to feature two 11-minute stories.
Note: Like other Disney Junior shows from the time, the episode title cards have been discontinued, but the titles are still heard. Also, the series no longer features two 11-minute stories.
The Doc Files is a spin-off series to Doc McStuffins. Doc takes an in-depth look at specific cases and diagnoses after the clinic doors close for the day. The series debuted in the US on Disney Junior and Disney Channel on July 22, 2013.
Each episode opens with Doc pulling a toy patient's chart and recalling how she solved the case. The flashback sequences are done in 2D animation, while the beginning and end are done in the same CGI as the main Doc McStuffins episodes.
Episode | |
1 | A Cuckoo Case |
2 | Make Way for the Ducklings |
3 | Birdies of a Feather |
4 | Dig It |
5 | Shell You Later |
6 | Horsing Around |
7 | Wipeout Whale! |
8 | Kitty Go Round |
9 | Turbo Train |
10 | Snow Globe Rescue |
11 | Springing Leaks |
12 | The Catetrpillar Effect |
13 | Chinchilla Spa Day |
Episode | |
1 | Three's Company |
2 | Tiny Tumbler |
3 | Peek-A-Boo! |
4 | Fussy Franny |
5 | Hide and Seek |
6 | Snuggle Sylvie |
7 | Stuffy's Little Dragon |
8 | Bumper Car Betsy |
9 | Lambie's Baaad Day |
10 | Scribble Scramble |
Episode | |
1 | I Am Yeti, Hear Me Roar |
2 | Chip Off the Ol' Block |
3 | Flip of the Iceberg |
4 | Sled Ahead |
5 | Tusk Trouble |
6 | Aurora Bear-ealis |
7 | Snowboard Girl |
8 | Polar Night |
9 | Tangled Tevin |
10 | On Thin Ice |
Episode | ||
1 | Intern at the Clinic | |
2 | Tools of the Trade | |
3 | A Check In for a Check-Up | |
4 | Lambie Gets a Crease | |
5 | A Dragon's Tail | |
6 | Emergency Bella | |
7 | Sticky Bunny | |
8 | Green Snowman | |
9 | Bella's First Surgery | |
10 | Graduation |