The manga Captain Tsubasa is written and illustrated by Yōichi Takahashi. The series focuses on the development of a young football (soccer) player Tsubasa Oozora. The series was serialized in Shueisha magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between 1981 and 1988 for a total of 37 tankōbon volumes. A direct sequel titled Captain Tsubasa: World Youth was released between 1994 and 1997 by Shueisha. Others sequels were serialized in the same publisher Weekly Young Jump magazine since 2001: Road to 2002 (2001–2004), Golden-23 (2005–2008), and Kaigai Gekito-hen (2009–2012). From 2013 to 2019, Rising Sun was serialized in Shueisha's Grand Jump magazine. In 2020 it was transferred to Captain Tsubasa Magazine, where it was serialized till 2024.
See main article: List of Captain Tsubasa chapters.
See main article: List of Captain Tsubasa World Youth chapters.
See main article: List of Captain Tsubasa Road to 2002 chapters.