Liberalism in South Korea explained

This article gives an overview of liberalism [1] and its related history in South Korea. It is limited to liberal parties with substantial support, mainly proven by having had a representation in parliament.

Historically, the liberal movement in the South Korean began as a moderate conservative movement against the far-right dictatorship, but in the current political structure of the South Korea, it has become a liberal movement against the conservative movement. The Democratic Party of Korea is a reformist-to-liberal party and is considered centrist.[2] However, in the Korean political context, it is classified as a center-left (or progressive), and there are studies by several experts that it promotes policies that are more right-wing than center-right parties in Western Europe, such as Germany's Christian Democratic Union.[3] Also, the Justice Party is considered a "centre-left to left-wing" party. The party is considered radical progressive or leftist in South Korea, but takes a more moderate stance than the centre-left parties of Western Europe.[4]

There are various political positions within South Korean liberals, but they tend to coalesce on certain stances: promoting harmony with North Korea, justice against Japan, and, wherever possible, autonomy from great power interference, including the United States.[5] South Korean liberalism is also based on a national liberalist-independence movement against China and Japan. South Korean liberals support the Sunshine Policy toward North Korea.[6] [7]


See also: Centrist reformism. The word "liberal" in South Korea is often used in its traditional sense.[8] In South Korea, conservatives also call themselves "liberal" and "liberal democracy" in a similar sense to economic liberalism and anti-communism.[9] [10] "Liberals" in the general sense often refer to themselves as "Democrats", "Ribeoreol" (the Korean pronunciation of the English "liberal") or "Democratic Camps" .[11] In South Korea, "liberal" and "progressive" are political forces with individual traditions,[12] but when translating "liberal" in the United States into Korean language, it is often translated into "progressive".[13] [14] [15] [16] [17]

Notes and References

  1. News: 루스벨트는 왜 '계급의 배신자' 소리를 들었나: 박찬수의 '진보를 찾아서' . Why did Roosevelt hear "betrayer of class"?: Park Chan Soo's 'Finding Progress'. . 1932년 미국 대선은 '리버럴 대 리버럴의 대결'이었다. 프랭클린 루스벨트와 허버트 후버 모두 자신이 ‘리버럴’임을 강조했다. 루스벨트는 '새로운 리버럴리즘'(new liberalism)을 주창했고, 후버는 '진정한 리버럴리즘'(true liberalism)을 내세웠다. 루스벨트 이후 19세기 자유주의자(liberal)는 보수주의자(conservative)가 됐다. 리버럴은 ‘진보’라는 새로운 함의를 획득했다. . The 1932 U.S. presidential election was "a confrontation between Liberals and Liberals." Both Franklin Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover stressed that they are "liberal". Roosevelt advocated "new liberalism," and Hoover put forward "true liberalism". After Roosevelt, liberals in the 19th century became conservative. Liberal has acquired a new implication of 'progressive'. . ko . . 11 August 2020 . 10 January 2022.
  2. The Democratic Party of Korea is described as a centrist party by numerous sources:
  3. Book: 조, 성은. 독일 정치 우리의 대안. July 20, 2018. e지식의 날개. 9788920032370 . Google Books. ko.
  4. Web site: 심상정에 "시진핑 미소법", "좌파적" 아슬아슬한 이재명 발언 . 24 February 2022 .
  5. News: How Biden Can Navigate a New Era in South Korean Politics . In broad strokes, the foreign policy of South Korean liberals is clear: promoting harmony with North Korea, justice against Japan, and, wherever possible, autonomy from great power interference, including that of Washington. . . 15 January 2021 . 22 January 2022.
  6. Web site: 폼페이오 "김정은, 주한미군 원해"…박지원 "김정일도 그랬다" . 26 January 2023 .
  7. Web site: 송영길 "북, 제2의 베트남 친미국가로...미국에 의견 전달" . . 24 November 2021 .
  8. News: 코로나 이후의 자유주의 / 전범선 . Liberalism after COVID-19 / Chun Beom-sun . ... 코로나는 각국의 위기관리 능력에 대한 시험이다. 성적표는 분명하다. 서양은 실패했고 동양은 선방했다. 미국이 꼴등이고 한국은 우등생이다. 어찌 된 걸까. ... 그런데 서양이야말로 민주주의의 원조 아닌가. 그들이 패배한 원인은 무엇일까. 자유주의다. 신자유주의 경제 체제의 모순도 있지만, 그보다 자유주의적 정치 문화의 영향이 크다. 영국 총리 보리스 존슨이 집단면역을 들먹이던 때부터 알아봤다. ... 트럼프는 더하다. 민주당 주지사들이 펼치는 봉쇄 정책을 비꼬며 지지자들에게 “미시간을 해방하라! 미네소타를 해방하라! 버지니아를 해방하라!” 선동했다. ... 백년 전 대공황 때도 자유주의의 위기가 도래했다. ... 민주주의와 자유주의의 모순을 명심하자. 전자는 국가가 국민의 말을 듣는 것이고 후자는 국민이 국가의 말을 안 듣는 것이다. 둘은 엄연히 다르고 충돌한다. 자유민주주의란 둘의 균형을 잡는 과정이다. ... 대한민국은 이제 명실공히 민주주의 모범국이다. 하지만 진정한 자유주의적 문화를 가져본 적은 없다고 단언한다. 정부의 선진적인 방역정책에 협조하되, 코로나 이후 되찾을 자유, 쟁취할 자유를 끝없이 갈망하자. . ... Corona is a test of each country's crisis management capabilities. The report card is obvious. The West failed and the East defended well. The United States is last and Korea is an honor student. What happened? ... But isn't the West the origin of democracy? What is the cause of their defeat? It is liberalism. There are also contradictions in the neoliberal economic system, but the influence of liberal political culture is greater than that. I've been looking into British Prime Minister Boris Johnson since he mentioned collective immunity. ... Trump is more. sarcastically speaking of the containment policies implemented by Democratic governors, he told supporters, "Liberate Michigan! Liberate Minnesota! Liberate Virginia!" agitated ... Even during the Great Depression a hundred years ago, it was a crisis caused by liberalism. ... Let's keep in mind the contradictions between democracy and liberalism. The former is for the state to listen to the people, and the latter is for the people to not listen to the state. The two are distinctly different and collide. Liberal democracy is the process of balancing the two. ... The Republic of Korea is now a model country for democracy in name and reality. But I affirm that we have never had a true liberal culture. Let's cooperate with the government's advanced quarantine policies, but endlessly crave the freedom (liberal) to regain after COVID-19 and the freedom (liberal) to win. ... . ko . . 25 April 2020 . 30 October 2021.
  9. News: 신자유주의, 구한말 개화파의 재림 . . 4 March 2010 . 17 September 2021.
  10. Lee. Hyunchool. 2018. Silver Generation's Counter-Movement in the Information Age: Korea's Pro-Park Rallies. Korea Observer. ko-KR. 49. 3. 465–491. 10.29152/KOIKS.2018.49.3.465. 159208168. 0023-3919.
  11. News: 이재명 "나 안 찍겠다고 민주 진영 탈퇴할 사람 얼마나 있겠나" . . 10 September 2020 . 17 September 2021.
  12. News: 중도적 자유주의자가 우파 품으로… 금태섭 '소신' 무엇인가 . As a centrist liberal (moderate liberal), he went to the right-wing (conservative) camp... What is "Conviction" that Keum Tae-Sup is talking about? . ko . 미디어오늘 . 1 April 2021 . 10 January 2022.
  13. News: "오바마, 질서 강조하는 진보주의에 기반해 견고"<타임> . "Obama, progressivism that emphasizes order, it's solid." <Time> . 버락 오바마 미국 대통령 당선자의 탄생을 낳은 정치적 연합은 과거 한 시대를 풍미했던 루즈벨트나 레이건 대통령을 탄생시킨 정치적 연합보다 더 견고하며 그 이유는 오바마의 지지기반이 진보주의(liberalism)로 무장돼 있기 때문이라는 주장이 제기됐다. . ko . Yonhap News Agency. 16 November 2008 . 28 September 2021.
  14. News: 교수들이 대개 진보적이라고? 그런 사람이 교수가 되기 때문! . Professors are usually progressive? Because that kind of person becomes a professor! . 미국에서 대학교수들은 대부분 진보적인(liberal) 성향을 보이는 것이 사실이다. . In fact, most university professors in the United States tend to be progressive (liberal). . ko . . 20 January 2010 . 31 October 2021.
  15. News: 더 나은 진보를 향해 나아가자: 미국의 진보주의자 마크 릴라 지음 '더 나은 진보를 상상하라' . Let's move toward better progressivism: American progressive Mark Lilla wrote, "Imagine better progressive." . ko. OhmyNews. 15 October 2019 . 28 September 2021.
  16. News: 소련을 붕괴시키고 미국 보수의 역사가 되다, 레이건 대통령 일대기 I 미국사, 냉전, 소련 해체, 신자유주의, 공산주의 (Timestamp 4:10) . 27 August 2021 . YouTube.
  17. News: 옳은소리 하고도 공화당 주류에게 몰매 맞은 트럼프 . Trump was beaten up by the mainstream Republicans even though he said something right. . 13일 저녁 사우스캐롤라이나에서 열린 TV 토론회에서 트럼프가 했던 ‘조지 W 부시의 이라크 침공 실패’ 발언은 공화당 주류 정치인들의 격분을 자아냈다. ... 테드 크루즈 상원의원(텍사스)은 트럼프가 보수주의자인 체 하지만 원래는 매우 진보적인(liberal) 생각을 가진 사람이라며 공격했다. ... . ... Trump's remarks on "George W. Bush's failure to invade Iraq" at a TV debate in South Carolina on the evening of the 13th aroused outrage among mainstream Republican politicians. ... Senator Ted Cruz (Texas) attacked Trump, saying he pretended to be a conservative but originally had a very progressive (liberal) idea. ... . ko . . 15 February 2016 . 31 October 2021.
  18. News: 트럼프 "진보적 할리우드는 최고 수준 인종차별주의자" . Trump said, "Progressive Hollywood is the best racist". . 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령은 9일(현지시간) "진보적(liberal) 할리우드는 엄청난 분노와 증오에 찬 최고 수준의 인종차별주의자"라며 미 영화계 일각을 향해 비난을 쏟아냈다. . ko . . 10 August 2019 . 28 October 2021.
  19. News: 바이든 내각 거센 女風… 라이스·플러노이 '외교안보 양대 축' 예고 . There is a strong female wind blowing in Biden's cabinet... Rice · Flournoy heralded a "two pillars of diplomatic security." . 적극적 대외 개입정책을 지지하는 이른바 '진보적 매파(liberal hawks)'인 그가 국무장관으로 발탁될 경우 대북 정책에 지대한 영향을 미칠 것으로 보인다. . If he is selected as the Secretary of State, the so-called "progressive hawks" (liberal hawks) who support active foreign intervention policies, it is expected to have a profound impact on North Korea's policy. . ko . . 8 November 2020 . 30 October 2021.
  20. Book: American Presidential Elections in a Comparative Perspective: The World Is Watching. Jesús Velasco. 154. Rowman & Littlefield. 4 July 2019. 978-1498557580.
  21. News: Will Constitution be revised to allow young president? . Kang Min-jin, 26, the leader of the youth chapter of the liberal minor Justice Party, was the first politician to ignite the debate at the 21st National Assembly. . The Korea Herald. 6 June 2021 . 28 September 2021.
  22. News: Political circle in fierce competition to court young voters . Rep. Jang Hye-young, a 34-year-old lawmaker of the minor liberal opposition Justice Party, which has long been promoting the rights of social minorities and the marginalized including women, said that Lee often distorted feminism when making such outspoken comments on gender-related issues and he needs to be more careful when commenting on feminism as he now has greater responsibility as the party leader. . The Korea Times. 18 June 2021 . 11 November 2021.
  23. News: "트럼프 유세파워 무시 못해" vs "무당파 줄어 바이든 안정적" . "Trump's campaign power cannot be ignored" vs "Biden is more stable as the number of no-parties has decreased." . ... 이때 진보 성향 제3의 후보인 자유당의 게리 존슨, 녹색당의 질 스타인 후보가 얻은 표를 합치면 위스콘신 13만8000표, 펜실베이니아 19만6000표였다. .... . 31 October 2020 . 10 October 2021.
  24. News: 캐나다 조기 총선, 트뤼도 3선 성공…과반 의석 확보는 실패한 듯 . Canada's early general election, Trudeau won a 3rd term... Securing a majority of seats seems to have failed. . 20일(현지시간) 캐나다 조기 총선에서 쥐스탱 트뤼도 총리가 3선에 성공할 것으로 예측됐다. 여당 ‘자유당’도 승리가 예상되지만 목표했던 과반 의석 확보는 실패한 것으로 보인다. . . 21 September 2021 . 10 October 2021.
  25. News: 괴짜 '컴퓨터백신 선구자' 존 맥아피 사망 . John McAffy, a nerd and "computer vaccine pioneer," died. . 1945년 영국 글로스터셔에서 태어난 맥아피는 1987년 컴퓨터 바이러스 백신 회사 ‘맥아피 어소시에이츠’를 창업했다. 그는 1990년대 초 자신의 회사 지분을 매각한 이후 기행에 가까운 생활로 주목과 논란의 인물이 됐다. 2016년 미 자유당 대선 후보 토론에 참여하는 등 대통령 선거에 두번 출마했으며, ... . . 24 June 2021 . 10 October 2021.
  26. News: 네덜란드 반(反)이슬람 정치인, '무함마드 만화대회' 재추진 . Dutch anti-Islamic politician re-promoted the Muhammad Comic Competition. . ... 네덜란드의 극우 정치인 헤이르트 빌더르스 자유당(PVV) 대표는 전날 트위터에 "언론의 자유는 폭력과 이슬람 파트와(이슬람 율법 해석·종교지도자의 칙령)보다 우선"이라며 .... . 19 December 2019 . 28 October 2021.
  27. Web site: 2024-02-13 . Why Korean conservatives are more open to immigration than liberals . 2024-06-16 . . en.
  28. Web site: The Foreign Policy Outlook of South Korean Progressives: Part II . 22 February 2022 .
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  33. News: South Korea After Park . ... At the same time, however, he belongs to the Catholic Church and holds some socially conservative views. When asked during a debate about the military’s persecution of gay soldiers, Moon responded that he opposed homosexuality in general. . . 2021-02-13 . 2017-05-18.
  34. Web site: 2024-02-13 . Why Korean conservatives are more open to immigration than liberals . 2024-02-16 . . en.
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  36. News: How Biden Can Navigate a New Era in South Korean Politics . historically, South Korean progressives and Japanese conservatives mix like oil and water. Condemning cooperation with Japan has long been the linchpin of South Korea’s progressive agenda from both a human rights and decolonization perspective. . . 15 January 2021 . 17 June 2023.
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  43. News: 한국 보수가 사랑한 '자유'···그들이 외친 '자유'는 따로 있었다 :자유주의란 무엇인가? . Korean conservatives loved "Liberty" but... But there was a separate "Liberty" they shouted. :What is liberalism?. ko. Joongang Ilbo. 19 April 2020 . 19 September 2021.
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  49. News: 농지개혁 주도한 조봉암은 左右 통합 추진한 실용주의자 . Cho Bong-am, who led the farmland reform, was a pragmatist who pursued the integration of the left and right. . . 25 April 2019 . 15 December 2021.
  50. News: UPP's biggest faction denies rigging . The internal strife in the liberal Unified Progressive Party continued with the leader of the party’s largest faction demanding a vote on whether the candidates elected in a rigged primary should step down. . . 2 May 2020 . 2 January 2022.
  51. News: How Minecraft became R-rated game in S. Korea . Rep. Her Euna from the main opposition People Power Party and Rep. Ryu Ho-jeong of the liberal minor Justice Party are scheduled to propose a revision together this month. . The Korea Herald. 4 July 2021 . 1 December 2021.
  52. News: This South Korean Pastor 'Blessed' a Queer Festival. He's Now Being Investigated. . The minor liberal Justice Party is now on its seventh attempt to pass the bill in the National Assembly. Previous attempts failed as conservative Christian groups have been lobbying against it since 2007. Lee believes that the bill’s passing is long overdue. . . 2 October 2020 . 9 November 2021.
  53. Web site: 자유기업원 창립 25주년 기념식 "자유주의와 시장경제를 알린 25년" .
  54. News: 보수적 자유주의자 이상돈의 엑스파일 . Conservative liberal, Lee Sang-don's X-file. . ko . . 19 June 2021 . 19 October 2021.
  55. News: [박찬수 칼럼] '자유'와 민주주의, 리버럴 |trans-title=[Park Chansoo's column] "Liberal" and democracy, liberalism. |quote=... ‘자유’라는 말만큼 요즘 그 의미가 새롭게 다가오는 단어도 드물다. 주말마다 광화문에서 열리는 태극기집회에 가면 ‘자유민주주의 수호’란 구호를 귀가 따갑도록 들을 수 있다. 그분들이 말하는 자유는 자유한국당의 ‘자유’와 일맥상통하지만, 1960년 4·19 직후 김수영 시인이 쓴 시의 한 구절 “어째서 자유에는 피의 냄새가 섞여 있는가를”에 나오는 ‘자유’와는 사뭇 다르다 ... 십수년 전 워싱턴특파원 시절, 가장 곤혹스러운 영어단어 중 하나가 ‘리버럴’(liberal)이었다. 미국에선 ‘리버럴’ 하면 보통 민주당 지지자나 진보주의자를 뜻하는데 ... |trans-quote=... Few words have a new meaning these days as much as the word "liberal". If you go to the Taegukgi rallies held at Gwanghwamun every weekend, you can hear the slogan "Guardian of Liberal Democracy." The liberal they say is in line with the Liberty Korea Party's "liberal", but it is clearly different from "liberal" in a verse from a poem written by poet Kim Soo-young shortly after April 19, 1960. ... When I was a Washington correspondent decades ago, one of the most embarrassing English words was "liberal". In the United States, "liberal" usually means a Democratic supporter or progressive, but if it is incorporated into a sentence ... |language=ko |work=The Hankyoreh |date=3 July 2018 |access-date=30 October 2021}}[17] [18] [19] The Justice Party officially supports social democracy, but since it is a party that inherited the political stake of the Uri Party, it is regarded as part of the South Korean progressive political party tradition and at the same time as part of the liberal political party tradition.[20] [21] [22]

    In South Korea, the terms "liberal," "liberty," "libertarian," and "freedom" all tend to be translated into Jayu . For example, in South Korea, both Canada's "Liberal Party", Netherlands' "Party for Freedom" and the United States' "Libertarian Party" are read as Jayudang in Korean. Also, right-wing socially conservative media in South Korea regard the American tradition of right-libertarianism as progressive because it is culturally liberal.[23] [24] [25] [26]

    The main diplomatic point that defines liberalism in South Korea is "independence" (독립). Modern South Korean liberals tend to be more negative on immigration than the conservatives.[27] South Korean liberals have a more nationalistic nature based on anti-imperialism in matters related to neighboring powers such as Japan. The anti-China Gaehwa Party / Independence Club at the end of the 19th century, and the anti-Japan Korean independence movement during the Japanese colonial era, formed Korea's early liberalism. On the other hand, Korea's conservative elites cooperated with neighboring powers such as Qing China and Japan for practical reasons. In modern South Korean politics, where socialism and anti-Americanism were thoroughly suppressed by conservatives with the support of the United States, liberals resent domestic interference by foreign powers. Thus, while they maintain cordial relations with the United States, they also seek to exercise strategic autonomy in its foreign policy. [28]

    South Korean liberals have a contradictory standard on international human rights violations. South Korean liberals are less critical of North Korea than conservatives and oppose the 'North Korean Human Rights Law' (북한인권법).[29] However, South Korean liberals are more strongly opposed than conservatives to human rights violations in other authoritarian states (e.g., China, Myanmar, etc.) with the exception of North Korea. In 2021, Moon Jae-in government opposed Myanmar's military dictatorship and supported strong sanctions against Myanmar's military, but deliberately ignored North Korea's human rights violations. (This is related to the resistance-nationalist sentiment of South Korean liberals.)[30] [31] In 2022, the liberal Kyunghyang Shinmun newspaper criticized President Yoon Suk-yeol for ignoring the human rights issue of Xinjiang, considering only its economic interests with China.[32]

    South Korean major liberals mainly criticize mainstream conservatives, clear their heritage during military dictatorship, insist on political reform, supports the foreign policy of reconciliation with North Korea. They are distinguished from progressives and cultural liberals. Therefore, South Korea liberals tend to be socially conservative in LGBT rights, Disability rights, abortion and minority rights issues. (The socially conservative tendency of South Korean liberals is not traditional conservatism based on Confucianism, but is more influenced by Christianity, which is part of Western culture.)[33] They also tend to distance themselves from the (Including social democracy) "socialism" or fundamental "left-wing". Modern South Korean liberals tend to be more negative on immigration than the conservatives. [34]

    South Korean liberals have represented Korean victims of Japanese war crimes since the 1990s. They oppose any agreement with Japan until the terms satisfied the victims families demands.[35] [36] Moon Jae-in said the human rights of victims are more important than relations between countries.[37]

    Domestically, they advocated the reform of the monopoly of the large industrial conglomerates known as chaebols. They also proposed the curtailing of investigative powers of the prosecutor's office, with such powers transferred to the police, as they viewed them as powerful political tools.[38]


    During the colonial period, Marxist historian Paek Nam-un evaluated Silhak as "pioneer of early modern period liberalism," while Ahn Jae-hong, a liberal nationalist, evaluated Silhak and Silhak scholar Jeong Yak-yong as "the origin of late modern period liberalism by presenting elimination of (feudal) class and support for equality". Silhak criticized the existing Confucian conservatism and Sadaejuui, aiming for political reform and pragmatism, and also argued for the superiority of Western science and technology. Some Silhak scholar also believed in Christianity.[39]

    Korea's first classical liberal and Enlightenmentists party was the Gaehwa Party, which appeared in 1874. They aimed for radical political and social reform, cut off unequal relations with the powerful Qing Dynasty and tried to create a completely independent Joseon Dynasty, and led by Seo Jae-pil in 1896 was a practical successor to the Gaehwa Party. Influenced by Japanese liberalism, they showed pro-Japanese tendencies, but at the same time insisted on independent and independent Korea. In the 1900s, classical liberals and Enlightenmentists in Korea were largely divided into two groups. Some became Chinilpa who cooperated with Japan, and others who devoted themselves to the Korean independence movement.[40]

    During the colonial era, Korean liberalism is closely related to the Korean independence movement. South Korean historians say that the March 1st Movement, which took place in 1919, affected democracy and liberalism in South Korea as a movement involving many Koreans regardless of gender, religion, or occupation.[41] The Republic of Korean Provisional Government, established thanks to the value of the March 1st Movement, has established a modern national system in name and reality by introducing the separation of powers of government, parliament, and judiciary based on freedom and equality, and common elections including women. (However, since it was located in Shanghai, China, it was more of a Korean independence movement organization than a korean government.)[42]

    After the end of Japanese colonial rule, with the inauguration of the Republic of Korea government, the word "liberal" has been used in South Korea for a while in a similar sense to anti-communism and anti-socialism. That is why not only ideological liberals but also hard-line conservatives and far-right anti-communists called themselves "liberal." A case in point was the "Liberal Party", a South Korean far-right national-conservative party influenced by Shōwa Statism, German and Italian fascism.[43] In particular, Syngman Rhee, the first president of the Liberal Party, committed authoritarian rule and election fraud based on Ilminism, an anti-liberal individual worship ideology from 1948 to 1960, and liberals and students who opposed it caused April Revolution. This was the first successful liberal revolution in South Korea.[44]

    Due to the April Revolution (1960), Syngman Rhee stepped down from his presidency, the first liberal democratic government in South Korea was established, and the presidential system was converted to a parliamentary cabinet system. However, South Korean liberal democracy collapses in less than a year in a 1961 military coup caused by Major Park Chung Hee. Since then, South Korea has suffered from more than 20 years of military dictatorship. Until South Korea was fully democratized in 1988, there have been several democratization movements, including Bu-Ma Democratic Protests and Gwangju Uprising.

    South Korea was democratized in 1987, but it was in 1998 that liberals changed their regime. Since the Kim Dae-jung administration in 1998, South Korean liberals are actively supporting the Sunshine Policy, to promote peace and reconciliation through economic aid and co-operation, or “South-North economic co-operation” (남북경협).[45]

    Liberal parties

    The political party that once were ruling party are in bold.

    Before 1945

    Minjudangkye tradition

    In South Korea, South Korean's unique liberal and korean nationalist parties are often referred to as Minjudangkye parties . In South Korea, usually "liberal" political parties mean "Minjudangkye" parties.[46] [47] [48]

    Mainstream parties

    Minor parties


    In South Korea, these political parties are not often referred to as general "liberal" in Korean language, but in an international context, they are clearly referred to as "liberal" political parties.

    Liberal media in South Korea

    Liberal organizations

    In South Korea, 'political liberalism' and 'non-political liberalism' are distinguished. Therefore, the groups listed below may not be directly related to a particular political party or political power.

    Civil rights organizations

    Labour organizations

    Nationalist (liberal-nationalist) organizations

    Libertarian organizations

    South Korean libertarians define themselves as Jayujuuija (자유주의자). But South Korean center-left liberals also define themselves as Jayujuuija, so it is important in what context the South Korean political term is used


    Liberal presidents in South Korea

    Major liberal parties election results of South Korea

    Presidential elections

    ElectionCandidateTotal votesShare of votesOutcomeParty Name
    1952Yi Si-yeong764,71510.9%Defeated Democratic National Party
    1956Shin Ik-hee00.0%died before electionDemocratic Party (1955)
    March 1960Chough Pyung-ok0 0.0%died before electionDemocratic Party (1955)
    August 1960Yun Bo-seon208 82.2%Elected Democratic Party (1955)
    1963Yun Bo-seon4,546,61445.1%Defeated Civil Rule Party
    1967Yun Bo-seon4,526,54140.9%Defeated New Democratic Party
    1971Kim Dae-jung5,395,90045.3%Defeated New Democratic Party
    1981Yu Chi-song1,778,007
    Defeated Democratic Korea Party
    1987Kim Dae-jung6,113,37527.0%Defeated Peace Democratic Party
    Kim Young-sam6,337,58128.0%Defeated Reunification Democratic Party
    1992Kim Dae-jung8,041,28433.8%Defeated Democratic Party (1991)
    1997Kim Dae-jung10,326,27540.3%Elected National Congress for New Politics
    2002Roh Moo-hyun12,014,27748.9%Elected Millennium Democratic Party
    2007Chung Dong-young6,174,68126.1%Defeated United New Democratic Party
    2012Moon Jae-in14,692,63248.0%Defeated Democratic United Party
    2017Moon Jae-in13,423,80041.1%Elected Democratic Party of Korea
    2022Lee Jae-myung16,147,73847.8%Defeated Democratic Party of Korea

    Legislative elections

    ElectionTotal seats wonTotal votesShare of votesOutcome of electionStatusElection leaderParty Name
    1948916,32213.5% 29 seats; Minorityin oppositionKim Seong-suKorea Democratic Party
    1950683,9109.8% 24 seats; Minorityin oppositionShin Ik-heeDemocratic National Party
    1954593,4997.9%9 seats; Minorityin oppositionShin Ik-heeDemocratic National Party
    19582,914,04934.0% 79 seats; Minorityin oppositionChough Pyung-okDemocratic Party (1955)
    19603,786,40141.7%96 seats; Majorityin governmentChough Pyung-okDemocratic Party (1955)
    19631,870,97620.1% 41 seats; Minorityin oppositionYun Bo-seonCivil Rule Party
    1,264,28513.6% 14 seats; Minorityin oppositionPark Soon-cheonDemocratic Party (1963)
    822,0008.8% 2 seats; Minorityin oppositionHo ChongPeople's Party
    19673,554,22432.7% 45 seats; Minorityin oppositionYu Jin-oNew Democratic Party
    323,2033.0%13 seats; extra-parliamentaryin oppositionDemocratic Party (1963)
    19714,969,05044.4%44 seats; Minorityin oppositionKim Hong-ilNew Democratic Party
    454,2574.1% 1 seats; Minorityin oppositionYun Po-sunNational Party
    19733,577,30032.5%37 seats; Minorityin oppositionYu Chin-sanNew Democratic Party
    3,577,30010.4% seats; Minorityin oppositionYang Il-dongDemocratic Unification Party
    19784,861,20432.8%9 seats; Minorityin oppositionYi Cheol-seungNew Democratic Party
    1,095,0577.4%1 seats; Minorityin oppositionYang Il-dongDemocratic Unification Party
    19813,495,82921.6% 81 seats; Minorityin oppositionYu Chi-song Democratic Korea Party
    1,088,8476.7% 2 seats; Minorityin oppositionCivil Rights Party
    19855,843,82729.3% 67 seats; Minorityin oppositionLee Min-wooNew Korean Democratic Party
    3,930,96619.7%46 seats; Minorityin oppositionYu Chi-song Democratic Korea Party
    3,930,96619.7% 1 seats; Minorityin oppositionGap-jong YuNew Democratic Party
    112,6540.6%2 seats; extra-parliamentaryin oppositionCivil Rights Party
    19884,680,17523.8% 59 seats; in Coalition in oppositionKim Myeong-yun Reunification Democratic Party
    3,783,27919.3% 70 seats; in Coalition in oppositionPark Yeong-suk Peace Democratic Party
    0.4%extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers
    19926,004,57729.2% 97 seats; Minorityin oppositionKim Dae-jungDemocratic Party (1991)
    19964,971,96125.3% 79 seats; in Coalition in opposition (1996-1998)Kim Dae-jungNational Congress for New Politics
    in government (1998-2000)
    2,207,69511.2% 15 seats; Minorityin oppositionChang Eul-byung United Democratic Party
    20006,780,62535.9% 115 seats; in Coalition in governmentKim Dae-jungMillennium Democratic Party
    20048,145,82438.3% 152 seats; Majorityin governmentChung Dong-youngUri Party
    1,510,1787.1%53 seats; Minorityin governmentChoug Soon-hyungMillennium Democratic Party
    20084,313,11125.1% 81 seats; Minorityin oppositionSon Hak-gyuUnited Democratic Party
    651,9933.8% 3 seats; Minorityin oppositionMoon Kook-hyunCreative Korea Party
    20127,777,12336.5% 127 seats; Minorityin oppositionHan Myeong-sookDemocratic United Party
    91,935 0.4% 3 seats; extra-parliamentaryin oppositionMoon Kook-hyunCreative Korea Party
    48,6480.2% 0 seats; extra-parliamentaryin oppositionHan Kwang-okReal Democratic Party
    20166,069,74425.5% 123 seats; Pluralityin opposition (2016-2017)Kim Chong-inDemocratic Party
    in government (2017-2020)
    6,355,57226.7% 38 seats; Minorityin oppositionAhn Cheol-sooPeople's Party
    1,719,891 (Party-list PR)7.23% (Party-list PR) 6 seats; Minorityin oppositionSim Sang-jungJustice Party
    209,872 (Party-list PR)0.88% (Party-list PR)extra-parliamentaryin oppositionShin Ki-namDemocratic Party
    202014,345,425 (Constituency)
    9,307,112 (Party-list PR)
    49.9% (Constituency)
    33.4% (Party-list PR)
    52 seats; Majorityin governmentLee Hae-chanDemocratic Party (Constituency)
    Platform Party (Party-list PR)
    2,697,956 (Party-list PR)9.7% (Party-list PR) 6 seats; Minorityin oppositionSim Sang-jungJustice Party
    1,896,719 (Party-list PR)6.8% (Party-list PR) 3 seats; Minorityin oppositionAhn Cheol-sooPeople Party
    1,512,763 (Party-list PR)5.4% (Party-list PR) 3 seats; Minorityin oppositionLee Keun-shikOpen Democratic Party
    1.45% (Constituency)
    2.98% (Party-list PR)
    extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers
    202414,758,083 (Constituency)
    7,567,459 (Party-list PR)
    51.2% (Constituency)
    26.7% (Party-list PR)
    5 seats; Majorityin oppositionLee Jae-myungDemocratic Party (Constituency)
    Democratic Alliance (Party-list PR)
    6,874,278 (Party-list PR)24.3% (Party-list PR) 12 seats; Minorityin oppositionCho KukRebuilding Korea Party
    609,313 (Party-list PR)2.1% (Party-list PR) 6 seats; extra-parliamentaryin oppositionSim Sang-jungGreenJustice Party
    483,827 (Party-list PR)1.7% (Party-list PR) 1 seats; Minorityin oppositionLee Nak-yonNew Future Party
    0.07% (Constituency)
    0.46% (Party-list PR)
    extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers

    Local elections

    ElectionProvincial legislatureMunicipal mayorMunicipal legislatureParty Name
    1995Democratic Party (1991)
    1998National Congress for New Politics
    New People Party
    2002Millennium Democratic Party
    2006Uri Party
    Democratic Party (2005)
    2010Democratic Party (2008)
    2014New Politics Alliance for Democracy
    2018Democratic Party of Korea
    2022Democratic Party of Korea

    See also

