Lenny and the Squigtones is a fictional musical group headed in character by Michael McKean and David Lander, the two actors who played Lenny and Squiggy on the U.S. television series Laverne & Shirley, which is set primarily in the 1950s. The group's album, Lenny & Squiggy Present Lenny and the Squigtones, was released on the Casablanca label in 1979. Recorded live at the Roxy Theatre in West Hollywood, they perform parodies of 1950s rock ballads ("Night After Night", "Creature Without a Head"). In between, there a tracks of schtick and banter ("So's Your Old Testament", "Babyland").
The album is now a collector’s item partly because of guitar work by Christopher Guest, who performed under the name "Nigel Tufnel", which he also used in the satirical rock band Spinal Tap, alongside McKean (as "David St. Hubbins"). A band photo on the album's inside cover names two other band members: "Lars Svenki" (keyboard player Murphy Dunne of the Blues Brothers), and "Ming the Merciless" (drummer Don Poncher[1]).
All tracks (except where noted) are credited to Michael McKean and David L. Lander.
2. YouTube video of the band playing on American Bandstand in 1979. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS5qlEcttEw