Land loss explained

Land loss is the term typically used to refer to the conversion of coastal land to open water by natural processes and human activities. The term land loss includes coastal erosion. It is a much broader term than coastal erosion because land loss also includes land converted to open water around the edges of estuaries and interior bays and lakes and by subsidence of coastal plain wetlands. The most important causes of land loss in coastal plains are erosion, inadequate sediment supply to beaches and wetlands, subsidence, and global sea level rise. The mixture of processes responsible for most of the land loss will vary according to the specific part of a coastal plain being examined.[1] [2] The definition of land loss does not include the loss of coastal lands to agricultural use, urbanization, or other development.[3]

Wetland loss

Although seemingly related, wetland loss, is defined differently than land loss. Commonly, wetland loss is defined as the conversion of vegetated wetlands into either uplands or drained areas, unvegetated wetlands (e.g., mudflats), or (submerged habitats (open water). According to this, and similar definitions, wetland loss includes both land loss and land consumption as components of it. In historic times, both wetland and land loss typically are the result of a varying, often controversial mixture of natural and anthropogenic factors.[4] [5] There are other definitions of wetland loss commonly used. For example, some researchers defined wetland loss as "the substantial removal of wetland from its ecologic role under natural conditions."[6]

See also: No net loss policy in the United States and No net loss environmental policy.

Land loss mechanisms

The main causes of land loss are coastal erosion, inadequate sediment supply, subsidence, and sea level rise. Coastal erosion occurs when the rate of sediment deposition is slower than the rate of sediment removal by coastal currents.[7] The most important cause of decreased rates of sediment deposition is the construction of dams and reservoirs although sediment control and conservation programs can also play a role.[8] Once a dam is constructed, sediment that previously traveled freely in the river is trapped in the reservoir. Decreased sediment loads downstream of the dam prevent sediment from replenishing the delta.[9] Subsidence is the compaction of soil resulting in a lower elevation. Subsidence can occur when oil, gas, or groundwater are extracted. These substances hold the land up until they are removed. Compaction due to heavy urban infrastructure also occurs.[10] Sea level rise due to climate change is another threat to coastal land.[11]

Land loss and deltas

Because of a highly variable combination of sea level rise, sediment starvation, coastal erosion, wetland deterioration, subsidence, and various human activities, land loss within delta plains is a significant global problem.[1] The large delta plains of the world, including the Danube, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Indus, Mahanadi, Mangoky, McKenzie, Mississippi, Niger, Nile, Shatt el Arab, Volga, Yellow, Yukon, and Zambezi deltas, have all suffered significant land loss as the result of either coastal erosion, internal conversion of wetlands to open water, or a combination of both. For the 15 deltas studied by Coleman and others,[12] these deltas experienced a total irreversible land loss of 5104km2 of wetlands between the early 1980s and 2002. During this period, the total average land loss for all these deltas was about 41km2 per year. In the case of the Mississippi River Delta, they found that in 12 years, some 253km2 of wetlands had been converted to new open water at a rate of 21km2 per year.[12] The factors contributing to land loss in the deltas below do not include the direct conversion of delta wetlands into agricultural or urban land, although this is happening concurrently in many of them.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Morton, R.A., 2003. An overview of coastal land loss: with emphasis on the Southeastern United States. Open-File report 03-337. US Geological Survey, Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies, St. Petersburg, Florida. 28 pp.
  2. Britsch, L.D. and Kemp III, E.B., 1990. Land loss rates: Mississippi River deltaic plain. Technical Report no. WES/TR/GL-90-2. Geotechnical Lab, Army Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
  3. Barras, J.A., P.E. Bourgeois, and L.R. Handley. 1994. Land loss in coastal Louisiana 1956-90. National Biological Survey, National Wetlands Research Center Open File Report 94-01. 4 pp.
  4. Boesch, D.F., Josselyn, M.N., Mehta, A.J., Morris, J.T., Nuttle, W.K., Simenstad, C.A. and Swift, D.J., 1994. Scientific assessment of coastal wetland loss, restoration and management in Louisiana. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 20, pp.1-103.
  5. Chan, A.W. and Zoback, M.D., 2007. The role of hydrocarbon production on land subsidence and fault reactivation in the Louisiana coastal zone. Journal of Coastal Research, 23(3) pp.771-786.
  6. Craig, N.J., Turner, R.E. and Day, J.W., 1979. Land loss in coastal Louisiana (USA). Environmental Management, 3(2), pp.133-144.
  7. McManus, John., 2002. "Deltaic responses to changes in river regimes." "Marine Chemistry", 79(3-4) pp. 155-170.
  8. Walling, D.E. and Fang, D., 2003. "Recent trends in the suspended sediment loads of the world's rivers." "Global and Planetary Change", 39(1-2), pp. 111-126.
  9. Kondolf, G. Mathias, et al., 2014. "Sustainable sediment management in reservoirs and regulated rivers: Experiences from five continents." "Earth's Future", 2(5), pp. 256-280.
  10. Schmidt, Charles W., 2015. "Delta Subsidence: An Imminent Threat to Coastal Populations." "Environmental Health Perspectives", 123(8), pp. 204-209.
  11. Ericson, Jason P. et al., 2006. "Effective sea-level rise and deltas: Causes of change and human dimension implications." "Global and Planetary Change", 50, pp. 63-82.
  12. Coleman, J.M., Huh, O.K. and Braud Jr, D., 2008. Wetland loss in world deltas. Journal of Coastal Research, 24(sp1), pp. 1-14.
  13. Panin, Nicolae and Jipa, Dan C., 2002. "Danube River Sediment Input and its Interaction with the North-western Black Sea." "Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science", 54(3), pp. 551-562.
  14. Rahman, M.M. et al., 2020. "Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, Bangladesh and India: A Transnational Mega-Delta." "Deltas in the Anthropocene", pp. 23-51.
  15. Memon, Altaf A., 2005. "Devastation of the Indus River Delta." "World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2005".
  16. Hazra, Sugata et al., 2020. "The Mahanadi Delta: A Rapidly Developing Delta in India." "Deltas in the Anthropocene", pp. 53-77.
  17. Mukhopadhyay, Anirban et al., 2018. "Threats to coastal communities of Mahanadi delta due to imminent consequences of erosion – Present and near future." "Science of the Total Environment", 6337-638, pp. 717-729.
  18. Rakotomavo, Andriamparany and Fromard, François., 2010. "Dynamics of mangrove forests in the Mangoky River delta, Madagascar, under the influence of natural and human factors." "Forest Ecology and Management", 259(6), pp. 1161-1169.
  19. Liu, Lin, Zhang, Tingjun and Wahr, John., 2010. "InSAR measurements of surface deformation over permafrost on the North Slope of Alaska." "Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface", 115(F3).
  20. Uluocha, N.O. and Okeke, I.C., 2004. "Implications of wetlands degradation for water resources management: Lessons from Nigeria." "GeoJournal", 61, pp. 151-154.
  21. Stanley, Daniel Jean., 1996. "Nile delta: extreme case of sediment entrapment on a delta plain and consequent coastal land loss." "Marine Geology", 129(3-4), pp.189-195.
  22. Al-Aesawi, Qassim, Al-Nasrawi, Ali K. M. and Jones, Brian G., 2020. "Short-term Geoinformatics Evaluation in the Shatt Al-Arab Delta (Northwestern Arabian/Persian Gulf)." "Journal of Coastal Research", 36(3), pp. 498-505.
  23. Li, C. et al., 2009. "Development of the Volga Delta in Response to Caspian Sea-Level Fluctuation during Last 100 Years." "Journal of Coastal Research", 20, pp. 401-414.
  24. Gao, Peng et al., 2018. "Land degradation changes in the Yellow River Delta and its response to the streamflow‐sediment fluxes since 1976." "Land Degradation & Development", 29(9), pp. 3212-3220.
  25. Wang, Houjie and Bi, Naishuang., 2015. The sediment-starved Yellow River Delta as remotely controlled by human activities in the river basin." "American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015".
  26. Jorgenson, Torre and Ely, Craig., 2001. "Topography and Flooding of Coastal Ecosystems on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska: Implications for Sea-Level Rise." "Journal of Coastal Research", 17(1), pp. 124-136.
  27. Beilfuss, Richard, Dutton, Paul and Moore, Dorn., 2000. "Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Zambezi Delta." "Biodiversity of Zambezi Basin Wetlands", vol 3, ch 2, pp. 31-105.