Klaus Kubinger Explained

Klaus D. Kubinger (born May 25, 1949 in Vienna, Austria), is a psychologist as well as a statistician, professor for psychological assessment at the University of Vienna, Faculty of Psychology. His main research work focuses on fundamental research of assessment processes and on application and advancement of Item response theory models (Rasch model). He is also known as a textbook author of psychological assessment on the one hand and on statistics on the other hand.


Kubinger received 1973 the doctor's degree in psychology (PhD) in Vienna, Austria, and became assistant professor. In 1985 he achieved the postdoctoral lecture qualification of psychology. Since then he is head of the examination subject psychological assessment at the University of Vienna. In 1989 he was graduated as a MSc in statistics. In 1998 he was promoted to a full professor of psychological assessment. From this time on, he is head of the division of psychological assessment and applied psychomterics, which includes a Center of Testing and Consulting.

In 1997 he earned the qualification of a systemic psych-therapist.

Scientific Work

The beginning of Klaus Kubinger's carrier was characterized by applications of the Rasch model (Item response theory) on pertinent psychological tests .[1] Then he developed some non-parametric discriminant analysis [2] and an analysis of variance for a two-way layout for rank scaled data.[3] Later on the intelligence test-battery AID [4] and AID 2[5],[6] respectively, have been established, which is based on (branched-) adaptive testing. There have also been developed several objective personality tests sensu R.B. Cattell .[7] Nowadays his research work focuses on fundamental research of assessment processes (fakability of personality questionnaires,[8] guessing effects in multiple choice tests [9],[10] equivalency of computerized or in other cultures transposed tests)and on the advancement of Item response theory models[11] [12] [13] .[14]

Journal activities

Awards and honours


Books (selection)

Papers (since 2005, selection)

External links

Notes and References

  1. Kubinger, K.D., Formann, A.K. & Farkas M.G. (1991). Psychometric shortcomings of Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) in particular for computerized testing. European Review of Applied Psychology, 41, 295-300.
  2. Kubinger, K.D. (1983). Some elaborations towards a standard procedure of distribution-free discriminant analyses. Biometrical Journal, 25, 765-774.
  3. Kubinger, K.D. (1986). A note of non-parametric tests for the interaction in two-way layouts. Biometrical Journal, 28, 67-72.
  4. Kubinger, K.D. & Wurst, E. (1985). Adaptives Intelligenz Diagnostikum (AID 2) [Adaptive Intelligence Diagnosticum]. Weinheim: Beltz.
  5. Kubinger, K.D. (2009). Adaptives Intelligenz Diagnostikum – Version 2.2 (AID 2) samt AID-2 Türkisch [Adaptive Intelligence Diagnosticum, AID 2-Turkey included]. Göttingen: Beltz.
  6. Kubinger, K.D., Litzenberger, M. & Mrakotsky, C. (2006). Practised intelligence testing based on a modern conceptualization and its reference to the common intelligence theories. Learning and Individual Differences, 16, 175-193.
  7. Kubinger, K.D.(2009). The technique of objective personality-tests sensu R.B. Cattell nowadays: The Viennese pool of computerized tests aimed at experiment-based assessment of behavior. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 41, 1024-1036.
  8. Kubinger, K.D. (2002). On faking personality inventories. Psychologische Beiträge, 44, 10-16.
  9. Kubinger, K.D., Holocher-Ertl, S., Reif, M., Hohensinn, C. & Frebort, M. (2010). On minimizing guessing effects on multiple-choice items: Superiority of a two solutions and three distractors item format to a one solution and five distractors item format. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 18, 111-115.
  10. Kubinger, K.D. & Wolfsbauer, C. (2010). On the risk on certain psycho-technological response options in multiple-choice tests: does a particular personality handicap examinees? European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 26, 302-308.
  11. Kubinger, K.D. (2005). Psychological Test Calibration using the Rasch Model – Some Critical Suggestions on Traditional Approaches. International Journal of Testing, 5, 377-394.
  12. Kubinger, K.D. (2009). Applications of the Linear Logistic Test Model in Psychometric Research. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69, 232-244.
  13. Kubinger, K.D., Rasch, D. & Yanagida, T. (2009). On designing data-sampling for Rasch model calibrating an achievement test. Psychology Science Quarterly, 51, 370-384.
  14. Kubinger, K.D., Hohensinn, C., Holocher-Ertl, S. & Heuberger, N. (2011). Applying the LLTM for the determination of children’s cognitive age-acceleration function. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 53, 183-191
  15. http://typo3.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=123121/ Alfred-Binet-Award of the “German Society of Psychology”
  16. http://typo3.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=123120/ Award of the “European Association of Psychological Assessment”
  17. http://typo3.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=123119/ Lifework Award of the “German Society of Psychology”