Khohar is a village of District Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. The population of Khohar village is mostly Muslim. There are almost 30 mosques in Khohar of which Five are Jamia Mosques . Khohar is almost 17 kilometres (11 miles) south of the town of Sara i Alamgir. Upper Jhelum Canal flows to its east while the River Jhelum borders it to the west. Khohar is divided into various "Mohalla" and "Dhoke", e.g. Dhoke Baba Hafiz Jee, Dhoke Shamali, Dhoke Baba Hussain Shah, Mohllah Maki Masjid, Mohallah Malkana, Mohallah Hajiaetc. Khohar is divided into two main parts: Khohar Khurad and Khohar Kalan.
Khohar is an educational village. Khohar has many schools and colleges, some of them running under Government authorities and other are operated by the private sector. Government Higher Secondary School Khohar has produced many Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Public Servant and Army Officers.
Here is the list of main schools and colleges that are delivering education to students.
Details ; This institute was established in 1800s. Upgraded as higher secondary school in student strength is increasing rapidly.
Only 25% of total population is educated to 12th grade, a few go for bachelor's degree.
Only few personnel attained Commission in Pakistan Army.
Being the largest village in the District of Gujrat, Khohar has produced numerous notable personalities who have contributed towards the betterment of the region, its people and the country. Some of these notable personalities of Khohar[1] include Malik Hanif Awan, Malik Subedar Rab Nawaz, Malik Khurshid Sultan, Malik Dil Muhammad and Malik Asim, Owners of The In Time.
Another is the notable Lt Col.Liaqat Ali Malik (retd.) who is the first person of Khohar to have studied from within the village itself and attain a high rank in the Pakistan Army.